Christian Articles Archive


by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

Seeking Seeking, seeking after God.
Where are you, Lord?
Will I find you in this place? In this person?
Thirsting, bless my thirsty soul.
Hungering, bless one who is hungry for you.
Looking, wanting the will of God.
Seeking, longing for clarity about God's direction for me.
Resting, sitting quietly, waiting for God to reveal himself.
Knowing, confident that he is seeking me, too.
   Seeking me like a coin lost in the recesses of a house.
   Seeking me like a wandering sheep on the hillside.
   Seeking me like he would a lost son
      who is trying to find courage
      to take the first step on the long road home.
My father is seeking me.
And I know that if I seek him and he seeks me,
   we will meet and find each other,
   and sit down for a long talk.
And, at last, my soul's hunger will be satisfied.

June 17, 2001, at St. Francis in the Mountains Chapel, Fallen Leaf Lake, California

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