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Q15. Believing Demons

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Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian?

To me, a demon has an intellectual belief, they "know" God exists, but they shudder......which I think that means they fear because they do not believe the way a Christian believes, their faith and hopes are not hanging on Jesus Christ to save them. A practicing Christian has a belief to the point of dedication in Christ, to do His will and delights in doing so!

The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

To me, the belief of a non-practing Christian is just as James said, their faith is dead.

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Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian

A demon only has sufficient belief to believe in the devil's lies. Belief for a practicing Christian is a belief in God's laws and intent through his book. A Christian believes that God is able to perform his promises. It would be difficult for a non-practicing Christian to have a belief....perhaps he/she would agree with the testaments but there is no real relationship with God and Jesus.

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Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

The 'belief' of a demon is easy. They believe, and KNOW, that there is a God because they have seen Him. They are fallen angels. They have no doubts that He exists. A practicing christian believes because they have accepted Him into their life and He lives in them. The belief of a non-practicing christian is just words not a life thing.

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Both Christians and demons know the truth, one desires to do good (following Christ's example) and the other desires to do evil putting his will above God's. We will all be judged according to our actions and words as these reflect what's really in our hearts.

A non-practicing Christian is in danger of losing their salvation. As Jesus' parable explains, ...take away the one coin and give it to the man with ten coins..he that hath much will be given much, he that don't..what he does have will be taken away... (pardon the poor articulation).

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Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

The belief of a demon is purely hypothetical. To them it is of no consequence just as we beleive that the earth is round. It is not a personal belief. They know a greater power exists and so what they say!!

But to a practising believer, it is a very personal matter. Because of their belief, they know that they have eternal life and they are going to spend eternity with Jesus, in Heaven.

The belief of a non practising Christian is purely hereditory. Because their parents, etc were Christians, they too are Christians. It is namesake. Filling up of a blank space in a form. Choosing an option. To them Jesus is God and that's all there is to it.

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Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

Demons know that God exists, therefore they have "belief" in His existence. This does not help them, for they do not give their allegiance to Him! They obey satan, not God. :o

The belief of a practicing Christian involves not just believing that God exists, but that He has a reason for our lives and that He has commands that we are to obey. We show our love and obediance to His guidance by doing what He guides us to do! Because of this obedience--and the love we have in response to His GREAT love for us--our belief shows up as giving to, and loving others! :wub:

These deeds are not what saves us--on the contrary! Practicing Christians know that it is only the wonderful love of God that Jesus showed us by His paying our penalty on the cross--this saves us! But, because we are so overwhelmed by that undeserved love, we desire to serve others as a way of serving Him! :rolleyes:

A non-practicing believer believes in God, and knows what is required of a Christian, but he has no love. His belief is cold--unsubmitted to God--and as a result, this person cares nothing for the needs of those around him. As long as they can grab what they want out of life, that's all that matters. This type of person is quick to demand "why, God? Why me?" when life throws a curve to them! In truth, they think their "wisdom" superior even to God's! How much they miss of His love and final "well done!" :o

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Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

The difference between the demon and practicing Christian is love for God. The demon has self love whereas the Christian loves God and his neighbor. We love Him because He first loved us. The belief of a non-practicing Christian is intellectual knowledge or maybe immaturity. My own walk began with an intellectual curiosity followed by intense study and eventually love for God and my fellow man, however I believe God was always there pullling at my heart, prompting me to go further so I would have to say that the non-practicing Christian has much room to grow whereas the demon is doomed.

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The "belief" of the demons is far from being of "no consequence." They believe - but to their detriment. They know the truth and know that they have made an irrevocable decision. They believe, they know the truth - to their detriment.

The belief of a paracticing Christian is what gives us hope. We believe, we know the truth - to our salvation - and as James says - it shows in the way we live our lives.

The "belief" of a non practicing Christian ??? Per the text - he is dead - so he does not exist. A non-practicing Christian is a total oxymoron. There is no such thing. He is called "lost." Fortunately, through the grace of God - His decision is not yet irrevocable.

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Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

The belief of a demon is speculative and knowledge based. Their belief is intellectual, they know God exists and they have knowledge of His power over them. They know they are apart from Him, have no kinship to Him and they are bound to and serve Satan. They know that they are powerless over Him. Matthew 8:29, Mark 1:24, 3:11 and Luke 4:41 support these statements.

The belief of a practicing Christian goes beyond speculation, it includes demonstration. The Christian

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Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian?

When a demon believes, they do not step out in faith to affirm that there is a God. They do believe in God, but they put no relevance to that belief. A Christian will be relevant in their belief. They believe and they do.

The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

Doesn't seem to me that there is much of a difference in a non-practicing Christian and the beliefs of a demon.

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The Bible teaches that the demons believe and trembles in fear.

Before I ever accepted Jesus Christ as the redeemer of my soul, I too had the same belief as the demons. I was taught that God would someday destroy this wicked world. Being told that would make me trinble inside. The world (company I was keeping) I was in rejected God and wanted nothing to do with Him.

But now that the Blessed Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin and I accepted God's Only Begotten Son I no longer trimble with fear of meeting Him. My world is different now.

As I just stated above. All that are in this world system, professed Christian or a non Christian will have a fear of God because of their sin. Other words, they know there will be a judgment day.

It is sad that people walk around in fear. They can have the peace of God in their lives.

James tells to to be a "doer of the word." If we are hearers only, then maybe we should check out our standing with the Lord God.

A Christian has been delivered of the demon ('s) in their lives. Why act like one. Be a doer of the word and excerice your faith

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3a.) (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian?

3a.) I am drawn to Romans 8:6-9; because the Apostle Paul really defines it: "The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. Those controlled by the sinfull nature cannot please God." The demon is hostile (really strong word) to God. The believer is controlled by the Spirit.

3a.) (2:18-19) The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

3a.) The person is not allowing the Spirit to control them.

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1. The belief of demons is based on the fact that they do believe in God, they have evidence of Him and they choose not only not to follow him but to flagrantly disobey him.

2. The belief of a practicing Christian is that their belief involves every part of their lives. Their physical self and thei spiritual self. It involves words, beliefs and actions.

3. Here is where I have a problem. The belief of a nonpracticing Christian is a belief. Whether it is based on their childhood or their own discovery, they believe there is a God. However, I think they hold that belief at arms length away and don't incorporate it into the full of their lives for a number of reasons. Either bad church experience, wrong priorities, ignorance or other things. So lets not write off this group yet!!!

peace, love , blessings to all


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Q3. (2:18-19) What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

Demons know that there is a God and that there is a judgment to come. They made a disastrous choice and rebelled against God--but, they still know that God is!!

The belief of a practicing Christian is based on faith--faith in Christ and His redeeming blood. The practice their faith--their belief--by obeying Christ and His commandments: Love your neighbor as you do yourself--preach/teach the gospel--love one another.

The belief of a non-practicing Christian is head knowledge--an intellectual assent to the existence of God. Much as I have the intellectual knowledge that there is a Queen Elizabeth of England--but, I do not know her--have never met her!!

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The belief of a demon in God, I think, compares with the belief of an Al Queada (wrong spelling, I know) suicide bomber in America. It does him no good!

The belief of a practising Christian compares with the belief of a migrant who moves to Australia in search of a better life for himself and his family.

The belief of a non-practising Christian compares to a man lost on a desert Island who is too busy hunting for the meagre resources of food and water to look at the rescue ship waiting in the harbour.

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What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

DEMON: they know that Christ exists and don't care, will do what they think is best for them

PRACTICING CHRISTIAN: they believe in Christ all the way. and with that care for everyone as well. and will do what they can because of it.

NON-PRACTING CHRISTIAN: they call themselves Christians but don't truly believe in Christ. only when it's convient to them. comes to the same as the demon (SELFISHNESS)

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The difference between the belief of a demon and the belief of a practicing

christian is that the christian is in submission to the Lord God and the demons are in rebellion to the will of God. Demons clearly believe in God intellectually and

recognize Him when he appears in their presence. However, they have NO

relationship with God as they are forever FALLEN. We , however, have been

adopted into God's family with full privilege.

2. I question the term, "non-practicing christian"-there really shouldn't be

such a person. There are , however, sadly, religious people who call themselves, Christians, who have a form of godliness , but deny the power

thereof. We are soldiers in God's army, and as such have to fight the ongoing battle to follow Christ every day of our life.

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The "belief" of a demon that there is one God is due to their creation,

existence and fall because of their rebellion. They now tremble in fear knowing that they are reserved for that final day of judgment and everlasting suffering.

The "belief" of a practising christian is someone who shows his faith through his good works.

While that of a non-practising christian is someone who claims to believe in God but has no works to show for it (intellectual belief).

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