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Q3. Forgiveness for Rebellion

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God?

No, the Old Covenant did not provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God. Persons who committed such acts were cut off and retained their sins.

Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness?

The New Covenant does provide this forgiveness. Jesus died for all our sins, intentional and unintentional.

What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

We receive forgiveness through faith, by humbling ourselves in repentance and receiving pardon.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God? Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

I do not believe there was a provision for deliberate , Active, maintained rebellion against God. That is a stiffed neck and stubborn person who is so much as saying they don't have to obey God. Satan tried that and look what happened to him.

The High Priest could enter the Most Holy Place ( 9:3 ) or the " inner room" 9: 7 ) The Inner Room of the Tabernacle, one day each year to atone for the nation's sins. The Most Holy Place was a small room that contained the Ark of the Covenant ( a gold-covered chest containing the original stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written. a jar of manna and Aaron's staff ) The top of the chest served as the " atonement cover" ( the Altar ) on which the blood would would be sprinkled by the high priest on the Day of Atonement. The Most Holy Place was the most sacred spot on earth for the Jews Only the high priest could enter-- the other priests and the common people were forbidden to come into the room. Their access to God was through the high priest, who would offer a sacrifice and use the animal's blood to atone first for his own sins and then for the people's sins

The Most Holy Place in the temple was sealed from view by a curtain. Only the high priest could enter this Holy Room, and he did so only once a year on the Day of Atonement when he offered the sacrifice for the nation's sin. But Jesus' death removed the curtain, and all believers may walk into God's presence at anytime. This is the New covenant provided for us today. All we have to do is from our heart repent and turn from our wicked ways and follow Christ. He is just and merciful to forgive because of the shedding His blood on the cross for us.

The old ways are gone Christ is the new covenant.

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God? Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God?

* there were no sacrifices to atone for intentional rebellion against the Almighty King, the Suzerain. The Old Covenant had no way to handle sins committed intentionally, "defiantly" (NIV), "presumptuously" (KJV), or "with a high hand (RSV).22

"But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the LORD, and that person must be cut off from his people. Because he has despised the LORD's word and broken his commands, that person must surely be cut off; his guilt remains on him." (Numbers 15:30-31)

Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness?

* Fortunately, Jesus died for all our sins, intentional and unintentional.

What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

* We receive that forgiveness through faith, by humbling ourselves in repentance and receiving pardon.

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There were no sacrifices for intentional active rebellion against God--only for those sins committed in ignorance.

The new covenant does provide forgiveness for this sin as long as we humble ourselves & repent & accept Jesus' gift of salvation for ourselves.

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God?

There were no sacrifices provided that would atone for deliberate, defiant, and repetitive sins.

Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness?

Jesus died for all our sins, intentional and non intentional.

What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

It is required that, through faith, we repent and ask God for forgiveness. :rolleyes:

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God? Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

There was no means of forgiveness in the Old Covenant it only provided with covering your sin for the next year. This wasn't forgiveness. The New Covenant provides forgiveness through faith in Christ because He died for all our sins the first and the last. God granted us a pardon through Grace that we could be saved from our sin if we only believe and repent.

9That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

10For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation

Scripture says that this is the only thing we need to be saved and I place all my faith in the Word of God.

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There was no provision for forgiveness of intentional, flagrant rebellion against God in the Old Testament. Persons were either put to death or driven from the Hebrew population.

Praise God that we can now be forgiven for sin, even intentional, by the New and better Covenant. One must simply admit that he or she is a sinner, confess, and then, repent, not to do that sin any longer.

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God? Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

Active, maintained rebellion against God in any form is not forgiven by God. How can anyone repent through relelling, that would indicate that that person is right and God is wrong. Only in one case did anyone struggle with God and come out victorious and he had a hitch in his get-a-long as a result of it.

Throughout the ages God has never approved of sin, as a matter of fact he allowed His chosen people to be taken captive several times because of disobedienance and He divorced them several times because of thier wicked ways. The nation He lead out of captivity to the promised land never saw it because of sin. This would indicate to me one thing; God is not in favor of sin. To sin, with the intention of continuing to sin, is not allowed by God. Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will come and convict the world of sin, (which means to point out or make aware of). To deny the conviction of the Holy Spirit is also to deny the Holy Spirit and there is only one sin which is not forgiven and that is to deny the Holy Spirit....

So according to the bible the answer to both questions is no.


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The Old Covenant did not provide forgiven for rebellion against because , it was just a shadow of the real Christ. The High Priest was to offer sacrifices year after for himself and for the people.

The New Covenant provide free forgiveness, Christ died and this means that we have true and complete forgiveness.

You only need to repent of your sins and believe in Christ, then your sins will be frogiven completely.

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God? Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

No, the Old Covenant did not include sacrifices to atone for intentional, defiant sins, including refusal to accept God, but rebelling against Him instead. In the new Covenant, Jesus' death on the cross was the one and only Sacrifice for all time, and God made that sacrifice for us. This sacrifice of His Son, covered all of our sins -- intentional and unintentional. All we need to do to receive this "undeserved" forgiveness is

1) Know and believe in our Creator, Lord.

2) Use this knowledge and belief as the foundation to build on our faith in Him.

3) Give "legs" to our faith and live daily through Him, (knowing the truth that God will NEVER leave us), to the point where we can relinquish control of our lives and trust our Lord with EVERYTHING, instead -- at ALL times, and in ALL circumstances. That's ALL, not just SOME (or the more difficult ones). Our inborn sin of the need for SELF-CONTROL, presents a challenge to the strongest and most devout Christian, to obey the little word "ALL". We therefore need to be in God's word daily and study as much as we can, to get all of the help we need to grow and eventually be victorious over the word ALL when we enter God's kingdom with Him. Our life here is a walk with Him toward that goal and promised reward.

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Not the Old Covenant did not provide forgiveness for intentional sins. The New Covenant does provide this forgiveness because of grace. If we are to be forgiven, we must have faith that he will forgive us, we must ask humbly for forgiveness, and we must repent.

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7)* Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God?

There were no sacrifices to atone for intentional rebellion against the Almighty King, the Suzerain. The Old Covenant had no way to handle sins committed intentionally, "defiantly" (NIV), "presumptuously" (KJV), or "with a high hand (RSV).

*Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness?

Fortunately, Jesus died for all our sins, intentional and unintentional.

* What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

We receive that forgiveness through faith, by humbling ourselves in repentance and receiving pardon. We do not deserve pardon for what we have done, it is granted through the grace of God. The only "unpardonable sin," I believe, is one in which a person persists in unbelief and does not humble him or herself in faith and repentance so that he can receive forgiveness. :P

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God? Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

There is no provision for the forgiveness of a deliberately maintained rebellion against God. It is impossible. There are no grounds for unity of the Spirit. While there is forgiveness for misdemeanors that people didn't realise they were doing, forgiveness follows repentance. No repentance means no forgiveness. People can repent of sins committed in ignorance, and, seeking a clean heart, can be forgiven and blessed. Without repentance there is no forgiveness, no grounds at all for communication and reconciliation with God.

It is a crime of the modern age that men think they can decide the terms upon which they will get to Heaven and be received by the Father. Heaven is not a democracy! It is God's house, and what He says goes! Democratic thinking (and rebellion) is rife in the Christian congregations, but carries no weight with God who is HOLY! HOLY has no compromise! What HOLY has is the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of the Living God. If these are found desirable by a man, then he may safely enter the presence of God. Otherwise it is not safe!

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God?

No, that person would be cut off from the people and his/her guilt would remain on him/her.

Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness?

Yes, through ones faith and because Jesus died for ALL OUR SINS, intentional or unintentional.

What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

It is required for forgiveness that of faith, humbling oneself in repentence and receiving pardon that is granted from the Grace of God.

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No, the Old Covenant had no way to forgive this sin of rebellion.

Yes, the New Covenant does. Christ Jesus died for all our sins, intentional or unintentional.

What is required to receive forgiveness - humbling ourselves, Godly sorrow works repentance (2Cor 7.10), through faith we receive forgiveness through Christ.

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God? Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God?

* There were no sacrifices to atone for intentional rebellion against the Almighty King, the Suzerain.

* The Old Covenant had no way to handle sins committed intentionally, "defiantly" (NIV), "presumptuously" (KJV), or "with a high hand (RSV).22

" But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the LORD, and that person must be cut off from his people. Because he has despised the LORD's word and broken

his commands, that person must surely be cut off; his guilt remains on him." (Numbers 15:30-31)

* The phrase translated "defiantly" (NIV), "presumptuously" (KJV), or "with a high hand (RSV) is literally, "with uplifted hand ... as though the transgressor was about to attack God or rebel against Him wantonly."23

Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness?

* Yes, Jesus died for all our sins, intentional and unintentional.

What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

* We receive that forgiveness through faith, by humbling ourselves in repentance and receiving pardon.

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I don't recall reading that the old covenant provided forgiveness for intentional sinners. I think they just got stoned. The covenant provides forgiveness if we truly repent and provide restitution (when necessary; if we stole we must restore it). True repentance is really hurting over what you did and never wanting to do it again.

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God? Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? What is required for forgiveness to be granted?

No, the Old Covenant did not provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God. A person that did such rebellion against God would be cut from his people.

Yes, the New Covenant provides this forgiveness. Jesus died for all sins, intentional and unintentional.

For forgiveness to be granted it is required that we come to God by humbling ourselves in repentance and plead with him for his forgiveness for our sins and then in faith receive his forgiveness.

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God?

Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? Just like the priest of old, the high priest, God

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Q3. (Hebrews 9:7) Did the Old Covenant provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God?

Does the New Covenant provide this forgiveness? Just like the priest of old, the high priest, God

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Old Covenant did not provide forgiveness for intentional, active, maintained rebellion against God.

Anyone who defiantly sinned against the Lord would remain guilty of their sins.

The New Covenant provides forgiveness for both intentional and unintentional sin.

In order for this forgiveness to be granted we need to humble ourselves in repentance, receiving pardon. We also need to accept by faith, that our sin has been forgiven through the blood of Christ.

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No, the old testament did not - they were cut off from their people. The new testament provides forgiveness for all sins, intentional and non-intentional through the blood of Jesus Christ. We receive forgiveness through faith, and repentance.

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