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:blink: The sorrow comes from the fact that our sins made it necessary for Jesus to suffer and die for us. If man had remained in his created state this would not have been necessary. But the joy comes from the fact that we receive foregiveness, salvation and the promise of eternal life because of what Jesus did.
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This should make us sorrowful for many reasons. First, Jesus is the only one who ever lived who never did anything wrong, and yet it was He who took our sins, something He did not deserve. We should also be sorrowful because we are such a sinful world that it was necessary for our redemption. But the joy comes in knowing that He loves us so much that He was willing to pay the debt for sin that we owed, and that we will stand before God in the righteousness of Jesus instead of our own filthy rags.

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:rolleyes: Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy?

Visualising in my mind to the moment our Lord Jesus said the verse to the disciples, inevitably it fills me with sorrow knowing that the only man without sin has to pay the price for my sin and the sin of everyone in the world. The suffering on the cross that Jesus had to go through as a result of our sinful nature adds to our repentance and our gratitude to Him.

The same will also fill us with joy because we know very well that Jesus has paid the penalty and able to redeem us from the evil one. We have the assurance of forgiveness and eternal life through Christ Jesus. The word "many" in the verse gives us more assurance that Jesus has not only redeemed the Jews but gentiles like me as well.

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Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy?

It fills me with sorrow because I think about this man/God dying for us, for me specifically..because God said " I am your creator. You were in my care before you were born." (Isaiah 44:2) It makes me sad to think of Jesus suffering a hideous death..one he didn't want..praying to God not to have to do this, but willing to go with God's will for me...because I have been in God's care since before the beginning of time.

It fills me with joy as well, knowing I have always been in God's care, knowing he loved me enough to sacrifice his beloved son..his only son..so he could have many children..me included..Thank you Lord God for what you did and thank you Jesus for what you suffered for me..

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When I think of Jesus' blood being poured out for my sins I am sorrowful. He was perfect and sinless fully God and fully man. When I think of Him suffering on that horrific cruel Roman Cross for what I have done I am horrified and sorowful that it took that for me to be able to come into the presence of the Lord. It took the blood of the perfect sinless Lamb of God to wash my sins away. He poured out His life for me, for you after offering the glass of wine (or blood) for bethrotral. But I am joyous because I can come to the Lord's Table with my heart in the right place. I can give my life to Him in return. What Joy. I stand a chance to be at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb! WOW! :rolleyes:

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Q5. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy?

>Matthew 26:28,Jesus suffered very much when He died <for many>, the whole world.He was beaten,mocked and tortured,and nailed on the cross,sacrificed himself for the sins of all.As christians in knowing what Jesus did for us brings sorrow to us in how Jesus willingly gave his life.

The Joy to all of this suffering is "he is risen"as he said he would.Believing in His death and resurrection that through Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven and we have eternal life.In His presence is fullness of Joy.

~~~John 16:20 Most assuredly,I say to you that you will weep and lament,but the world will rejoice,and you will be sorrowful,but your sorrow will be turned into joy.

~~The sorrow itself would be transformed.In John 16:22 Jesus was telling his disciples"I will see you again,this refers to Jesus postresurrection appearances"your joy no one will take.We are transformed to life through His death.Death and resurrection brings the joy of forgiven sins that the world cannot take away.

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It should fill us with sorrow because we have to realize the fact that a great price was necessary to pay for our sins plus the fact that Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, who was without sin, had to pay that price. However, we should also be filled with joy because our sins have been paid for by Jesus and we now have the promise and the hope that we will one day be taken up to heaven to join Jesus when he comes back.

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"This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out fo many for the forgivness of sin fill us with sorrow because Christ had to be sacrifice and the shedding of blood was necessary. On the flip side of the coin it give us joy because this was necessary for restoring mankind. What a blessing. We should show this joy by worshiping him in spirit and truth.

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Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? The fact that someone else had to pay the price for my sin's, is shamful & fills my heart with sorrow. The further fact, that it was God's only son that took my sin's, both fills me with sorrow & joy! Joy in knowing His love for me is so great, that even in the garden of Eden, He already had a plan worked out for you & I. At the word's of Jesus "This is the Blood of my covenent..." no longer did we have to go to the priests with a living lamb, now we had the "Living Lamb" of God, Himself, willing to die for us.....to take our sin's upon Himself. :) The day I was saved, I was watching a Christian TV program, where someone (I believe a doctor) was discribing the death of Jesus on the cross, this was 23 year's ago, I will never forget how he explained the torture of the cross; I found myself on my knee's crying out to God, in sorrow.....realizing what He had done for me! No one, in my 32 years of living, had ever loved me that much....& no one has sense then! For this, truely loving sacrifice, I am joyful! :lol:

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Matt. 26:28 fills us with sorrow because we recognize the sinful state of humanity and what God had to do to restore mankind, cover his sin, and provide him with eternal life. He gave His only begotten Son. Likewise, the words should fill us with joy because God's covenant is TRUTH. By Christ's shed blood, we have forgiveness of sins. lmc

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This is the Blood of my covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins, this causes me sorrow because Jesus suffered and died upon the cross for all of my sins, so that we may be forgiven from those sins. They should feel us with joy because Jesus forgiven us and freed us from them. He arose from the grave and lives today and tells me I am his own and we can talk to him anytime, day or night.

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The sorrow comes from the fact that God had to go to such lengths to reach us - we were so sinful that we could not reach out to God ourselves, we were lost - there had been a covenant with the nation of Israel, and we were outsiders. Now the joy, his heart is so filled with love for us that he actually reached down and gave us the new covenant as a way back to Him, by the blood of Jesus nailed to the Cross. Praise his Name!!

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Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy?

+ The sorrow comes that Jesus was asked by God to give his life's blood for my sins. Jesus could have refused, He could have called on a legion of angels to save Himself. He chose to die for me. The joy comes in verse 29, where I am assured that one day in the future I will be a participant with Him and all the saints in this Holy Supper. :)

+ The latter part of verse 29 tells us after they sung a hymn they went to the Mount of Olives. (In my scripture notes it indicates this hymn was the second half of the Hallel Psalms [Psalms 115-118] Jesus knew what lay ahead for Him. :(

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The words " This is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" should fill us with sorrow because Jesus had to die for the sins we should of paid for with our own blood.

At the same time these words should fill us with joy because we can know we have been forgiven of our sins through Jesus' blood sacriface.

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Q5. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy?
When I think of all the pain and suffering that Jesus went through, I am shocked with sorrow. I love Christ. It is not right that He should have to do this. I love God. Couldn't there have been another way?

Yet I am also filled with great Joy. Jesus cares for everyone. He loves us so much that He is willing to do anything to set us free from sin. He loves us so much that He takes the punishment for us. Like a big brother taking blame to protect a little sister...

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Q5. Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow?

There have been times when, I have pondered on Jesus

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:unsure: I am sorrowful because I pour out His blood with my sin, it's personal. If I were the only person broken by the tragic weight of sin, Jesus would still have lived a painful life and died a tragic death, just for me. :D I am joyful because the God sized hole in me is filled by the mercy that was loosed by Jesus' obedience unto death and power unto resurrection.
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:) The words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fill us with sorrow because Jesus has to offer His life for our redemption. He shed His blood for many for the remissions of sins. Just to think of the things He had gone through, it gives me additional sorrow by taking it for granted, with the eternal life and privileges given me as a child of God I feel so ungrateful not living my life just for Him - doing His will rather than my will. May God forgive me and renew a right spirit within me.

It fills me with joy when through His sacrifice, I was forgiven and have peace with God. I was born-again and had a restored relationship and fellowship with my Abba Father. And enjoy the benefits that resulted with His sacrifice, the fulness and the abundance of life in Him. Hallelujah! :rolleyes:

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Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy?

They fill me with sorrow because they indicate the suffering that my Lord Jesus had to go through. Blood cannot be poured out with inflicting pain and suffering. This had to be done because of my sin--oh how I wish it didn't have to be. But it was done to show the Father's love to me and to provide a way for me to be saved and join in the great marriage feast of the Lamb. That fills me with joy. :D

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Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" (Matthew 26:28) fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy?

It fills me with sorrow because it means that not all will be forgiven of their sins which results in death and hell.

It fills me with joy because I am of the 'many' that will receive forgiveness of my sins which will result in life eternal .. and joy and peace, etc.

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