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don bowles

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Posts posted by don bowles

  1. Baptism is an outward sign of the inward grace that has taken place as a result of accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord. Almost 30 years ago I made that profession of faith. That faith relates to my baptism in as much as it symbolizes my death, to sin ; the burial of my old nature, and the resurrection of my spirit because of what Christ accomplished for me through His redemptive act. Just as God would not allow Jesus to remain in the tomb, He will also resurrect me. Even the faith God has given me is a gift from Him.

    My baptism is a reminder to me of that mysterious grace that holds me in the palm of God's hand and is yet so gentle it bids me freedom to explore life in such a manner that I have joy in serving without obligation. In Christ I have no condemnation, just pure JOY!!!!!!!!!

  2. It is interesting that the question is how inner beauty is cultivated. The word cultivate is important to this subject. To cultivate something implies the care of something like a garden. First , the ground is broken so the seed can be planted, then the seed goes into the ground, and then there is fertilization, watering. Then heat from the sun brings germination of the seed. As the tender plant grows weeds must be taken from the garden. The mature plant brings forth fruit. All this takes constant care. God's wWord planted in our heart brings forth fruit only in as much as we care for it and nurture it and allow the Holy Spirit to bring forth the fruit of righteousness within us. One gains character by yielding to God through His Word. Apply your heart unto righteousness. Seek it as one would a pearl of great price.

    True character is so important to God because it is the nature of His Son and our Savior. God tells us to, "be holy for I am Holy". We can and must have the character of Christ if we are to see God.

    Character can help a woman win and keep a man because if she has true character she will not be unequally yoked. He too will seek God with all his heart. Her husband will treasure her because she is submissive to God and is trustworthy in all her ways.

  3. Q2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance?

    Why should women try to look their best? A woman who is a Christian should try to look attractive, not to attract men, but to show her dignity which comes from God. There is as much a sin of pride in trying to look plain in order to impress people with ones piety as in any other self righteous activity. Jesus said," It is not what goes into a man that defiles him. It is what comes out of the man". In like manner, the dress does not determine the righteousness of the person. It is the character formed inwardly by the Holy Spirit in ones life.

    How can a woman be diverted from what is important by trying to look her best? We live in a culture obsessed with external and transient values. Those who try to follow the "in thing" are never satisfied. Women today who have their toes and feet trimmed in order to follow the fashon trends are allowing others set their values in life. What will happen when these horrible looking shoes are out of fashon and then they are captured by the fashon that calls for square toed shoes? The flower fades and the grass withers, in like manner todays fashons are thrown into the furnace of time.

    Only that which is of God will last. God alone gives beauty that will not fade. I know, God has given me a wife that has inner beauty. Neither outer adornment or the lack thereof changes the purity of her heart and spirit.

    What is balance? Balance in dress is not to be overly concerned with external pressure brought to one by trends. Dress as to be comfortable with ones self and pleasing to ones mate.

  4. I am glad the question is , why is submission so hard for humans, rather than for Christians ? In order to understand the difficulty to submit you must return to the garden of Eden and think about the temptation satan gave to Eve. He told her she would be as god. To have difficulty in submission is to be our own deity. Frank Sinatra sang, I did it my way. This is ultimate rebellion toward God.

    Submission should not be without opinion. I have learned that I am to love my wife. That love has led me to respect her, I believe her submission to me is based on that love. She knows I have no desire in my heart except what is best for her. As a result, my wife not only is submissive, she also respects me. This relationship is made possible because my love for Jesus is making me submissive to God. You can not exempt the relationship you have with Jesus from the relationship you have with your spouse. Our relationship with Christ solidifies our marital relation.

    Submission is wrong when it requires that we go against the will of God. It was true for Adam and Eve. That has never changed. It never will.

  5. Why does sin have such a hold on us? When we were saved we were not mature in the faith. Relationship with Christ is a life long walk. We are saved instantly, maturing in the faith takes time. Some grow up faster than others.

    1 Peter 2: 24 tells us that Christ bore our sins in His Body, that we might die to sin". My mother died at 95, until that day she faced temptation. We will face temptation until our death. We die to sin by being an overcomer.

    Last month I was suddenly faced with a temptation to commit a sin that I thought I had overcome. I finally fell on my face and cried out to God, " Lord, why am I being tempted so? Please help me !!!" I got an instant answer. The Lord spoke into my spirit James 1: 2-4 " Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." I had instant joy, the temptation was removed. Christ is my Victory.

    Living for righteousness means trusting in the Word, and leaning on the Holy Spirit. It is good that we are not bogged down with past sins, that is deliverance; however, it is good that we retain the knowledge of past transgressions lest we fall back into the same sins. God alone forgets our sins, we are called only to forgive the sins done to us by others. This is the peace that passes understanding.

  6. Q3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross?

    Jesus told us that we can not serve 2 masters. We all have a master, either it is God or mammon. Mammon drains life from us, Christ said, "I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly"

    There is freedom in Christ as my Savior. Freedom from sin. Those things that once enslaved me no longer have controll over me. The guilt that was a weight upon my heart and conscience is there no longer. Jesus has given me peace in my heart. I have learned that love is not something you take, it is something you give. knowing the way of the cross, what Jesus did for me, gives purpose and meaning to my life.

    There is joy in serving Jesus. To know Jesus is to love Him. Those you love you serve. Every day is another opportunity to show Him I love HIm.

    Lastly, the cross means my eternal destination is in Jesus hands. Where He is I will be also. I know it is so He told me and He can not lie. PRAISE GOD !!!!!!

  7. Jesus told us' " If anyone asks you to walk with him one mile, walk with him two miles. If he asks for your coat give him your cloak also". He also told us ," The laborer is worthy of his hire". Placeing these concepts in perspective we are to look at our employers, not as advesaries; but, as one who both makes demands on us and as well makes provision for us to meet the needs of our families. The employee who is a second mile employee need not fear the employer or look on him with fear. In living up to our obligations, or surpassing that which is expected of us, we become light in the marketplace. Our witness is sure to please God

  8. In Luke 19:28-38, Luke relates the story of Jesus triumphal entry. Jesus told His disciples that when they entered the village they would find a colt tied, that no man had ever sat upon and they were to bring it to Him. If any man tried to stop them they were to tell theat man, "The Lord has need of it." They did as Jesus commanded and found it just as He told them.

    As Jesus entered Jerusalem the crowds went before Him, laying palm branches and their clothes before Him and shouting, "Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!". They were loud and probably very joyous. They drew great attention to themselves. They were so loud they drew the attention of the pharasees who rebuked Jesus and those who gave loud praise.

    The greatest act of praise that day was not those who ran before Jesus, shouting and laying their clothing and palms before Him. It is good that we verbally praise God and are not ashamed of Him or His gospel. We praise God out of our own need to worship and give addoration. The greatest act of praise, however; was the man who asked why the disciples were taking his colt and when he heard, " The Lord has need of it" freely relinquised it to Jesus service.

  9. If we look at Jesus as priest for us we see He is interceding for the saints. He earned this right by being obedient to the Father and offering for us His life upon a cross. We are called to obedience and we are called to be ,"living sacrifices" holy and acceptable unto God. This is reasonable in light of what Christ has done for us. The priest performed duties of offerings to God which were pleasing in the sight of God.

    All we can offer to God that is acceptable is worship, praise, and obedience. The highest offering is to follow Jesus ministry as intercessors for those who know Him and those who need Him.

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