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Posts posted by jenni03

  1. GOD's love and the sacrifice that HE made for us. Who can comprehend the magnitude of whats been done for us? Also the expectation of heaven. We have no clue what it's gonna be like. All we know is that its gonna be better than anything we could ever think up.

    Christians have joy all the time... Joy isnt happiness. You can be at the saddest point in your life, but you still have the joy of your salvation. Your joy isn't effected by your emotions, or it shouldnt be. Joy is intertangled with hope. Happiness is things that make your life good... Your life can be horrible and you still have the hope of a future spent with GOD in eternity!

    Look for your joy in times of sorrow or grief or depression... Those are the times that you know its genuine, not just a byproduct of your happiness.

  2. There are so many times that GOD has put me through the Refiner's Fire. You would think i would be a completely pure gold now, but i'm no where near that! But everytime something has happened in my life, i look back and see another part of me chipped away so that i look a little more like Jesus who's hidden underneath all of my rusty outsides.

    Genuine faith shows Jesus who's really in it for the long run... He wants to see who can handle anything life brings their way...He wants to see who, when the waters start rising, runs the other way like crazy, and who looks to HIM to bring them out of the waves. The second type of person really glorifies HIM becasue they are geniune.

  3. Our part is just believing. God does the rest... I don't believe that it's something for us to completely grasp...that's where the "faith" comes in to play. You just have to trust that GOD takes care of all the small details and you don't have to worry about them...You just believe and obey all that HE tells you and asks of you, and your relationship will be awesome.

  4. Because true forgiveness is all about repenting and turning away from your sins. Obedience is the act of turning away from them, because GOD has convicted you of your mistakes, and calls you to live a godly life.

    Because you're missing the whole point if you just keep asking for forgiveness without changing your ways.

    Because its by GOD's grace that we become obedient. We can go our whole lifes working without a lick of faith, and we wont have any kind of relationship with GOD. On the other hand, if we have true faith, we don't have to maintain a steady stream of works to 'be in' with GOD. It would please HIM if we served HIM whole heartedly, but its not "required". All we must do is believe. The act of believing is obedience.

  5. He pays more attention to his own wants and needs than anyone elses. He doesn't humble himself. He lives for the day and doesnt look ahead at the consequences of his actions.

    Very often. I live for myself and forget that there's more to this world than me.

    You have to come to the understanding that your life isn't your own. You can't live how you want to live if you're a son or daughter of the KING. You must die to your will and realize that you live for HIM.

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