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Posts posted by Scotty10

  1. Q2. (1 Corinthians 1:21-25) In what areas do non-Christians in our culture stumble over the basic gospel of Christ? To what degree can we help bridge this gap through careful and creative presentation? To what degree might that be “watering down” the gospel? Why can’t we escape the tension between culturally-relevant communication and changing the essence of the message?

    1:  Probably the biggest stumbling block is that Jesus was crucified on the cross for ours sins.  Without knowing that he was the Son of God is is difficult for the unbeliever to accept that He was crucified and died on the cross and then rose again. 

    2:  Careful explanation with verses to and present your testimony of how you were save and your walk with the Lord.

    3:  I think that some times when you are paraphrasing instead of looking up the exact script there is a watering down effect. 

    4:  We live in this culture and times but the Word does not change. 


  2. Q1. Name four value differences between Christian teaching and the values you see pushed to us on television. Example: Sex between consenting adults is okay, vs. sex belongs in marriage. Now name four more

    there are many that you see on TV, the internet ect

    1: Fake news vs telling the truth.  Many news media are certainly not reporting the truth or are reporting partial truth to sway or mislead.  just another form of lying.

    2: Throw away marriages vs Gods sanctity in Marriage.  Today's society has built marriage as not permenet and if you don't like it then get an attorney and file for divorce.  

    3: Abortion vs life.  Wow no need to go any farther ther

    4:  Worldly values vs Biblical Christian values 

    there are many more

  3.  Who was most responsible for killing Jesus? What responsibility do you and I bear in this? In what sense was Jesus praying for us?


    Reading the words that Jesus said while he was nail through the wrist and ankles of " Father, forgive them for the know not what they have done" make me just sit back in aw, teary eyed, and so thankful that my Savior did this for me.  I am not a perfect person and I know that I have sinned to a point that Jesus is my only way but to think that during his time of total agony from the days of torture, then to be whipped mercilessly, and then dragging 400 lbs plus wooden cross across the city up to the top of the hill and then to be tied and nail through the flesh and bone and hung to die for the things that I have done in my life.  How can I say anything.  Accepting him as my Lord and Savior, repenting of my sins, and following his teachings and the narrow path is just a small thing that I can do for what he has done for me.  Jesus is my Savior and he is Risen.  I cannot even imagine the pain that He endured and still had the Words to say " Father, forgive them (me) for they know not what they have done".

  4. Q3. (John 7:17) Can we truly know God’s will if we’re not really willing to obey the truth we know? Why not?


    I do not believe so.  If you are not willing to commit  to the teachings of Jesus then how can you find His truth.   Bits and pieces of a large puzzle will not bring the picture together.  If you do not commit to putting all the pieces together you will never truly see the entire picture. 

  5. Q2. (John 7:15-17) How were rabbis trained in Jesus' day? How was Jesus trained? How were his disciples trained? What is the value of formal theological training? What is the value of learning to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit?


    1:  Rabbis were trained in the synagogue under an elder or another rabbi.   Jesus declared that His teachings are from God.  Formal Theo training gives the disciple the advanced training in understanding all the concepts of the bible but most of all they teach you how to listen to Gods voice from the Holy Spirit.  the Holy Spirit is the counselor, guiding and directing us.

  6. 1: Jesus purposely avoided Jerusalem because He was aware that some in Jerusalem where going to try to kill him but he knew that His time had not come yet.  He had not completed His ministry.


    2:  God did not intend for us to take foolish chances with the missions that he assigns us. There must be a direct calling from God to take His mission into the danger zone.  Satan can and will put harm to the Church in anyway he can including death.  We live in a relatively safe country to bring the word to others but in other parts of the world, Christianity is hunted ruthlessly by the enemy.

  7. Q6. (John 6:61-66) What was the difference between the Twelve and the crowd of "disciples" that turned away from Jesus? What is the mark of true disciples according to John 8:31-32?


    The difference between crowd of disciples  and the chosen twelve disciples was that the there were many that did not believe or  want to follow His word because they thought it was to difficult where as the Twelve disciples where hand picked by Jesus and he knew that they believed in what he was teaching them except for Judas who was filled by the enemy.   The mark of a true disciple is one that abides in the Word and it will set them free.

  8. Q5. (John 6:53-59) What is "eating the Bread of Life" a metaphor of? What is "eating Jesus' flesh and drinking his blood" a metaphor of? How are these metaphors similar to each other? Why do you think Jesus used such a vivid and repugnant metaphor?


    Eating the Bread of Life is a metaphor of believing in Jesus as the Son of God who gives eternal life and the bread of life feeds the spiritual life.  The eating of his flesh and drinking of his blood is believing in  Jesus's  sacrifice on the cross for our sins and giving eternal life if we believe.  The metaphor is symbolic in that the Lord supper and the breaking of the bread and partaking of the cup is his flesh and blood.   Jesus used this type of vivid words to drive home the relationship of his coming sacrifice and the remembrance of him during communion.

  9. Q4. (John 6:35-51) What does the metaphor of “eating the Bread of Life” mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling the Bread of Life rather than actually making a meal of it? 


    1: Eating the Bread of Life corresponds to believing in Jesus and having eternal life.  

    2: I think that nibbling the Bread of Life is more like the the luke warm christian.  One of little faith has only be nibbling on the Bread of Life.    Why not jump all in and partake in eating and drink in the bread of life and drinking the living waters to satisfy the spiritual hunger and thirst.   

  10. Q3. (John 6:37, 44, 65) What is the significance of Jesus’ teaching that only the ones the Father “draws” to him can come to him? In what way does this sound like predestination? How does the Holy Spirit prepare people to put their faith in Christ?


    the teaching is that the Father calls us to follow  Jesus by faith in the word and believing in him.  We are drawn to Jesus by faith  in eternal salvation and the filling of the Holy Spirit that prepares us with a softening guidance and teaching .   I think that the predestination piece here  is that the "all that the Father has given me will come to me"  which implies that he has chosen the followers before birth.  God preceding grace,

  11. Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us? 


    Many have gone down the path of donating money, time,  for the wrong reasons in efforts to please God  instead of having faith and believing in Jesus Christ.  

  12. Many of the believers were amazed with the miracles that Jesus did but they were also physically hungry and wanted to be fed again.   Jesus wanted to teach them about spiritual food vs natural food and the difference that spiritual food feeds the spirit and endures forever while natural food is short lived .  The true believer seeks the bread of life that satisfy spiritual hunger forever and living water that quenches thirst eternally.

  13. (John 2:23-25) What is the problem with faith that rests solely on miracles? Is it true faith? What is necessary for it to develop into true faith? Did Jesus see these problems as a reason not to perform miracles?



    Faith that solely rest in miracles seems a little weaker that faith that rests in the word.  True miracles from God are very powerful events and can bring a non believer to believe in the word but then deeper faith comes from a developing personal relationship  that grows your true faith into much more.  Jesus did not want to show miracles at inappropriate moments because from the accounts in scripture, the people that were present may have had motives that were not right for the miracle that was being asked.   

  14. Was Jesus angry?   well yes! It is very apparent that he was angry with what was taking place in the temple and he sent a clear message to the merchants that were inside the temple gate that it was wrong as to what the were doing and decided to correct it.  


    anger can be either good or bad depending on the what and how it is used.  Unless we(being myself included) can control our anger and and the way it is applied then possible it could be used for good when an injustice is done.  But for most part in my situation, anger results in poor judgement and could lead to worse situations - verbal confrontation, violence ect

  15. The temple had become a place of buying and selling of different things for worship and such.  Animals birds and money was the focus for profit instead of  being a house of prayer to God and place to honor God.   Jesus was upset when he saw it during his ministry.   Jesus made a whip from cord and chase out the animals and turned over the tables of the profiteers.


    It must have been hard for Jesus to see what man had turned his worship house into. I am just wondering what the people were thinking that got their tables turned.  If they knew that Jesus was God did they take reverence and turn from they way and ask forgiveness  or did they turn to anger and hold this against Jesus.   

  16. I think that the religious leaders were not comfortable with John the Baptist drawing so many and this could threaten their sense of power over the people of Judea.  


    John was aware of his mission as a prophet of the most high from an early age through his father.  He was to become the voice in the wilderness preparing the way for the Lamb of God.  I believe that when John's ministry was underway that his message was not received by some of the ruling establishment and they probably felt threatened.  

  17. John the Baptist was sent as a witness and to testify of Jesus the Light.   We are here also to testify for the the Light, Jesus, to tell others of His word and bring them from the darkness into the light of God.  I can only give my testimony of what Jesus has done for me,  Saved me, healed me, cleansed me, and I have felt some of the fire of the of the Holy Spirit. As I look at today's world with the beheading's taking place in Northern Iraq and I look at the fate of John the Baptist.  Is there much difference when we declare Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior before men and risk the fate of death.  This is something that we as Christian Americans may have to face in times to come as radical extremists take up arms and push their ideology's forward.  But there is a reward in this in that as we speak our testimony about Jesus and bring those that choose to believe into the light then they will be saved also.  The risk is high and just as John the Baptist stood up for the testimony of Jesus we are to also do...

  18. Yes-- Jesus was fully God   In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.   Jesus was the full expression of God in the flesh..  the logos of God, His personified expression, from the beginning.   Jesus's ministry is Gods ministry spoken by God expression through Jesus.     I like  the fact that Jesus's self awareness of and His teaching of his preexistence was pointed out in the study text.  I did not put that together until now.  I hope I am understanding this correctly.   good teachings

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