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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Leolene Harris

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Posts posted by Leolene Harris

  1. John the Baptise came to make the way for Jesus to come in as the light of the world, he announce the coming of Jesus. My purpose is to testify about Jesus witness to others about him as a Christian I must walk in the light. I teach the Bible class, and also minister the Word.  John the Baptise was beheaded.  By testifying about Jesus I might encounter all sort of perception and tribulation. The people I testify to I hope they come to know salvation and receive Jesus Christ as their person savior.


    Q2. (John 1:7-8) 
    What did it mean that John was sent to "testify" to the light? 
    In what sense are you put here with the purpose of "testifying" to the light? 
    How are you doing in this regard? 
    What happened to John the Baptist? 
    What might happen to you if you testify clearly? 
    What might happen to the people to whom you testify?
    John’s mission was to announce the coming of Christ and to tell them that Jesus was truly the Light of the world - the Son of God. By witnessing we are to reflect the Light of Jesus and in so doing point them to Jesus, and have them ultimately respond in faith and repentance – placing their faith in our Lord Jesus. In all honesty, I’m ashamed to say that I feel l I could have served the Lord better. Like John, we are to make sure that as stated in John 3:30, ‘He (Jesus) must become greater; I must become less.’ So, if we testify clearly, our lives will become a testimony for our Lord. And, hopefully those to whom we testify will come to accept our Lord Jesus as their Saviour. 
    John was sent to testify the coming of Jesus! Jesus is the light of the world.  He made the way for Jesus to enter. We as Christians are disciples and our purpose is to continue to doe the work Jesus did and more.  We must take the gospel to all the earth by teaching and ministering the Word of God. I have cell group in my home and I also minister on the mission field.  John the Baptise was beheaded! doing the work of the Lord I may face trouble and tribulation.  Hope they give their life to the Lord, and continue to walk in the light.


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