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Posts posted by HeatherAnn

  1. Q1. (Daniel 2:17-18) Why does Daniel ask his friends to "plead for mercy"? According to Scripture, is intercessory prayer important? Is it effective? How can we implement intercessory prayer in our churches?


    The matter was urgent and it was not only for themselves but for the 'wise men'. They were not taking their relationship with their God for granted. Matt.18:20  says that 'where 2 or 3  are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them. 


    Intercessory prayer is important and effective.  It brings believers together for a common purpose; to appeal to God in one accord.  In church, we can implement intercessory prayer by agreeing to be there for one another/a situation as a group in faith.  Intercessory prayer can be done by coming together at a regular meeting time, set time of day from your different places of work, school, travel etc., and even on the phone across nations.

  2. What is Daniel's first approach to eat a different diet? What does he do when his first attempt failed? What is his demeanor towards those over him? In what ways do you think God affects the outcome of Daniel's request?


    I get the impression that the diet was not compatible to Daniel's culture that is why he did not want to defile himself.  It is unclear to me if he did actually try to eat (which I doubt).  His demeanor was calm, sincere yet humble when he requested of the guard that they not be given the food and wine the king had allotted.  God softened the heart of the heart to grant Daniel's request.

  3. It could be several reasons why Daniel declined the king's food and wine; but somewhere in my mind, I remember reading in the Bible that if you are offered food without knowing the circumstance of the person or the food, you take it in 'good faith' and you were without blame for whatever that person did or was doing to obtain such; but if you know the character or circumstance is against your beliefs then you refuse because if you accept the food it would mean that you are in agreement with the person, thus defiling yourself, your beliefs.  


    Daniel, although young, had a good up-bringing, a strong belief in God and a strong mind. He knew the God he served and so he had no fear of the king.

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