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Posts posted by AndreaHunt

  1. Q2. (Daniel 1:1-7)

    What changes did Daniel and his friends experience?


          I would imagine that the changes were pretty big, not only were they removed from their homes and family they were put with foreign people with foreign ways. Their names were changed. The people they were used to being around changed. They went from being of noble birth and having all the rights with that went along with that taken away and replaced with something completely different and less. The biggest change I would imagine would have been being forced to become a eunuch.


    What was their status in Jerusalem? In Babylon?


    In Jerusalem they were noble, possibly even royalty. In Babylon they were given to a eunuch and now told what to do. It doesn't say that they were treated as slaves but their positions had taken a step down.  


    What do you think was the effect of changing their names to Babylonian names?


    For me having my name changed would have made me feel very out of place and very upset. In their own culture names are important and mean certain things to them, to have that taken away and changed to (in certain cases) names of false gods had to have been disconcerting.  


    What impact might it have on them to be made eunuchs?


    To have the right to create children and have relations with women taken away by force had to have been devastating. It could have been extremely emotionally and physically horrifying to deal with.


    Did they make compromises? If so, why?          ​


    In spite of the stress, and changes, and mutilation to their bodies. they don't really seem to compromise in the matters of their heart. Daniel knew that there was a healthier way of eating and he stuck to it and used wisdom to get his point across to the man in charge of him. I don't see where they would have been compromising in any part that could have had any control over.

  2. Hello all!

       My name is Andrea. I am a homeschooling mother to 6 amazing kids. I live in the beautiful mountains of San Bernardino in the small town of Running Springs. I have been a Christian since i was 4 years old. I signed up for this study for a couple of reasons, one of them being that i am desperately trying to get back on track with my relationship with God and take him off the shelf that i have put him on for so long now. Another reason is that Daniel has also been my "hero" in the Bible, so i look forward to learning and studying more about him! I look forward to talking and studying with more of you while we do this study togther.   :)

  3. For me a culture change didnt mean going into a different country, it was when my mother decided that she wanted us to be a family of women who wore the headcovering. From the time I was 11 to about 15 my mother and I wore the headcovering everyday. It threw us into a very different world. Even christians that knew us became offended that we would dare do something that drastic and they instantly felt like we were attacking them by our own choice to do something that we felt that God had called us to do. So while we didnt move away to a different culture we quickly and instanly were basically removed from the culture around us. In that time we learned how to rely on God and it made us really try to understand what it was that we beleived, and it forced us to act it out. It is a time i greatly miss in my life.  

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