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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Haar Garba

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Posts posted by Haar Garba

  1. Q5. (Joshua 5:12) Why did the manna cease at this time? In our lives, why does God let us experience times of manna? Why does he sometimes let the manna cease? In your own life, are you in a stage of receiving manna or planting seeds for a future crop?

    Because it was time to eat from the crop from the promised land.

    So as to appreciate His miraculous provision for our faith to be sustained.

    The manna may cease but God would still be there to take us up to another level of  dependence and faith

    I think I am in both stages



  2. Q4. (Joshua 4) Why did Joshua have men from each tribe stack river boulders for a monument? What was the effect of this on future generations? What is the value of faith monuments in our day? What is the danger? Does your church building have more monuments to the past than indications of God's present working? Why?

    To have in place a reminder for the other generation to come, to know of God's miraculous intervention towards delivering the promised land to His children.

    A reminder of God's past goodness and salvation.

    The danger is that they can become idols to be worshiped.



  3. Q3. (Joshua 3:13-17) How was Joshua able to announce the miracle of Jordan stopping its flow ahead of the event? What kind of faith did it require to do so? What did this do for his credibility as a leader?

    God told him what would happen and he also told the people what to do.

    A solid trust in God and His ability to cause what He says to come to pass

    His faith and the resultant miracle caused the Israelites had faith in him too


  4. Q2. (Joshua 3:5) Why did the Israelites need to consecrate themselves? What might this entail? In what ways do you personally need to reconsecrate yourself? What would this require of you? What would your congregation need to do to reconsecrate itself?

    Because they about to undertake God's assignment and needed to perform it in holiness.

    In all all circumstances and all times as children of the Holy God living in holiness

    To ensure I stay away from sin and to run to God for cleansing whenever I fall

    Confess any known sins all the time.


  5. Q1. (Joshua 3:1) Why do the Israelites have to break camp at Shittim before the day they cross Jordan? In what ways is your life settled into a routine that keeps you from fully following God's leading? What do you need to do to make yourself ready?

    To regain the momentum towards moving to take over the promised land after staying in one place- Shittim for a long time.

    When we get used to rigidly following church routine activities merely to fulfill righteousness and miss God's call for a different directive.

    Pray and listen to God's call to move elsewhere or to do something else.


  6. Q3. (Hebrews 11:31; James 2:5; Matthew 1:5) Why is a prostitute honored by being mentioned three times in the New Testament? How does God look on prostitution? On prostitutes? How did Jesus treat prostitutes? What does this teach us about God's attitude toward sinners and sin?

    To show the grace of God to sinful human being

    He hates the sin of prostitution but love the sinners- the prostitutes.


    He hates sins of sinners but loves the sinners


  7. Q2. (Joshua 2:2-11) What indicates that Rahab believes in Israel's God Yahweh? What does she believe about Yahweh? How deep is Rahab's faith? How deep a faith does someone need to have in order to be saved from the destruction of a city? From eternal punishment?

    Her action to hide the spies

    He is more powerful than the other gods

    Very deep that she could risk her life by hiding the two spices.

    A living Faith in the Lord God that leads to action- obedience

  8. What were the spies sent to learn? Why do you think they sought to lodge in a prostitute's house? Do you think God sent them there?

    The city of Jericho, for information [ weakness and strength etc] that would help in the invasion to conquer the city.

    The reason makes more sense to me is that Rahab's house was on the wall where escape could be easy

    I think God of grace lead them there. More so, the trip was been guided by God Himself so he would have led them there as part of His plan to lead the Israelites into the promised land.



  9. Q4. (Joshua 1:8) What does it mean to meditate on the Word? What is the difference between Christian meditation and Eastern meditation? How does God work through his Word to renew our minds?

    To meditate in the word means to read, think about the word says, turn over in your mind until it becomes part of you

    The Christian meditation is Holy spirit driven and not just a mental exercise.

    Through meditating in the word of God, we learn what he wants us to be and do.

  10. Q3. (Joshua 1:6-8) What kinds of things might Joshua be tempted to fear if he were to allow himself to dwell on his anxieties? What does it mean to “be strong and very courageous”? What is the distinction between weakness and strength in Joshua’s situation? What is the relationship between fear and faith? Can you be courageous and still be fearful?

    The giants in the promised land and the rebellious Israelites

    To remain strong in faith that God is with and will fight with and for him for success even when faced with challenges

    Fear is the absence of faith


  11. Q2. (Joshua 1:5b) Why is God’s promise to be always with Joshua so important to him? Why is this promise so important to you in your present situation? If God is with you, what limitations do you have?

    This will encourage and make him bold enough to move on and lead the people to take possession of the promised land.

    It is important to me at each point to know that God is with me, this will give me hope in spite of all the challenges on the way.

    the only limitation will be my inability to move on with him



  12. Q1. (Joshua 1:3) In what way is God’s promise to Joshua, “I will give you every place where you set your foot,” a conditional promise? What’s wrong with a faith that consists primarily of the philosophy: “If God wants me to have it he will give it to me”? What areas that God has promised you that you must press forward to receive?

    The promise is conditional because it requires us to go out with the Lord in His power to take possess of our land

    What is wrong is that contrary to such a position, God actually expects us to make a move towards taking our possession and not mere passive faith

    There are several areas such as follow up on my unpaid pension, possessing some parcels of land bought some years back but have not been fully released by the sellers.

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