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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Uncle Dave

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Posts posted by Uncle Dave

  1. Q1.

    1.     How can a local congregation lose its "first love" for Jesus?

    Looking at this question from the perspective of personal experiences, I am very inclined to go with deception. Jesus warned about deception. He knew how full of trickery Satan was more than anyone who has ever lived. The Bible is full of people who were duped with deception beginning with Eve (Genesis 3:1) in the garden. Even the high priest was deceived by not knowing what the scriptures really said and could not accept the fact that Jesus was the promised savior of mankind thinking he would appear as a king displaying pomp and royalty rather than a homeless (Matthew 8:20, Luke 9:58 “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”) person displaying humility for what it really is.

    2.     What are the signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship and ministry?

    Doing God’s will. Searching the Bible for truth and acting upon it.

    3.     How does the lack of love show up?

    The lack of love shows its face as member’s begin to do “little things nobody will notice” (or so they think not giving thought to the fact that such deeds will eventually be exposed), excuses like “everybody does it” become common and once a cancer begins, it does all it can to spread and left unchecked what people see is the church being no different than the world itself.

    4.     How can a congregation regain this love?

    Repentance. A return to living lives according to scriptures without justifying them away—something I see which is quite common in the church today. Jesus said that many are called but few are chosen (Matthew 12:14). People think that they are followers of God because they sing in the choir, loyally go to church and pay tithes Too many people like this take the Word of God for something which a preacher explains it without searching it out for themselves. In other words, after the service its hurry home to watch a football game and return to the ways of the world for the remainder of the week.

  2. Day 1 Meditation (Revelation 4; 5:6).

    1.      Why is everyone around the throne worshipping?

    The celebration of eternal life. Having come through the trials of what the world has to offer and now at the beginning of the realm of eternal life would surely be more than just an over-joyous moment. Why, having attained such a standing would one not want to give thanks to Christ for all he has done for us?


    2.       Why are they chanting and singing?

    I would imagine the singing would be coming from the heart. There is no such thing as singing out of tune when it comes from the heart. Compare a well-trained choir to a group of pre-school children singing and ask yourself which is better. The choir might be in practiced pitch and sound nice, but the children would sound most precious. This is because they sing from their heart and not their minds. Jesus gives us room to express what is in our hearts and he also said we need to become like little children. Its all about what comes out of the heart.


    3.       Why do you think that we get bored with worship after a few minutes?

    It is the evil in man that would make a person bored with worship quickly. Maybe “mind pollution” could be the proper term. We fill our hearts with all the evil of the world and have great longing to get back to the call of it. How many people sit through a church gathering only to sit there preparing a shopping list of filled with the pre-occupation of trying to figure out how all the bills will be paid, or can we afford this or that.


    4.      What does that indicate about our hearts?

    This should be telling us that our hearts need to be changed. Rather than worry about the things that fill our days with confusion, we need to become like the little children who trust that they will be taken care of.


    5.       What can we do to change this?

    To change this, I would think we need to do as Jesus told the rich man when he told him to sell all he had and give the money to the poor. One could also relate the prodigal son to what needs to be done. If a person is so filled with the cares of the world and everything Satan has to offer, we need to get rid of everything and bring ourselves to a level where we are not only totally dependent on Christ, but acknowledgement of the fact that he is the only one who can meet our needs.

  3. 1.     What is the significance of the exalted Jesus walking among the lampstands?

    I would think this to be that Jesus was proving that he was telling the truth when he said he would never leave us.

    2.     What does this teach us about the church?

    That Jesus and his church are all in one the same as he is as one with the Father?

    3.     What does it teach us about Jesus?

    Could it be that this means that we are the church and Jesus is the leader.

  4. 1.     The vision of Christ among the lampstands (1:12-20) is much different than the Carpenter-Teacher who walked the roads of Galilee and Judea. Why?

    The one John saw in Revelations 1:13-16 was not Jesus who walked the Earth as a servant but the resurrected Son of God who, in glory will return as a King.

    2.     What overall emotions is this vision of Jesus among the lampstands designed to evoke in the reader?

    One has to really think what the event will really look like when it happens because to just read the verses a person can’t grasp the depth of the situation as it will be on that day.

    3.     Why is this understanding of Jesus important to a balanced faith?

    Because most people think of Jesus as the one seen portrayed by Hollywood actors which always show the humble servant who walked the Earth with his disciples and ends up executed on a cross. People need to understand that was how he was the first time he came but when he returns he will come as a king to judge the earth and people will be grief stricken when he does because they aren’t ready, while those that are will find him to be so much beyond their expectations upon his return.

  5. 1.     In what countries are Christians presently experiencing tribulation or persecution for the faith?

    In answering this question, I will say that there is not a place you can go where a Christian would face persecution, be it so mild as not noticeable to extremes. It is easy to overlook a situation where people are in the background snickering because someone is carrying a Bible even though technically, that could be considered persecution. Fact is, in such a situation Satan is making known his presence. He works day and night to get people to do is work and most do it for him unknowingly. Although this might seem like nothing to be concerned about it has the capability of growing into something bigger. Looking at things from an extreme measure, people are rotting away in medieval comparable prisons, subject to intense torture and often death. There are places a Christian is unsafe just to think about entering.  

    2.     How can the Book of Revelation be a comfort and encouragement to them?

    The Book of Revelation can be of great comfort to them because the reward that awaits them is revealed and also the fact that persecution will be a part of a Christian’s life and under certain conditions it will only get worse but we need only remember that our time here, no matter how it seems to drag at times is short and although the opposition can kill the body, he can’t get what Christians have returned to him and that is eternal life. In the end, which regardless of how long it takes to get here, we will not have to put up with him.

  6. 1.     What does 1:8 tell us about the Father?

    The verse tells us that he always has, and always will be present, like it or not and is supreme above all.

    2.     The Father is the speaker here in 1:8 and in 21:6. But Jesus is the speaker in 1:17 and 22:12-13. What is the significance of this for our understanding of who Jesus is?

    These two verses explain to us that Jesus will return, and many will be very sad that they did not accept him as the one who gave his life as a payment for the sins of ALL mankind. It explains how, when he returns he will divide his inheritance among those who did.

  7. Q1.

    1.     Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose?

    It is important because not only does this book tell what the church will experience, it also gives us hope in what awaits those who overcome & endure to the end.

    2.     How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us?

    Jesus proved his words when he was resurrected like he said he would. He promised the same eternal life for us and this was all coming from a man who never lied about anything.

    3.     Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted?

    Is it cowardice? Being too involved in & part of the world? I would think the fear of being beaten or tortured would be greater than the fear of dying. Perhaps it all comes down to just being too worldly. Or maybe the fear of losing an argument that might follow and not having an answer for everything that happens in the world(although we do need to know when to bridle the tongue. Regardless, it is dangerous ground.

  8. Q4. (Philippians 3:13; Revelation 2:4)

    1.     What does it look like when a person "loses his first love"?

    When one loses that first love, he/she has gone astray from the narrow path they should be running on and gets caught up in the ways of the world. If left unchecked, the lure of the world’s attractions becomes stronger and more enticing. This is dangerous ground and only leads to a spiritual quicksand. If God has called you and you don’t attempt to get things in order, God will do it for you and that usually means hitting the “bottom” and like Nebuchadnezzar being lowered to the point of eating grass like a wild animal. God will never give up on you, but you must respond.

    2.     Has this ever happened to you?

    Yes, this has happened to me. It was a seemingly long drawn out process, and painful at times. It took my admitting how fallen I had become but until I was truly sincere, the chastisement continued its work (Hebrews 12:5-11).

    3.     How can you regain a personal intimacy with Christ?

    Much time spent in the Word, even more time (in my case anyway) one on one with Christ and coming to praising God always for everything and constant prayer (communicating).

    4.     What might you need to repent of to restore this?

    Although I have restored my connection with Christ, every day I find something I need to repent of. Hard to believe there are so many things a person could do wrong. On the outside I might look like a “good person” but there is only one who is good and until I am resurrected with a total transplant (heart), I will continue to find things, regardless of how small or great. I might control what my hands do or where my feet take me but Satan attacks from the inside and so the war rages.

  9. Q3. (Philippians 3:8-9)
    1. How can pride in our own righteousness and religious achievements actually get in the way of "knowing Christ"?

    Because it makes us forget where our righteousness really comes from. It causes people to walk around in their “religious uniforms” and pass by those in need. There is no such thing as “tit for tat” or doing favors for God. When you are doing anything, it should be done as though doing it for God under the veil of humility, that is, your right hand should be blind to your left and visa versa. Jesus said “…inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40) If you are doing something for the sake of recognition you can have your good feeling about it but in the end, it will go up in smoke.
    2. Has this ever happened to you or someone you know?
    If I said it never happened to me, I would be lying. The spirit of zealousness shows no favoritism. I can’t help but think that this (undesirable) quality of finding it in others is like a contagious disease that blocks any self-detection of the symptoms in one’s self. I thank you for this question for helping me to see something.




  10. Q2. (Colossians 1:14-20; Romans 8:1)

    1.     What does it mean to be "in Christ"?

    Let me begin with the line “image of the invisible God on this one. As Christ was the image of God, we need to set our sites on being just like Christ. Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. The verse says it all. Jesus was without sin just as His Father is without sin and, on top of that Jesus was willing to be a servant to all going so far as to die for our redemption of sin. We need to be imitators of Christ, living our lives without sin, willing to do what Christ said was the ultimate show of love for fellow human beings. That is quite a belly full but isn’t that what Jesus said?

    2.     Why is such union with Christ so important?

    This union is important because if we are looking for the resurrection which leads to eternal life, yet on that day Jesus would look at one of us and say “I don’t know you” then everything you lived for is lost forever. Jesus said to defeat sin and live accordingly so that we may serve His purpose here in this life and also in a life hoped for to come.

  11. Q1. (Philippians 2:5-11)

    1.     How did Jesus demonstrate the importance of humility and forego his rights in order to do God's will?

    Jesus demonstrated the importance of humility in that He regained the glory He set aside as a result of living the life of a servant. He said that he who exalts himself would be humbled and he who humbles himself shall be exalted and the part of being exalted is exactly what happened, only after a death that, when you think about it is so cold hearted as to make one wonder who would even dream of something so evil. Rather than get into the gory details or evil devices which works a person’s mind to come up with something like that, I think it needs to be stated that even today Jesus serves us. What do we have that He didn’t give us? All we have to do is pray and He is right there to forgive us and bless us beyond our wildest dreams. I do believe that utilizing such blessings to bless others, especially the poor is part of His intentions for us. Often, these blessings come without so much as a thank you from the person who was blessed but rather than giving God the glory for all that happens, His people have a tendency to call upon Him only in time of need with the expectation of the best.

    2.     What happens when we try to exalt ourselves, rather than waiting for God to exalt us?

    When this happens, we often take a fall of sorts as an attention getter. God does not want us to do this and is very clear about it more than once. Many are those who have fallen from self-imposed states of glory as a result of patting one’s self on the back a time too many. Things always begin to go good again once one returns to God, such as the story about the Prodigal Son.

    3.     What do you call this tendency?

    I’m sure there are many terms to describe this tendency, but I call it prideful greediness with a sure “kick” on the way. A person who has little is probably better off when something like this happens because when a poor person loses it all, they have more of a tendency to reach out to God and get back on track whereas a rich person usually don’t understand why they fell and start looking for ways to buy themselves back into that from which they have fallen.

  12. Q4. (Philippians 1:20-23)

    1.     In what way is death "gain" for Paul? (verse 21).

    Death would have been gain for Paul because instead of rotting away in chained torment, he could be with Christ where every tear is wiped.

    2.     Which is better for him? Life or death? (verse 23)

    Death would be better for him in fact it would be better for all believers because it would mean the end of all struggles. We must patiently await the day God calls us home though keeping in mind until that time He has something for us to do.

    3.     How does Paul decide which he prefers -- life vs. death -- according to verses 22-24?

    Paul decides on life however I don’t think it was so much his idea as it was God’s. Paul decided that it wasn’t his time and there were still things he needed to do.


  13. Q3. (2 Corinthians 5:10; Romans 14:10)

    1.     Why should appearing before Christ as Judge make us fearful?

    Seeing Jesus is what I want more than anything, yet it could be like traveling to a different country to meet someone you met say, on the internet and you find out the barriers you thought you had broke still kept you nervous. If one has came up in the first resurrection, there should be no fear. I don’t expect to be rewarded much because even if I did everything book perfect that I should have done while in this shell, I shall be content just to be there.

    2.     Will we be condemned at that judgment?

    If we died in Christ or were caught up with Him at the last trumpet we won’t be condemned.

    3.     What saves us (Romans 8:1; Revelation 21:12)?

    It is faith in Christ, that He died for all the wrongs we have done, and also that He rose again, on the third day just as He said He would, and that He would one day return to gather us up to Him.

    4.     How will our works be judged on that day (1 Corinthians 3:12-15)?

    Our works shall be tried by fire. It will be the “un-burnable” that passes through. Love is something not made of human hands and I believe it is love on which the judgement shall be based. Love includes many things—charity being the action part. If you give something to someone in protest, it shall not be counted as worthy. It shall be that which is freely given, without a second thought or worry about the cost, be it goods or your time. Jesus gave the best example with the story about the good Samaritan who, at the risk of being beaten and robbed himself, took it upon himself to help a wounded Jew—a person who normally was at odds with the Jewish people, by treating him and putting him up in a place till he was healed of his wounds, at his own expense. Instead of worrying about the cost he told the inn keeper that if the cost ran higher, he would compensate.

  14. Q2. (2 Corinthians 5:8; John 14:2-3)

    1.     In what ways is heaven like your "home"?

    This is a touchy one at this time, but what I see concerning Heaven is that it is God’s dwelling place. I believe what Jesus said when he mentioned “theirs is the Kingdom Of Heaven” and “great is their reward in Heaven” in Matthew, and  5:3 & 5:12, but when I try to figure out what Heaven really is the only thing I have come up with so far is from Genesis 1:10 …and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. So often I hear the stories told about Heaven with it’s pearl gates and streets of gold but if you read what it says in Revelation  21:2 it says he …saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem coming down out of Heaven… So where is this city coming down to or whatever is the new earth for. I take it that heaven is the space between everything contained in the heavens which would include the New Earth. I do apologize if this offends anyone but it appears the earth is like what it says in Psalm 115:16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men. Is not Jesus to ultimately be the King who will rule the new earth? There are just too many variables at this time for me to give the answer I would like and that is mainly because I have too many questions myself. I do believe we have the offer for eternal life though and that is good enough for me—to spend eternity with Christ.

    2.     Which is eternal?

    That which is eternal comes after life as we know it now.  

    3.     Which is temporary?

    Temporary is where we are at this point. Everything we have, have had, hope to have, have seen, see, will all pass (2 Peter 3:10 & 11).   

    4.     What kind of faith would it take for you to walk or live with this as your belief, rather than holding on to your earthly possessions, status, and life?

    Temporary is where we are at this point. Everything we have, have had, hope to have, have seen, see, will all pass (2 Peter 3:10 & 11).  


  15. Q1. (2 Timothy 2:3; 3:10-12; 4:7)

    1.     Why are we quieted so quickly by mild societal disapproval of our witness?

    That is a great question which will be answered by the “quieted” should they remain that way. Just like actions, inactions shall come to account. This bothers me because there are so many opportunities that have escaped me. Disapproval, at least in the U.S. is, for the most part nothing to really be concerned about because violence against preaching the word is rare. I know in other (not all) countries it has its consequences but not so much here. The worst fire I ever came under was with someone who acted offended when he told me he was a believer of something other than Christian belief but even at that we didn’t end up with WWIII.

    2.     What would enduring hardship "like a good soldier of Christ" look like in your life?

    As one who spends most of my time in the U.S. and also spends time in the Philippines, which is a country deep into Catholicism, the hardest I would more than likely have to deal with would be rejection.  

    3.     What would it look like to "fight the good fight" for you?

    Fighting the good fight for me would mean hitting the streets every day like I should be doing.

  16. Q4. (Acts 20:24b; Ephesians 6:20; 2 Corinthians 5:20)

    1.     In what sense was Paul an ambassador?

    Paul is an ambassador in that he was used of the Kingdom of God to preach the message of the kingdom taking it to the gentiles.  

    2.     In what sense are you an ambassador?

    While our being an ambassador is not the load Paul carried it is just as important in that we are the ones chosen to share the Good News of the coming kingdom to those we know or come in contact with.

    3.     Why is sharing your testimony important in your ambassadorship?

    Our testimony is important because people will see us for what we are and if our testimony isn’t good, people will see it and it hurts the credibility of the message we are trying to share.

  17. Q3. (Acts 20:24)

    1.     Our life is valuable to God, of course, and we are to value it. However, what problems result from valuing our life for its own sake?

    Jesus was very clear when He said that if you save your life, you will lose it. Given that, even if at the last minute you finally decided Christ really was more important than life as you’re looking into the face of death, it would make you a much less efficient witness while you were alive.  

    2.     What does it mean to "take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23-25)?

    To find out what God’s will for you is and doing it, regardless of the cost. It is different for different people.

    3.     What keeps us from doing that?

    The fear of short-term consequences, for one. The cares of the world could also cause interference. An unmarried person is concerned about pleasing God where for a married person their spouse (1 Corinthians 7:34 & 34).   

    4.     What does it mean when Paul says, "I have been crucified with Christ" (Galatians 2:20)?

    It is a poetically elaborate way of saying that the Spirit of Christ lives within him and has replaced the spirit he once followed.  

    5.     Can we follow Christ, if we are actually trying to hang on to our own life?

    I think this would depend on circumstances. I don’t believe God wants us to give up without a fight if we are, say, caught up in a fast moving flooded area and trying to survive but as far as denying Christ just to keep from being killed, you are going to lose that life where it counts the most, even if you do survive the moment.

  18. Q2. (Acts 19:21; 20:22-23; 21:11)

    1.     Are the prophecies about imprisonment in Jerusalem in conflict with Paul's leading from God?

    Prophecies coming from God would never be contrary to God’s leading in a person. At the beginning of this study one of the things we learned was when God mentioned that He would show Paul how much he must suffer for Christ’s name (Acts 9:16). The prophecies which came forth about being jailed in Jerusalem simply stated that he would be handed over to the Gentiles after arriving there.

    2.     What, then, conflicts with Paul's leading to go to Jerusalem?

    If there were any conflicts at all, it would have been disbelief that Paul was moving in the Spirit of God when he went. Perhaps unbelief might even be the wrong choice of words. It could have been concern for Paul’s well being in mistaking the fact that Paul was actually caring out God’s will

    3.     Why do you think Paul actively encourages prophecy in the churches he establishes (1 Corinthians 14:1, 5)?

    I think the reason for encouraging prophecy was because of the readily availability of access to God’s will to the church. Prophecy could serve as a warning to the church or a member or certain members of it if it were taking a wayward step which needed to be corrected.

    4.     Why do you think many Christians despise prophecy today (1 Thessalonians 5:20)?

    I think the main reason for despising prophecy today is the fact that it uncovers the truth, something which so many people today go to great lengths to avoid, often using careful edits and twists to prevent themselves from being exposed.

  19. Q4. (2 Chronicles 20:15-17a, 21-22; Acts 16:25-26; Philippians 4:4-9; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)

    1.     What do praise and thankfulness have to do with faith?

    The language of faith. You can’t praise God without being thankful. Being thankful to God requires faith in the things He has promised that we have yet to see. I’m talking about the “hereafter”. It is really sad that so many people don’t believe what God has to offer, opting for the “good times” while they last. But, that said, if you have the faith to believe in the fact that God has a wonderful life waiting for us in the realm of eternity, how can one not be thankful?

    2.     Why do you think praise and thankfulness are such powerful weapons in our warfare?

    Number one, I believe that God likes His children to be in contact at all times “Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;”. I really believe God honors praise and prayer when we acknowledge Him with the credit for everything good. There is so much truth in that because even though we talk about being God’s servants on earth, could we ever come close to the display of humility He demonstrates? I mean, sure, we might plant corn but who brings the rain and who gave us corn to begin with? When we need, or want something, who do we turn to? In an emergency, who do we cry out to for help? With answers every time even though it might not be the answer we expect, if we are as patient with Him as He is with us, the sun not only shines but the blessings pour down like rain. God is so amazing. He even takes care of the sinners, many of them holding riches beyond the normal imagination. There is so much more to everything than we can imagine taking place at any given time. I know personally that since I have begun to spend as much time as possible with Him how different things have become. I will not say that hard times will not come because I know that to be part of life, but I have such a sense of contentment. Sometimes, I think of how much we have, which by standards of the average person might not be anything to brag about but I don’t expect I’ll take anything with me, and I know where I’m headed. Only the amazement of the destination remains a mystery because the human imagination could never touch what awaits. There is no such thing as over doing it when it comes to praise and prayer.

  20. On 10/27/2019 at 8:44 AM, Travis81 said:

    Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11; Ephesians 4:26-27) How do you think anger and unforgiveness give Satan an opportunity to damage you?


    They among other emotions/feeling processed negatively and adhered to allows his influences to metastasize and affect/infect godliness behavior adversely. Hence instead of being Christlike we move forward in a non-Christlikeness manner. We live, move and have our being with a sense heaviness instead of in the newness of life and in the peace that the Prince of Peace gives.    



    For you, who is the most difficult person to forgive?


    I believe sense most people with a conscience, and especially a godlily conscience will self-condemn themselves long after they have been forgiven, therefore it’s my belief the person themselves are the most difficult to forgive.  


    Being the lesson is heavily concerning the life of Paul, he said:


    1 Timothy 1:15 - This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.


    1 Corinthians 15:9 - For I am the least of the apostles and am unworthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.


    I’m so thankful he also wrote: Ephesians 3:8 - Though I am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ,


    Romans 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.


    Secondly, I would say the most difficult person for someone to forgive is the person that hurt them the most.



    Whatever the cause for our Dis-ease it is important to forgive:


    God says / the Bible says:


    We forgive because we have been forgiven by God (Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13.).


    We forgive in obedience to God (Matthew 6:14-15; Romans 12:18).


    We should forgive and/or not hold on to bitterness so that we may not be carry out negative actions while being lead by hurt (misplaced) emotions (Genesis 4:5-8).


    We forgive so we won’t become bitter and defile those around us (Hebrews 12:14-15).


    (there so much relational importance to share in regards this question even though I’ve perhaps written too much)




    Why is your unforgiveness more damaging to you than to the person who hurt you?


    No forgiveness, no peace or know forgiveness, know peace.

    Unforgiveness is choosing to remain incarcerated by bitterness, serving time for someone else’s sin, iniquity, offense, misstep, or mistake.  


    "Unforgiveness Shackles the holder to the offender; it binds and blinds the holder of unforgiveness


    Unforgiveness Metaphor “Being in unforgiveness is like being on a giant hook. Next to you on the hook is the person who has hurt you. The hook is extremely painful. Wherever you go, so does the hook and so does the offender. The only way you can get off the hook is if you allow the offender off first


    This metaphor was suggested by Stephen Hayes - The cost of not allowing the offender off the hook is, perhaps, a lifetime of unhappiness."


    The line in your post " No forgiveness, no peace or know forgiveness, know peace". Not sure if your words or not but would like to make a banner of it in Photoshop

  21. Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11; Ephesians 4:26-27)

    1.     How do you think anger and unforgiveness give Satan an opportunity to damage you?

    Jesus said we need to forgive others if we are to be forgiven (Matthew 6:15). If we are in an unforgiven state it means that Satan holds the leash. Until we give way to what Christ tells us what to do, we are under Satan’s command because basically, we are doing things his way. In other word, we have decided not to forgive as Satan would have rather than to forgive as Jesus would have us do.

    2.     For you, who is the most difficult person to forgive?

    I’m sure there are many different answers to this but in my case, the most difficult act of forgiving was being used by the person who only days earlier told me about Christ, whom I accepted right away but the person had a foot in the world in a big way and used the “everybody does it” line and spun me into a whirlpool of confusion that wreaked havoc on my mind. I remember a few days after the particular incident that lit the fuse I was way out in the mountains hunting by myself and all these things were plaguing me when it was like I heard a voice scream at me to forgive the person, and that was before I had ever seen anything about forgiving. It took me quite a while but as I began to see the cause behind the error that lead me into error, I was finally able to forgive the person.

    3.     Why is your unforgiveness more damaging to you than to the person who hurt you?

    Because I’m the one who is not forgiven of God. The person who did the damage may not even be affected by what took place or it is even possible I completely mistook the incident and here we are, days later the other person isn’t even phased and I’m somewhere out in the cold fretting over something I should be getting over and because I have not forgiven someone of something, God has not forgiven me and I’m left at Satan’s mercy (at-least for as far as God will let him push me).

  22. Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4; John 8:44)

    1.     What are Satan's chief tools to keep people under his control?

    Keeping people under his control means a tightening of the binders on one’s vision to make sure they stay blinded to the truth. Lies on top of lies. Keep someone believing they are doing the right thing when in truth, they are headed in the opposite direction. As it is written, “wide is the road to destruction.” Anyone who had ever followed a deer trail on a steep mountain knows it is easier to walk down a road where you don’t have to watch where every step lands. Though it may appear easier on the wide road, the snares are many and often set with hair triggers. The vanity shows along the road are many and appealing to the eyes. We need to remember that we are talking about maintaining control which, with time becomes easier because everything that is wrong becomes common place and acceptable. While the dedicated believer on that narrow path would think it wrong to take so much as a paper clip and not even think about doing so, the one under Satan’s control, having no sense or right or wrong might (and often does) go for the contents of the company safe. Greed, **** of the flesh & eyes, and pride used by themselves or in combination becomes a way of life. It is when such a person begins to see the error of their ways that Satan will up the ante, and use things like fear, blackmail, or even something which isn’t sinful like getting a pay raise to take the person’s mind off of trying to straighten out his path. Once Satan gets a person in his grasp it is usually much easier holding on than it was getting the person in the first place, regardless of how easy that was. That is a totally different question though.

    2.     Why is the sharing and preaching of the gospel so threatening to him (John 8:31-32; Romans 1:16)?

    Speaking the Word of God is a threat to what Satan thinks is his. He stands to lose control of people when they start hearing the gospel and the truth about true peace of mind. Think of when the Allies invaded Normandy during WWII what Hitler must have been thinking. He began losing his troops and property that was wrongly taken. Another example, and one I’m sure we could all related to is when we were little children and got caught doing something we weren’t supposed to be doing. This part might depend on your current age (new laws in place), or what it was you did, but when I was young teachers used paddles, parents used switches, and the feeling one gets when their number is up is an unforgettable experience. If it is something you are determined to continue in the punishment becomes a threat to your actions. The same with preaching or sharing the gospel, the idea of losing followers is a grave threat to what Satan figures belongs to him.

    3.     Why do you think it is so difficult to share your faith or preach in the world outside the church?

    This is something that is always on my mind. I was talking to a man I met on the street the other night who was playing a recording of someone preaching on the Satanic evil behind the holiday, Halloween. He said something that tore into me like a sword when he mentioned that before he began doing what he was doing, he was in the “lukewarm” phase. That is, one foot in the world while trying to be a Christian at the same time, something that just doesn’t work. Such a life is looking at Revelations 3:16 “…I will spit you out of my mouth…” one day becoming a reality. The thought of losing the comforts of the world will stop us from making every attempt at spreading the gospel. When I say comforts of the world, I’m including getting beat up, cut up, locked up, or even killed because once you start there is no stopping, but few get to that point. That is alarming to me because that man was describing me.

  23. Q1. (2 Corinthians 4:4; Psalm 24:1)

    1.     What is the difference between legitimate authority and usurped authority?

    Legitimate authority is legally binding or, within the law. In the military, if you are assigned legitimate authority over a team or crew then those members are under your command and legally must do what you command them to whether they like it or not. A usurped authority is when you take command of something you don’t have the right to be in control of, like a coup where a government leader is forced out of office by a rebel leader. He has no legal right to be there and is definitely out of the bounds of the law.

    2.     Which kind of authority does Satan have?

    The authority Satan has is usurped. He is a rebellious leader of evil followers who use intimidation to make people think they are in the right. All authority is fake and akin to stolen valor.

    3.     How can Satan be defeated at the cross (Colossians 2:14-15), but still be dangerous (John 10:10a, 44; 1 Peter 5:8-9)?

    He is dangerous in the way he deceives people and uses fear to intimidate those who won’t follow his evil ways. Like the Bible says, he has teeth and those teeth can come in a multitude of ways. A person could be unjustly imprisoned or robbed of all he holds close. It could be fists mercilessly pounding on an innocent person or even bullets flying. There are many, many ways and different tactics he will use against those he declares as his enemies.

  24. Q4. (2 Corinthians 1:8-9; Ephesians 6:18-20)

    What portion of Paul's "overwhelming pressure" was due to spiritual warfare, do you think?

    I would say that the source of the pressure was spiritual in nature but manifest in physical life in the way of beatings, jail time. Being put to the test like this would bring on this overwhelming pressure in not much time at all, leaving one to think that dying would be an easier way out. In Paul’s case it would be a welcome event, not only to escape the pain but also because he knew he would be with Jesus. Paul, having been educated in the OT scriptures might have understood the fact that God was putting limits on Satan the same way He did with Job. I think of the verse … Jesus I know, and Paul I know… Satan’s arch for and helper had it in for Paul the same way he did Jesus and the only thing preventing Paul being killed would be God’s interference. I would have to say that 100% of Paul’s problems originated from spiritual warfare. Satan will do all he can to make something appear as a natural struggle, but Jesus promises an end to all these problems for those who have endured Satan’s attacks without surrendering to him.

    How much can be attributed to the "normal" struggles of life?

    The book of Revelations shows 4 riders going out to cause a never ending struggle in hopes of corrupting all of mankind so relating the word struggle with “normal” doesn’t seem to cut it.

    Why is intercessory prayer for leaders and for one another so important?

    Prayer is important because when the people are praying Jesus is in the midst of it all seeing to it that answers are provided.

  25. Q3. (Acts 19:11-19)

    1.     Why do so many contemporary churches expect to evangelize effectively in the 21st century without signs and wonders?

    Could it be that signs and wonders just aren’t going to take place where the people’s hearts are hardened against Christ? In the U.S., most have heard about Jesus, yet many go around laughing at the “weak” believers, using His name in vain. This is more of a resistance movement against someone they know about yet refuse to accept the truth (not in them). Jesus said there would be no signs given to a people like this:

    Matthew 12:39 But He answered and said to them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

    Luke 11:29 And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonah the prophet.

    That could explain why miracles take place where the people have never heard of Christ. It is places like that you often times find a demon oppressed people looking for an escape to peace.


    2.     What are we afraid of?

    For some, its fear, for some, it’s frustration, and yet for others, they don’t worry about what people think and continue praying and continue with boldness.

    For those consumed with fear, there is a verse which needs to be remembered:

    Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    Is fear an emotion or a lack of faith in what Christ has already taken care of? Or, is it unbelief? Not believing that the power is there? This question has turned into a myriad of questions which need answered. From what I’m seeing, fear, in this situation is dangerous and needs to be met head on.


    I also picture frustration among believers trying to deal with a population of believers who simply don’t believe the truth. At-least not the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This points to the people who say that signs and miracles have ended right after the apostolic period in history. Their “get out of jail free” card is:


    1 Corinthians 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.


    It can be said that perfect came when Jesus was here, but if that were the case signs and wonders would have left with him and this was written after Jesus returned to be with the Father. In that case, we’re still waiting perfection because I don’t see that happening till Jesus returns and will make all things perfect.

    It is frustrating to go to a church service and listen to someone preach what he was taught by men rather that what the Bible teaches. There are too many different doctrines being taught but the Bible remains the same. I don’t understand the pride that goes into twisting a verse to meet your agenda rather that serving the people.

    The people, for the most part have become Sunday morning Christians, putting on their most expensive costumes, jewelry, etc. Much has become a vanity fair of sorts. You walk in and smell the most expensive of perfumes, heels clicking the floor like a herd of horses, etc., while just outside the door are the homeless who, although they say all are welcome, they really don’t want them inside.

    Will there be signs and miracles in this atmosphere? The population of believers who really seek the truth are few because they think they can live on one meal a week, one good sugar coated piece of candy for the week when they have access to all the answers..

    My apologies for the rant which I will now end before it goes off in a direction contrary to the question, but it is really frustrating to offer to pray for a person who tells you their doctor has things under control. If they only realized who the doctor really is.

    To those moving ahead boldly, I salute you.


    3.     How do we identify people in our congregations whom God has gifted with ministries of healing, faith, and miracles?

    By their fruit. If a person lays hands on someone and prays for a healing and the person receives it, you can believe they have a gift for healing. Such a person won’t make a big to do about it or ask for money.

    4.     What will it take to move in this direction for you? For your church?

    In my case, I will have to come out of the bubble I have been in for a number of years and I have felt it coming for a long time. I keep praying for God to use me, and maybe He already is, and I don’t even know it. That would be nice. I know that one thing I have to do is learn the difference between forceful and boldly. The problem with being forceful is it drives you into situations where you are doing exactly the opposite of what you are supposed to be doing. A verse I often lean on when I become frustrated or discouraged is Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

    The following link explains the way I feel more accurately than I can as I myself am not what one would call an “eloquent speaker”.


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