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Posts posted by Mechelle

  1. Q4. (1 Corinthians 2:9-16) How does the Holy Spirit make “the mind of Christ” available to us? How does this make you dependent upon the Holy Spirit? How does this relate to listening for God’s voice?


     the Holy Spirit dwells everywhere within God to Christ to us who believe in him and keeps his Commandments. This is how the holy spirit makes the mind of Christ available to us.

    most of us live completely wrong living worldly lives and dependent on our fleshly desires. When we love the Lord we live for him and we die to our flesh and live by the spirit. Having communion with the spirit at all times. God's voice comes from the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit dwell's within Him which dwells within Jesus which dwells within us.

  2. Q3. (John 14-16) What promises concerning the Paraclete – Comforter – Counselor – Helper – Holy Spirit does Jesus give in John chapters 14-16? How do these relate to guidance? To “hearing” God?


     In these chapters the promises are we don't need to be troubled that He has a place for us that He's preparing that He is with us and that we know Him that He is the way the truth and the life. And that if we keep His Commandments He will send us a helper the spirit of Truth. Which is the Holy Spirit that dwells in US.

    We have to acknowledge that we have this, the Holy Spirit and that through the Holy Spirit we hear God.

  3. Q2. (John 5:19, 30) Why do you think Jesus said, “By myself I can do nothing”? (vs. 30).
    He said this because his will was not his own his will was his father's will.
    How do you justify this statement with Jesus’ divine nature as the Son of God?
    In what ways can we use Jesus’ example as a pattern for our own life and ministry? We can use this as the blueprint. This is how we are supposed to be. But instead we are carnal.
    How do you think Jesus would “see” and “hear” the Father? Jesus's soul was with the spirit of God. He did not give into his body. Jesus continuously communed with God through the Holy Spirit with his own human spirit. This is how he would see in here God's will.
  4. Holiness means to be holy and morally pure.

    I am holy now only by His grace and mercy. 

    I must be obedient to His word and then I am holy.

    My biggest stuggle right now is wanting to drink a corona. I dont want to be a stumbling block to anyone. I am asking God to take this from me. And sometimes I lie about work. I have improved greatly on this as well. Thank you Lord!

  5. I believe our attention should be in preparation. To prepare ourselves for Christ's coming. To hear the words well done my child. That's where my undivided attention is.

    It's a hope of an inheritance that is far beyond my imagination.

    I believe it inspires us to be like Him with self-control and soberness. So we will be ready so we will be prepared. So we can be good examples. When we don't expect him to come soon we're sloppy and carnal.

  6. I think the basis of Christian Joy is God.

    I think when God is in us, we are completely intertwined with Him our emotions are filled with extreme joy.

    A Pursuit for happiness is something that we are looking just for ourselves.


    My experience of a genuine article of joy that wasn't counterfeit. It's like the movie The Grinch That Stole Christmas. When the Grinch's heart grew ten times larger. That's the only way I could describe it at the time when it first happened to me. It's like my heart grew inside my chest 10 times larger. I was filled with so much joy theat tears came to my eyes. I knew I just knew that moment in time that it was God. That for sure my friend it was an inexpressible glorious Joy from God.

    I do have inexpressible glorious Joy when I'm singing and praising in church. Often people come to me and say you smile all the time when you're singing. It's the joy of the Lord in my heart. I really didn't even realize I was doing it. Until I was told.

  7. Hello Everyone!

    My name is Mechelle and I am from Palm Springs, California. The Sunny Land, Theres hardly a day the sun doesn't shine here.

    All my children are four legged :) I am a single women. I have owned my own business for 24 years now. I really enjoy the freedom of owning my own business.

    I love to travel and I love sit and float in my pool. But most of all I love to learn about God. I can't ever get enough. 

    I attend my church regularly and always help in the nursery. I love being with the babies.

    I hope to go help in orphanages soon.

    God grace to all

  8. The forgiveness that we get when we accept Jesus into our life is the sprinkling  of Jesus blood. It is an action of taking on Jesus. Conforming to.  To be like Jesus. When you love Jesus you want to be obedient and to be like Him.

    Not just being deceptive it's harmful to your life to think you can have one without the other.

    There's no Works in this life I could possibly do to earn God's grace. I have been a ratchet person and done horrible things but God is so freely given me His grace and I love Him for that. It's not something earned it's something He freely gives to us.

  9. Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight?


    A Christian that identifies with the world more then our heavenly one is probably not in the word. It could be just ignorance on how to live a Christian Life. 

    I was just that way before I really gave my life to the Lord. And really started studying the word. And found out that I have power over the devil.

    I've done many studies. I didn't even know that I had any power. Somebody actually told me that I had tools to learn. That I have power over the devil. I was struggling with a major attack in my life then.

    God spoke to me to me many times. But when I went to Israel he really spoke to me and I am learning more and more every day.

    Without a human example in your life you truly have to trust in the Lord. Sometimes it's really hard, but God is faithful.

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