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Posts posted by Janine

  1. To be in Christ means to me that the Holy Spirit has come to live within my being and has made my spirit alive again. My alive spirit is united with the Holy Spirit. But to live this out, I have to have my soul which is my mind, will and emotions come into full agreement with God. This allows me to enter into the Holy Place where the Holy Spirit united with my spirit will be. In effect Christ is in me and I (my soul) then am in Him. It is a daily choice I must make to continue the process of sanctification. 

    I love word pictures like the cake mix one so here is mine. We are like a lamp that is not plugged in nor has no light bulb. When we accept Christ, His Holy Spirit comes to live in us and we have the light bulb. He also connects us back to God so we are now plugged in. But each day we have to choose to turn on the lamp. 

  2. Q25. (Daniel 7:13-14) What does the Ancient of Days grant to the Son of Man?  All authority, glory and power. 

    Why do you think Jesus used the title of "Son of Man" even though most didn't understand its importance?  I believe it is a reminder for us that he is a man in the flesh; that he came down low like nothing else can. 

    What does Jesus' authority mean to you and your life? It is hope for living in this world and being able to do and be all he wants me to do and be. 

  3. Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23) What can we learn from Joseph's action?  His unquestioning faith and obedience are a role model for us. He doesn't let what's happening in his world derail him from trusting God. 

    What should we have to know about the outcome before we say yes to God?  There is no need to know the outcome. It wouldn't be faith if we knew all the details. 

    How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem?  I believe there is a plan and purpose beyond our understanding for everything, including God allowing the babies to be slaughtered, the twin towers to fall, etc. 

    Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?  Yes, God is love and loves those babies who had no control over their fate. 


  4. Q23. (Matthew 2:7-12) Does gift-giving on this occasion involve love or mere custom? For the wise men it was likely per custom but we don't know what they know for sure about the Messiah. It was definitely a gift of love from God to help provide for their exile in Egypt. 

    How were the Magi's gifts fitting for the Christ Child? Definitely not what a toddler would have wanted but fitting for him as the King of Kings. 

    What gifts can you offer Jesus that mean something?  My worship, praise, thanksgiving and service to others. 

    What gifts demonstrate your love?  Giving generously when I have little to give, helping hands for anyone in need, a listening ear for those he need it, praying for others. 


  5. Q22. (Matthew 2:1-6) In what ways is the kingship of Jesus a threat to our self-determination?  We want to be in control of our lives so anything or anyone that might effect our having control would be a threat. It is understanding our place in the universe and God's place in the universe that will help set us straight on who is really in control and bring us to the humility that is needed.  

    What are our choices in light of his Kingdom?  He has given us free will and the choices are straightforward;  trusting Him or trusting ourselves. I chose Him!

  6. Q21. (Luke 2:36-38) Why is it hard for us to value the time we spend in meditation and prayer.  There is a constant competition of worldly things coming into your mind. I think we have to put that in our prayers to be thankful for the time we can spend with the Lord, even if it is only for a few minutes each morning. 

    Which of the times of our day do you think the Lord values most?  I don't know that he values any time of day over another but I feel like the morning is good to set your day up with the Lord and the evening is good to reflect on what occurred during your day. 

    How does listening to the Lord propel Anna's ministry? Her listening was what prepared her seeing the baby Jesus and that speaks volumes about how listening can do the same for us. We can see and take hold of the opportunities that God gives us to show the Kingdom of God here on earth with our service, love and standing for what is right and true. 

  7. Q16. (Luke 2:8-14) Why do you think the angels shocked the shepherds with their radiant glory?  Sitting under the dark night sky with the stars twinkling is something I do often sitting in my spa. I think there is not a person on the planet that wouldn't be shocked by a sudden appearance of a being so bright in that context. 

    Why not something more low-key?  They could have appeared during the morning hours and it might not have been as shocking but I believe that God has a plan and purpose for everything so the angel appearing like this was in the plan. 

    What does the good news consist of that the angels bring?  Salvation for all. To a lowly shepherd, I am sure that was wonderful news. 

    What allows the shepherds to authenticate this news?  How often was a baby born and put in a manger? I think that is probably a rare occurrence, maybe even the only occurrence.

  8. Q15. (Luke 2:1-7) Why is it important for us to know who governed the area at the time of Jesus' birth?  It is historical evidence that Jesus was born into this world. 

    What difficulties did Mary and Joseph face. I can't imagine the emotional difficulties of being pregnant and not married in that society. Which is very likely why she went with Joseph to Bethlehem. The traveling circumstances were harsh compared to today's traveling and you throw in winter conditions. yikes. 

    What do you think God allowed such difficulties?  I think it simply was to let his glory shine. The light is brighter after you have gone through a period of difficulties. 

    Why does he allow difficulties in our lives?  How we go through our own difficulties will shine the light brighter when we get through them to all around us. We have to trust and depend on Him. 


  9. Q14. (Galatians 4:4-5) Why do you think God sent Jesus into this world when he did?  He is omniscient and with that knows the best timing for everything. 

    What does it mean that he "redeemed" you?  He freed me with his body and blood from the dominion of death. 

    What does it mean that he "adopted" you?  He welcomed me into his family as one of his own. 

    What is your inheritance? Eternal life with Christ and all he was given. 


  10. Q11. (Isaiah 11:1-3). Why do we resist letting the Messiah govern our own lives?  I think it is part of our sinful nature to want to be fully in control of our lives. As a former temperament counselor, I know that it is an aspect of our temperament. For some of us, the need for control is great. I have one of those temperaments and the Lord has had to work on my heart to help me to see my need for him and to humble myself before him everyday.  

    Why don't we seek his counsel more often?  Because it is part of us, there will always be a battle within us of wanting to take control or allowing the Spirit to lead us. It takes humility that we must have each day. 

    Why is surrender to his wise leadership so difficult for us?  Because it makes us face our need for him and the fact that we cannot do it alone even when we think we can. 

    What can we do about this hardness we find in ourselves? The Lord has his ways of making you humble but without daily admitting to your need for him that you aren't all that and can go it on your own then you will find the pride creeping back in. It has to be a regular part of our prayer life to seek humility before the Lord. 


  11. Q10. (Psalm 110) According to verse 1, what is Jesus doing at present? Currently, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God until his enemies are made a footstool for his feet.

    What will he ultimately succeed in doing? Conquer and rule over all the nations. 

    What is the primary role of a priest?  A priest was the one who brought atonement for your sins through the sacrifice of an animal. 

    How does Jesus function as a priest who brings us to God?  Jesus was the high priest and the sacrifice for our sins. In doing so, he reconnects us to God.  (verse 4).


  12. Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character?  Despite what he believes Mary has done, he chooses not to disgrace her with his solution of a quiet divorce. He couldn't have known that the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit without direct communication from God about it. It shows how he loves Mary and doesn't want to make things worse for her. 

    His faith?  After the dream, he obeys what God's angel had told him to do. He doesn't question it so his faith in God must be strong. 

    When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?  This we can only imagine but it could have affected his work as a carpenter and I am sure it affected relationships with people he had in Nazareth.  Did they try to tell people that this baby to come would be the Messiah? Did Joseph tell his friends and family about the dream? There are more questions then answers but we, too, can have faith in God and his word here to us. 

  13. Q7. (Isaiah 9:6-7) Why is a never-ending Kingdom an anomaly in world history?  This world of humans doesn't have the capacity to rule a kingdom that will last forever. 

    Why is a just and righteous government so rare?  The just and righteous governments wherever they may be or may have been are so only because the rulers sought after Jesus. 

    What justice will Jesus bring to you when he comes?  I look forward to the justice that all of creation needs, to be restored anew like it was in the beginning in the garden of Eden. 


  14. Q5. (Isaiah 9:1-2) Why do people choose to live in darkness when light is available? (John 3:19). People who choose to live in darkness are either being deceived into believing that when our sins are forgiven by Jesus, it's okay if we sin. They could also be choosing to live in darkness because of fear; it is what they know or because they feel unworthy of such great love. It is the shame that is ever with us because of the sin within us. Why do people seem to resist the Light of Jesus? Resisting the Light of Jesus has a lot to do with fear and control. I had to let go of control and fell in love with Jesus at that point. Later, the Holy Spirit led me towards letting go of my fear over my past sins and I was able to conceive a much wanted second child after 6 years of infertility. Why do you sometimes hesitate to step into Jesus’ full light? Hesitation comes from the shame. We don't want to expose ourselves nor do we want to see ourselves for what we really are. How did Light transform the reputation of Galilee? Light brings everything out of hiding into honesty and truth. How has light transformed your reputation in your circle of friends? We can be honest about our not so warm and fuzzy feelings and remain friends because we know that in the end openness and light in our relationship is better than anything. 

  15. Q1. (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary? It is challenging to imagine a greater honor than this one. The people of Israel have long awaited the Messiah and to be the one to carry him in your womb and deliver him into the world goes beyond mere words.

    What would this honor cost her? Not only her reputation but it changes the course of her life. Her dreams of her future with Joseph will be changed in ways she never imagined.

    What does her response to the angel indicate? She may have been afraid at first but her fears I feel are calmed by his words to her and she is willing to do whatever the Lord wants of her.

    What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary's response?  She didn't question God's word but believed and trusted it. Lord, help me to believe and trust whatever God's plan is for each day in my life and let it unfold with my willingness to do His will. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen. 


  16. Day 22 Meditation (Revelation 21:23-25).  

    Why are we sometimes afraid of being fully exposed by God's searching light?  Sin hates the light and since we still have the sinful nature within us we have to battle the tendency that sin gives us to hide our sin away. Honest, transparency about our sin requires a humble heart. 

    In what sense do you think John is telling us that the New Jerusalem's light is the Lamb? And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it,
    for the glory of God gives it light,
    and its lamp is the Lamb.   If it is in His Word it is truth. The Lamb is the lamp/light of the New Jerusalem. 


    In what ways do you need the Lamb to bring his light to some of your dark places?  Especially for those sins that have been hidden away in the treasury rooms where they shouldn't be. The enemy wants to keep them in the dark room but we have to allow the light of Jesus to come into each room within our being and let his light help us see it for what it really is. We need his light everyday to battle the sinful nature within us. 


  17. Day 21 Meditation (Revelation 21:22).

    How did the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and the Temple in Jerusalem create barriers between the people and a holy God?  I don't think the actual Tabernacle or the Temple created the barriers because they were both built exactly as God instructed. The barriers created are by us. Our own sin created the barriers that I name as Fix,  Hide and Blame that we see when sin first entered into the world in Genesis 3. The Tabernacle and Temple and the procedures that God put in place for both were ultimately to show us our need for a Savior. The Brazen Laver was a big bowl of water on wheels that the priests went to first to wash their hands before sacrificing the animal on the Holocaust altar. The bowl was made in such a way that the inner surface of the bowl was reflective. It is a representation for us of the need to recognize our own sin. The Holocaust altar represents the Cross. Jesus was that ultimate sacrifice for us all. We need only to put our sins now at the foot of the cross. Following this, the priests in their bloodied robes went to the Molten Sea which was like an above ground pool and they immersed themselves in the the waters with their bloodied robes. This represents the washing away of our sins and the cleansing of the Holy Spirit. After this, the priests would head up the steps to enter into the Sanctuary. They would go first through the door and into the rooms that were in the walls all around the Sanctuary and there they would change out of their wet robes and put on clean robes. This is a representation for us of taking off the old self and putting on the new self. These and more of how God instructed Moses and David to build the Tabernacle and the Temple aren't there as barriers but to speak to us of how to come before a holy God. Jesus ultimately took down the barrier of the curtain and made his chosen to be the temple of God. So, again the actual Tabernacle and Temple are not the barriers; we do that. 

    How can our traditional forms of Christian worship keep us from full intimacy with God?  I have seen the difference just in having Communion. There is a formalness to it that takes away from the intimacy. With this pandemic and stay-at-home orders, my church has helped us to do our Communion at home. Every time, I feel the power and presence of God so much more because I am serving my family and they are serving me. Moving forward, I feel it is a mindset of knowing that those I serve as a deacon for Communion are all part of the Body of Christ and my family even if I don't know them as a person. I don't think any of our traditions keep us from intimacy but I do believe our sinful nature utilizes these to keep us from the true intimacy with God. We have to prepare ourselves for worship. 

    In what sense do we understand that the "temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb"? It given to us, this understanding and wisdom given to us by the Holy Spirit coming and living within us. We are the temple of God here on Earth but the true temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb. He's already given us a foretaste of what being in the presence of the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb will be like, if only we would take the steps needed by our very souls to go up into the Sanctuary each day and rest in His very presence. I eagerly anticipate the day when I will be in the presence of the Lord Almighty and the Lamb and see as my physical eyes see the Spirit of our Holy God and His Beloved Lamb. 

  18. Day 20 Meditation (Revelation 21:14).

    The 12 Apostles of the Lamb became the foundation of the New Jerusalem. How has your life, your example, and your testimony been built into the foundations of the lives of your family and community?   Since the strongholds within me were torn down, my life, example and testimony has been built on the foundation of seeking the Lord, being transparent about my own struggles and learning to just be in Christ and bear the fruit of his spirit awaiting any opportunity to not just live out my testimony but to speak it in words to another. 

    In what sense do you see yourself as an Ambassador of the Lamb?  It comes in every way, with every role I have as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, neighbor, etc. It is about allowing the light of Jesus within me to shine outward in every area of my life and again waiting patiently for the opportunity that God presents to me to put my testimony in words to another. 


  19. Day 17 Meditation (Revelation 19:6-9).

    If now we are "betrothed" to the Lamb (to use this analogy), why is the "marriage" delayed until the End of Time?  The delay is so the bride can prepare. The bride is the Body of Christ who still has to grow into working together in unity. 

    What does the state of being married imply that betrothal does not?  The marriage itself is the commitment realized. The betrothal is a promise to commit. We just have to keep in mind that when God promises something to us, he is faithful and will do what he says unlike the broken engagements that we see in our world. 

    In what sense will that be realized in the New Jerusalem? The Bridegroom will come for His Bride and they will meet there in the New Jerusalem. 


  20. Day 13 Meditation (Revelation 14:1).

    What is the significance of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion? As you stated Zion represents God's Holy City, the place were God lives and the fact that the New Jerusalem is coming down from Heaven is telling us the Lamb is with us. 

    Who are these 144,000 people with him? These are those who have been sealed by the Holy Spirit. 

    What is the significance of the Lamb's and the Father's names written on their foreheads? It is a declaration of ownership. The fact that they both have signed it, to me, makes that declaration so powerful. Like they are saying, 'You are mine, and don't you forget it' 


  21. Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10).

    You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from?  I accepted Jesus as my Savior at 12 years old soon after my parents divorced. I ended up with strongholds of bondage of my own making that Jesus broke down over the years. The first one was based on a lie that the enemy deceived me into believing was the truth. I believed my abortions were not sin because it is legal to do so. My high  need for love and affection led me down a road of promiscuity seeking the love I so needed. I had the love all along but didn't see it. Jesus set me free from deception and lies into the freedom of the truth. 

    Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? Yes. Yes. Yes. I recently got some headphones and started walking around my house singing with my not that great singing voice. My daughter and husband who are very introverted look at me strangely. It's a look of I don't understand how she can sing out loud for all to hear. Because the only thing that matters is expressing my adoration for the one who saved me from the lies, the fear, the anger, the need for control. 

    Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth? Because he loves me that much. His love brings purpose. 

  22. Day 3 Meditation (Revelation 5:6).

    How is the Lamb described in verse 6? Looking like it had been slain but standing with 7 horns and 7 eyes, which are the 7 spirits of God sent out into all the earth. 

    What does that tell you about his ability to help you now, in your present circumstances? He is still standing with those 7 horns and 7 eyes. He is still the conquering King of Kings who sends out his strength and his counsel via the Holy Spirit. Is standing mean now in my present circumstances. 

    Considering the standing Lamb that was slain, how do the wounds you have experienced become your strengths? Because through those wounds he helps me grow to be all that he designed me to be. My weaknesses given to him become strengths because of Him. 


  23. Day 2 Meditation (Revelation 5:5).

    How do humility and victory go together? It's like you as a pitcher of filthy water. You have to empty out the filthy water in order for Jesus to fill you up as the Living Water. God won't go against his own law of liberty and dump the filthy water out of us without our consent. There is no love without the freedom to choose. We have to make that free choice and ask him to pour out the filthy water so he can fill us with the Living Water who is the victory. 

    How do the Lion and the Lamb fit together? The Lion represents the victory; the conquering and the Lamb is the selfless one who humbled himself by being born as a man and going willingly to the cross because of his obedience to the Father's will. Without the Lamb sacrificing himself, there would be no conquering Lion. 

    How did Jesus humble himself? He sets aside himself and did the will of His Father. 

    Why is it necessary to humble ourselves before God will exalt us? Because it is part of the law of liberty. We have to make the choice to trust in God and not in ourselves. We have to make the choice to allow God to be God in our lives and depose the Self from the throne of our being. Self needs to bow to the Lord God with the acknowledgement that He is God and I am not. 

  24. Why is everyone around the throne worshipping?  We were created to worship. It is a matter of choosing who or what we worship. Those around the throne have chosen to worship the Lamb of God. 

    Why are they chanting and singing?  I believe singing and chanting are a natural form of expression that allows your feelings to flow. So, it makes sense that in being in the very presence of a holy God, we would want to express our gratefulness just for the fact that we can even be in his presence. 

    Why do you think that we get bored with worship after a few minutes? Unlike those who are around the throne room, we still have the sinful nature within us that will do and use anything to distract us or pull us away from worshiping God.

    What does that indicate about our hearts? What can we do to change this?  I believe we are getting bored because we haven't prepared our hearts for worship which means we have to recognize our sins for the past day, repent and put them at the cross, receive the washing of the blood of the Lamb and then enter the Holy Place all because our mind, will and emotions are in agreement. We have to seek the Lord and lean on him to help us in our worship that we do not allow the distractions of our lives and surroundings to tempt us away from worshiping the Lamb. 

  25. Those who do not believe in Christ do not have the Holy Spirit within them. The Holy Spirit is a gift in believing in Jesus Christ. 

    In what Person do Christ and the Father make their home in us?  This Person is the Holy Spirit. They are three-in-one. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God and our Lord Jesus. 

    What should you do to make them feel "at home" in you? This reminds me of when someone comes into my home and how I make them feel. I want to be welcoming, letting them know they are wanted in my home. I want to make them feel they can relax and be their true selves in my home. I want them to feel they can say anything and be accepted. I want them to feel they are valued. How do I make the Holy Spirit feel welcomed, wanted, accepted and valued? With intention to express these things and invite him to speak and with the petition to him to help me listen to all he wants to guide me in, convict me in and comfort me in. 

    How is the Home Analogy like the Temple Analogy. How might it differ? The Holy Spirit presence was in the physical tabernacle and later the Temple in the Holy of Holies. With believing in Jesus, the Holy Spirit coming to live within us in our home has effectively made us a living, breathing, walking temple of the Holy Spirit. The home is what we are used to but being the temple is new. Only the priests were allowed into the Holy of Holies and only one a year. If we look to the design God gave David for Solomon's Temple we can see how each part of us, body, soul and spirit are represented. The body is the outer wall and the outer courtyard with the five gates that correlate with our five senses. The inner wall and courtyard is the area of our soul. The Sanctuary is elevated so you have to enter by going up the steps and past the two columns of Boaz (in his strength) and Jachin (in his counsel). At the top of the stairs we enter through the doorway that is made of gold and bronze. This place is significant because it is the place where the gold and bronze are blended together. Everything going outward is made of bronze which means in the presence of sin and everything going inward from the door is gold which means in the presence of purity. Our soul has to choose each day to walk the steps up into the Sanctuary and into the presence of God in the Holy of Holies. This is where the Holy Spirit resides. Yes, we are the home of the Holy Spirit and the Temple but we have to actively with intention choose to go into the Sanctuary to have the Spirit-to-spirit connection. Temple Basics.pdf

    How does the Spirit living within you affect your holiness of life? Your witness to others? Your spiritual power? The Holy Spirit within us is the connection to The Power Source. Living out the holy and righteous standing the Jesus has given us is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Being a witness to others is because we have been given what we need to do that by the Holy Spirit. All the spiritual power we have to overcome our own tendencies and the temptation and deceptions around us is because of the Holy Spirit and our connection with Him. 

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