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Posts posted by Omakoshi

  1. From a personal experience I think the models of knowing God in Judaism and in Christianity are different. If you are to be a disciple of Christ you must be humble to learn instruction from others. It is not proper to equate Paul's knowledge in Judaism to what he's yet to learn in Christ. As he obeys then he can start from there.

    And Ananias had fear of the former Saul but both worked in obedience to fulfill the plan of God. I look forward to have that spirit of obedience to warn brothers where they are failing in their walk with God 

  2. I like what Pastor Ralph said about the church not being a mere physical body but Spiritual. Christ glorified is Spiritual no more physical therefore His excellency is shared with the church. And that is an indication that the church is United with its Master who defends it and protects it and guides it by His Holy spirit. So Jesus intercedes for His church and whoever frustrates the church is causing setbacks for the progress of the church. 

    Christ is not limited nor affected by the sin of mere men. But He intervenes to reveal His glory as He did with Paul.

    The goads I can relate to as things that hinder me from doing God's work. One major obstacle is low self-esteem and lack of confidence. And people around just make me feel unworthy and unqualified. As to available to serve God oh yes I accepted the path to work for God but the right time is still in process I believe. I have more training and experience to gain before overcoming these inner obstacles. 

  3. God imputes dear Holy Spirit into individuals. They had no initiation in this experience. They just became vessels. Thank God they were ready and willing to implement what He dwelled in them to do. Yes I agree the Holy Spirit isn't universal. It indicates how God chooses. He is not interested in those who feel qualified. He uses the weak and empowers them to do the impossible. 

    I don't see the Holy Spirit as an object of man. Well what we have in Africa seldom shows as if we can induce the Holy Spirit. The role of God is submerged and the role of the individual is promoted.

    Is it possible to lure the Holy Spirit into my life? Or what best must I do to be in filled by the Holy Spirit?

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