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Posts posted by bob1942

  1. In Genesis meaning "origin or beginning" trace events such as creation, the fall of man, the flood, and establishing of the nations,  spans approximately 2,400 years up to the time when the Israelites arrive in Egypt. God created everything, infinite Spirit of God revealed via voices, burning bush as heard and seen by Moses, God's attributes of omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent in his ways. Because of the fall of man - Adam & Eve (Carnal or Natural man) disobeyed God, became enslaved by satan, spiritually died and separated from God permanently, this saddened God. Adam & Eve bore sons Cain & Abel - Cain killed Abel, the Seth was born from him came Noah used by God to save his creation, Abraham & Sarah via promise from God born Isaac several generations came thereafter. Infinite God revealed himself in the flesh - Jesus born of a virgin - promised Savior/Messiah, grew up and walked with men. In short - Creation was designed by God for his glory spoiled by the fall; so Redemption by God himself manifested in his Son Jesus Christ sinless but took our sins and died on the cross, risen on the 3rd day to defeat death and satan, a perfect sacrifice for God's glory, gifted us free - made righteous to be reconciled with God. God did this for mankind to see, touch, walk, speak with God in the flesh (Spiritual Man) as a model for us to follow and live our lives in God/Jesus. This is God's free gift of Salvation - Eternal Life, only way is "faith" be born again in our Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. On 8/30/2014 at 5:10 AM, Singergram said:

    I am falling behind already in this study, but I will try to catch up today.


    1. Is Jesus fully God?


    I believe that Jesus is fully God, but I do not understand how this can be so. My husband and I just celebrated our 49th anniversary, and in many ways, we are one in heart and mind, but we also have very different personalities, opinions, and thoughts. I don't know if this is a good beginning to understanding how Jesus and God can be the same, but it is one of the best experiences in my life that approaches this understanding. I suppose that my husband and I cannot be considered "fully" one, as can the persons in the trinity; this is where my attempt at understanding this relationship bogs down. However, I attribute my failure to fully comprehend this concept as a human limitation that will one day be removed when I am able to see "face to face."


    2. What does it mean that Jesus is the "Word"? What does this say about him and his ministry?


    As this physical creation in which we exist was borne of a word from God ("God said. . ."), Jesus as God was/is inherent in all of the creation process. He is the beginning of all that we know of God, and as such, is the communication of the nature of God to man. His ministry includes, in Milton's words, the intention to "justify the ways of God to man." Because our finite existence is incapable of fully comprehending the infinite nature of God and the spiritual universe, we need concrete images to even begin to conceptualize what it means to have faith in God and live by faith. Jesus gives us that as he ministers during his time on earth. This raises a question in my mind about those who lived before Jesus came to earth. It sometimes astounds me that there were ANY men and women of faith before Jesus--but I suppose God's direct communication with the patriarchs and prophets was powerful enough to engender faith. 


  3. 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of POWER, and of love, and of a sound mind." Galatians 2:20 "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by FAITH of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." In 2008, my late wife of 38+ years was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, had surgery and chemotherapy. One morning she told me "I feel like I am dying" this prompted us to ask our Kaiser Doctor, she told us that my wife had 3 months to live, so I asked my wife "do you believe the doctor?", she said no, only God knows, so I told her, I also don't believe the doctor, but believe God knows. So I told my wife, let's refused anymore treatment and let God heal you, my wife said yes. I felt so broken, so I prayed and asked God to guide us on what to do. To make the story short, God led us to a doctor in Mesa, Arizona who doesn't believe in traditional medicine, but believe in God and practice homeopathic treatment. He asked us, Iris and Robert what brought you here? Without hesitation, my wife said God, my human doctor told me I have 3 months to live, but we believe God knows best and He will heal me. He said, If you believe that, God will heal you. He put us on Vegan Diet, lots of green vegetable juices, and read the Bible. We were there 11 months, on the 11th month repeat PET Scan showed no cancer. However, the bad news my wife immune system was damaged by the surgery and chemotherapy, which made her very high risk for pneumonia, if that happened, the cancer will come back. He said stay away from crowds and put on mask. However, a week later my wife had pneumonia and cancer came back. My wife was so happy, praising and thanking God, so I asked her why is she happy she is going to die, she said "my purpose in this life on earth is done, I am a good wife, a good mother". So I suggested that we pray, ask God to get me first and let her live, she promptly rebuke me, you're not my husband, you're the devil, at that I felt so guilty I realized I offended God, I cried and asked for forgiveness. God healed me of diabetes, high cholesterol almost 600, high blood pressure and many more diseases, my wife said no more doctor nor medicine, she was happy to see God. Before she died she gave me 3 advice - share our story, get married after 1 year, and pleased don't chase anymore money, instead use God's blessings to help lots of people, and please don't charge any money, I asked why? she said God will pay you, charging money to help is chasing money. So I told her if helping 100 is okay, she said no, then I said a thousand, she said no, jokingly I said you mean a million, she said no, several millions, I looked at her and said, but darling that is impossible. She looked at me, said yes for a man like you it is impossible, NOT FOR GOD, remember my human doctor told me I have 3 months to live, see what happened. She died peacefully at home 09/09/09 took her last breath in my arms at home with our son and daughter. I have experienced all sorts of painful experiences but nothing come close. One Sunday while reading the Bible, I asked God, my wife never spoke to me like that, Lord it is you that spoke to me. So you want me to help millions of people, Lord the tools you have given me - Registered Nurse, Insurance Agent and Real Estate Broker, I charge money. Lord give me the tools and train me so that I can help millions of people. On November 8, 2012, God use a good friend and gave me the tools. Our Lord Jesus Christ, reminds always- Robert "if you want to follow me, deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me" this is the POWER of God - our Lord by grace gave us His Spiritual Nature, Holy Spirit and Mind of Christ, all indwell in each of us. Beware of the tricks of the devil - to unleased the POWER of God - God gifted us FAITH, not 99.9% but 100% FAITH in Him, remember, Fear can not coexist with Faith - when you fear, that is unbelief coming from the devil.

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