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Posts posted by Zacharia

  1. The main purpose of Jesus' coming on earth, His ministry, death and resurrection, was and still is to, redeem and restore people back to their creator. Anything and anybody who acts against this, is persecuting Jesus himself because there is not any other time where one can phisically meet Jesus to persecute Him. In Matthew 25:45, Jesus said " inasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did not do it for me", meaning we have to worship Him by doing good to Christian people.

    God used many ways to bring me back to Him each time I became a Luke warm Christian. Bankruptcy, rejection by friends/family and loved ones and dismissal from or are some of the goads God used to wake me up and drawn my attention. 

    Although it disappoint God when I kick against the goads, I think it is more harder on me to kick against the goads. Paul did not hesitate to cooperate with the Lord when struck by lightning and instantly became blind. Neither did he complain nor point fingers at anybody! He felt the presence of the Lord and immediately asked Christ to guide him into what needed to be done in order for him to be restored and serve. 


  2. Hi everyone. My name is Zacharia from South Africa, zealous of gaining knowledge in the gospel of Paul. His life in the ministry, personal and up to his death. It's my utmost pleasure to meet and share with the saints, for the coming of our Lord Jesus is near. 

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