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Posts posted by Rainey

  1. I think Jesus said , “ By himself he could do nothing”, because He was God but He was also Human . He prayed to the Father for Strength, to the Father to forgive us, For willpower .  Even though Jesus is God in Earth He is still a man .  But He is most importantly Sinless .

    His divine nature was to be Sinless and compassionate. The Lord God wishes none should perish, likewise Christ, to the point of being a sacrifice for us.  His Father’s business was the reason  he was born. The sinless spotless Lamb had compassion on us and accepted his fate for like our Divine Father,  He Loved Us .

    To remember  that I was created to be with God the Father one day.  But to walk in a way where I would not go alone. To draw near to God so that He can teach me and strengthen me, give me wisdom, that I may be able to draw others towards Him(Christ), and allow the Father to work in their lives with the end result salvation.

    Jesus sees the Father as His Godhead. His respect and trust in His life while walking the earth is what Lead Him to the Cross.  He hears His Father who gives Him the courage to withstand the degradation and the threats on Life . And the will to accomplish what he came to do. Thank you Jesus!!




  2. The pattern I see is that Jesus wanted to be Isolated from the many distractions of His ministry.  He wanted to be alone with His Father so he could Hear what the Father wonted to say to Him.

    I think Jesus went early to pray because His day was so filled with situations that were out of His control this way He could Tap into the Fathers will for His day ahead.

    Jesus prays to the Father knowing it keeps Him in line with the Father reminding him that His Father is with Him , and He can do all things through His Father who sent Him.

    The apostles felt because of His fame He could reach more people, teach and heal.  But Jesus was impelled to be with the Farher to be confident He was doing His Father’s will.

    My quiet time has at times been interrupted by family members and  distractive thoughts. I have been praying for the Lord to guide me in Prioritizing my day beginning with my quiet time and devotions with the Lord .

  3. Hi I’m so Happy to be able to start this study,  I have been trying to sign up for months .  I need to draw closer to the Lord, and trust him more.  I’m trusting I will hear His voice in my struggles . 

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