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Wayne Hall

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Posts posted by Wayne Hall

  1.  What significance does it have for us to "see his face"? What kind of intimacy and access does that imply? How can you begin to "sit at his feet" and "behold the glory of the Lord" now? (Luke 10:39; 2 Corinthians 3:18). To what degree are you currently doing this?

    When I read  these questions, the first thing I thought about was the story of Mary and Martha when JESUS visited their home.and how JESUS said another place in Scripture.."If you have "seen" me you have seen the FATHER"...Martha was very busy preparing the meal while Mary "sat at Jesus's feet" and listened to what HE told her.Martha was a little put out with Mary and Jesus told Martha that Mary had "chosen the better part"....When we listen to the Holy Spirit that indwells each believer, we ARE "sitting at HIS feet"

    Sing along It will be worth it all

  2. 'Throne of God,' stained glass , artist: Betti Pettinati-Longinotti, main window, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, High Point, North Carolina.'       Lead Kindly Light

    Throne of God,' stained glass , artist: Betti Pettinati-Longinotti, main window, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, High Point, North Carolina.TRULY AMAZING.......

     In what ways can “living waters” flow through you to bring healing to others?....Really beyond my understanding...(amazing grace).In the words of JESUS..."But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life".John 4:14   

    Father, thank you for your healing waters that flow within us, straight from the throne of the Lamb! Thank you for your Holy Spirit. Soothe us, we pray, quench our thirst, and then let your river flow out of us to heal your hurting world. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

  3. IT is WONDERFUL to study and learn about all that OUR LORD GOD ALMIGHTY has done thru HIS SON to show us how much HE LOVES US....HOW can anyone neglect or reject SO GREAT A SALVATION.?..


    Father, sometimes the traditions of our faith have brought us reassurance of Your reality, but not the glorious immediacy of Your Presence. Help us move beyond the outward trappings of our faith to the Center, where all the structures fall away and there is just You. We draw near to You and to the Lamb. We seek You afresh today. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

  4. I became a Royal Ambassador at the age of twelve....I learned this song then and still sing it today...

    Royal Ambassador song

    All that we do is either an investment in the flesh or an investment in the Spirit. We shall reap whatever we have sown, and we shall reap in proportion to how we have sown. “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously” (2 Corinthians 9:6). The believer who walks in the Spirit and “sows” in the Spirit is going to reap a spiritual harvest. If his sowing has been generous, the harvest will be bountiful, if not in this life, certainly in the life to come. Conversely, those who “sow” to the flesh are going to reap a life without the full blessings of God, both in this life and the life to come (Jeremiah 18:10; 2 Peter 2:10–12).

  5. The PERFECT  basis for a marriage as GOD intended it is LOVE. The FATHER's LOVE for the SON, the SON's LOVE for HIS Church.From the very beginning in Genesis to the very end in Revelation, "Let us make man in OUR IMAGE"....The Garden of Eden was the beginning, the new heavens and new earth are the end ("world without end"...AMEN)...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED..

    "Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure." (1 John 3:2-3)

  6. Some hear the Word, yet they do not allow it to take root because the seduction of worldly pleasures and comfort overcomes them. Others end up rejecting the Word because of persecution or trials. Others hear the Word and open themselves to understand and accept it so that it transforms them. Those who have “ears to hear” allow the Word to bear fruit to the glory of God. It is up to the hearer to decide whether to take the Word seriously and pursue understanding; only a few are willing—the rest have ears, but they do not have “ears to hear” (Matthew 7:13–14, 24–27).

    Whenever Jesus says, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear,” He is calling for people to pay careful heed. It’s another way of saying, “Listen up! Pay close attention!” Speaking in parables was one way in which Jesus sought to gain the attention of the crowds —people love stories, and the parables depicted events and characters with which they could readily relate. But unless they were willing to tune out other distractions and come to Jesus to understand the meaning of His preaching, His words would be only empty stories. They needed more than ears, however keen they were; they needed ears to hear.

    There will always be some disagreement about whether certain texts are to be taken literally or figuratively and to what degree, as evidenced by disagreements over the book of Revelation, even among those who have high regard for Scripture. For a text to be interpreted allegorically or figuratively, there needs to be justification in the text itself or something in the cultural background of the original readers that would have led them to understand the text symbolically. The goal of every interpreter who has a high view of Scripture is to discover the intended meaning of the text. If the intended meaning is simply the literal communication of a historical fact or the straightforward explanation of a theological truth, then that is the inspired meaning. If the intended meaning is allegorical/typological/symbolic/figurative, then the interpreter should find some justification for it in the text and in the culture of the original hearers/readers


  7. This is really more difficult than I can express...Here we have a "betrothal" ...a "marriage ceremony"  and a ",marriage supper"',including a remembrance of the first miracle that JESUS performed at the Jewish wedding at Cana . All of this patterned after the Jewish wedding....but we generally think of a wedding here on earth as between one man and one woman...I am afraid that without spiritual and glorified "eyes" I can not rightly discern what this "heavenly" marriage means..I can understand the covenant aspects of it, and the beautiful symbolism, but I am afraid I will have to wait until I have a spiritual body like our LORD and Savior before I can really understand what all this means

    For any who might want to comment...if you are a man, can you truly think of yourself as a "bride" here on earth?...I think a woman would not have as much difficulty with this...(on earth)...I really believe heavenly things are  not so easily understood here on earth...Even the "Jewishness" of a traditional wedding is difficult in our culture.This very mysterious event that the Apostle John records in the Book of Revelation, I think will be more glorious than our feeble physical minds can comprehend here on earth..

  8. Are you aggressive like the Conquering Lamb, or do you shy away from conflict with the enemy?

    With a lot of "aggression" going on in the country right now, we really need to distinguish what we understand here...The Apostle Paul said to put on the whole armor of GOD and to stand. We should remember that the battle is the LORD's..If we attempt to go forth in our own strength against satan, the world, and the flesh...we will fail.



    Thank you, Jesus, for bringing salvation to my pagan forefathers! You are merciful! Now I pray that you will bring a mighty wave of revival over the Americas and Europe, over Asia, Africa, and the islands of the sea, that many, many will come into your Kingdom in a new wave of salvation before you come, that "all nations will come and worship you." In your gracious name, I pray. Amen.

  10. 14 hours ago, Mecco said:

    This is a type of resurrection, then. I understand that it refers to the Roman Empire, but this could be said of the nation of Israel. It was, then for a couple thousand years it was not, and now it is. In any case, God knows what is going on, and understanding is not essential,; worshipping the Lamb (who is a "beast" too, interestingly.) 

    Very good point about Israel, Mecco..I had not thought about that...Many things that GOD has done, satan tries to counterfeit...even with the antichrist "standing in the temple and declaring himself god"

  11. Brother Ralph, I really like the way that you help us review the lesson with the questions that you ask at the end and also the prayer.These lessons are about something so wonderful and exciting to look forward to. It's such a shame that we get so excited about todays news headlines and spend hours talking to others about it, but often fall short in sharing the GOOD NEWS...One of the real challenges of studying Holy Scripture is separating the literal from the figurative without creating an argumentative spirit. I think you do a good job of explaining it ..like the 144,000....JESUS died for the sins of the whole world, but that does not mean the whole world will be saved..(John 3:16)..."that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

    It says in Scripture that toward the end of the Great Tribulation, when all seems hopeless, the whole nation of Isreal will turn to JESUS and be saved...(perhaps the 144,000 represent the "first fruits" of this GREAT REVIVAL...some from every tribe (12 tribes)...( 12 Apostles ...all Jewish...including the Apostle Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles)

  12. I got curious about the meaning of this and discovered what I think is a good explanation of this passage..What do you think?

    "The dwellers on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will marvel to see the beast, because it was and is not and is to come." (Revelation 17:8b)

    Another interpretation, which we think seems best, is to apply the beast's past, present, and future tenses to the Roman empire that collapsed in the past, experienced a time of non-existence, and which will emerge in the tribulation as the Revived Roman Empire, finally destroyed when Jesus returns to earth. 

    According to Revelation 17:8 the whole world, with the exception of believers, will be astonished at the beast's revived presence and power.

  13. Prayer

    Father, help us to take up our cross each day, willing to die trusting in the redeeming blood of the Lamb, refusing to be silenced by the world, and thus conquering by the Spirit's power. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

    Day 11 Meditation (Revelation 12:11). How does the blood of the Lamb enable us to conquer Satan?  Trusting in the redeeming blood of the Lamb

    How does the word of our testimony show victory over Satan? refusing to be silenced by the world.. Why is it necessary to "take up our cross daily" in order to conquer? ..conquering by the Spirit's power. In Jesus' name


  14. Blood is part of GOD's creation. King James Bible Leviticus 17:11
    For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.


    1 Peter 1:19 but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without ...

    but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. ... but with
    precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. ... 

    Father, thank you for full forgiveness, for complete cleansing from even our most stubborn stains! I pray that great tribulation will not be necessary for us to come to you for cleansing, but that we might come early and often for your forgiveness, O Lamb of God who takes away our sins. In Jesus' blessed name, we pray. Amen.

  15. Since I have never actually physically met anyone on this Forum, I have no idea what you look like(with my eyes)..likewise you have never met me...and yet..and yet...there is a bond from having the same desire to know and serve our Savior...and for others who are "outside" to be here with us....I think back to the days when I was much younger and didn't get invited to a "big event" or was invited and couldn't go...This event in the throne room of GOD is an "open invitation" for everyone to come, to be there to participate in the worship...PLEASE don't miss it...That seed of LOVE that GOD has planted in our hearts desires to see all men saved..regardless of race,creed,or national origin...When we truly have Spiritual eyes in our glorified bodies, LOVE is ALL we will see....

  16. .....SIN.....LOVE..JUSTICE......Three crosses on a hill called Golgotha..The cross that bore our Savior standing between SIN and JUSTICE.....On the one side, an unrepentant sinner(thief)on the other a repentant sinner (thief)JESUS, the sinless lamb,obedient to the Father even unto death...death on the cross...dying for the sins of the whole world in between the two(John 3:16)and  .John 14:6....JESUS said "I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE, no man cometh to the Father but by me."

    What is the purpose of the punishment meted out by the Lamb? Retribution, rehabilitation, deterrence?

    Restoration "Behold I make all things new"...

    Why is having a Lamb (Jesus) exacting justice more troubling to us than the idea of Almighty God acting justly?Lambs portray harmless innocence...rather than the POWERFUL Sovereignty of GOD..(Like the softness of a mother's love compared to the sternness of a father's love)

    How important to a rounded understanding of Christ is the Messiah of judgment? I'm not sure we will understand, this side of heaven....any more than we understood our father's discipline when we were children..Remember the old saying "This is going to hurt me more than it does you"?


  17. What a blessing to meet everyone here on this forum that Pastor Ralph has so graciously provided for us. My name is Wayne and I live in Chickasaw, Alabama, a small (about 2500) suburb of Mobile,Alabama. I am married with three grown children and five wonderful grandchildren. I am a retired Engineer/Physicist who still does Fire Cause and Origin investigations, and also founder and director of a non-profit called Shuttle Educational Services, Inc. Every day that passes is another miracle left on the doorstep by our Creator/Savior....and Thanks be to GOD, we are all part of that miracle...

  18. Day 5 Meditation (Revelation 5:7-10). You have been redeemed, purchased by payment of a price. In your own case, what kind of slavery have you been rescued from? The bondage of hopelessness and helplessness in the face of GOD's LOVE and righteousness in Christ JESUS..

    Does this inspire you to sing to the Lord, even while darkness still swirls around you? YES ..GOD has arranged for many wonderful songs to be written and sung...and I often sing along...AMAZING GRACE being one of my favorites..but I believe this is just a foreshadowing of how wonderfully beautiful the heavenly songs will be..JESUS PAID IT ALL

    Why do you think Jesus wants you to reign with him in the New Heavens and the New Earth? LOVE...PURE LOVE...In the original creation GOD said "Let US make man in OUR image"....Prior to the fall, man had dominion over all of GOD's creation..He was GOD's "caretaker"...I believe that will be restored in the New Creation.

  19. Good early morning Memorial Day Brother Ralph. I have really enjoyed these readings. As old as I am, 77 years,I had never really understood that the scrolls were about the FUTURE.....until NOW....and no one knows the future but GOD , the HOLY TRINITY....Since JESUS knows the future....HE must be able to see us in our GLORIFIED STATE..just like on the Mount of Transfiguration...(JESUS ,Moses and Elijah)..In our earthly,sinful state before we were BORN AGAIN......we were under condemnation....but in our REDEEMED STATE..GOD sees us just as HE sees HIS OWN SON......PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME.....Isn't it AMAZING that the Apostle John is witnessing a FUTURE event..just as though it is happening right then?...just like JESUS was "slain from the foundation of the world"..but the event (on earth) didn't happen until thousands of years later..

    JESUS was born from BELOW...(earth)..so we could be born from ABOVE (heaven)...King James Version Acts : 4:12
    "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

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