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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by Ginnyfree

  1. Okie Dokie. The Question regards God's Triune nature.  Here it is again:"What does it tell us about the status of the Lamb that he is worshiped alongside "him who sits on the throne"?"  That God is loved no matter which of His three divine Persons you worship Him as, Father, Son, Holy Spirit or if you will, the Blessed Trinity.   No?  How about the Holy Trinity?  God.  The Lamb of God is worshiped and adored as I am Catholic, whenever the Priest holds Him up in his hands during the Mass and also during a devotion called "Adoration," that is when He is placed in a thing called a lunnette which gets placed into a Monstrance and is found on an Altar of the Lord in a House of worship called the Church, usually referred to as a parish.   Thanks for the pic there up above Ralph!  I thought you looked familiar from some other venue.  Glad I found out what denomination you hail from.  God bless.  Ginnyfree.

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