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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Ray B

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Posts posted by Ray B

  1. Q2. (Isaiah 49:14-50:3) Paul teaches that "all Israel will be saved." According to Isaiah in our passage, what will happen to the scattered Jews in the Last Days. Does God seem to love Jews who haven't trusted in Messiah Jesus yet? Yes he loves all his children, they are to be shown compassion by God.

    How can you show your love for Jews? All of God's children are loved by God, we are instructed to love our neighbour as we love our own.

  2. Q1. (Isaiah 49:1-13) Why do people tend to disregard or even discriminate against aliens in their country? Because they are not native and often seen as second class citizens.

    How can you increase your love for people of other nationalities? They are God's children and my brothers sisters, Jesus says that we should treat our neighbour as our own.

    God's people are called to be a "light to the nations." What might that entail for the church in your community? By friending, caring for and discipling all people of all nations for God's glory.


  3. Q3. (Isaiah 42:6-7) What does it mean for God's people to be "a light to the nations"? To live right and well, to a light unto the nations bringing people into the kingdom of God.

    In what ways are you "letting your light shine"? By revealing the Lord Jesus to those that I meet, acting in the Lord's grace and mercy toward my fellow man and woman.

    How well do you represent God's covenant in your everyday life? By worshiping God alone, I live as best I can by his laws and decrees.

  4. Q2. (Isaiah 42:1-4) What do these verses teach us about the Messiah? That Jesus is the chosen one from God himself, Jesus will not miss the smallest of details, that he will complete the good works he has set out to do in his fathers name.

    What will characterize him and his actions? The spirit of the Lord is upon, he moves and acts in the Lord's peace and he will not and he will not brush aside the burised and the hurt.

    What does it tell us about his quest for justice? It is unyielded and he will not stop until justice is done.

    About his tenderness? He Loves unconditionally and cares for the downtrodden, he cares not about people's standing in the community.

    If this describes our Messiah, what difference should it make in our lives, values, and demeanor? Our hearts should be open to the underprivileged, helping our fellow man to first find Jesus, that may walk in his light.

  5. Q1. (Isaiah 40) What does Isaiah 40 teach us about the necessity of preparing ourselves for the Lord (verses 3-5)? The Lord is coming and I need to be ready for when he does, lack preparation is the pathway to destruction.

    About God's tenderness and compassion (verse 11)? God so loves his children that none would be left behind, that he cares and nurtures each of us.

    About God's glory vs. the glory of nations (verses 15-17)? Gods glory is beyond our understanding, the glory of the nations is insignificant by comparison to Gods glory.

    Why do we get so enamored by the glitter and glory of the world? It is all around us, trying to show us how good it is, we see it everywhere trying to entice us.

    What pieces are we missing (verses 15-17, 21-26)? There is no one like God he rolls out the sky like a canvas, the earth is his footstool

    According to verse 31, how can we draw strength from the Lord? By waiting on him, to draw fresh strength from.

  6. Q4. (Isaiah 38:3) What is the basis on which Hezekiah asks for healing? That he has been faithful and walk in Gods ways.

    Why is personal righteousness and holiness important in getting your prayers answered? My relationship with GOD assures me that God will act on my prayers when I pray in his will. 

    How can unrighteousness prevent answered prayer if all gifts from God are by grace anyway? Unrighteousness separates me from GOD, which stops GOD from answering my prayers

  7. Q6. (Isaiah 35:1-10) How do you think these verses brought hope to their first readers? That God would make away for them to walk in his light and live by his laws and decrees. That would bring them freedom, hope, that they would flourish and be safe.

    What is promised here? That nothing will harm them, God will protect them and feed them, that they will flourish.

    Why do you think Isaiah relies on heavily figurative language to communicate these promises? God.

    How does he describe the "highway of holiness"? That the redeemed shall walk there, that no lion or ravenous beast shall be there. They obtain gladness, sorrow and fear shall be no more.

    Who will walk on it? The redeemed.

    Who won't? The unclean and fools.

    What does it mean to be redeemed and ransomed? A ransom has been paid for and therefore the redeemed are Gods people.

  8. Q4. (Isaiah 31:1) Why do we tend to seek help from every source except the Lord? It is our earthly thinking that leads me to other sources than God.

    In what way is this similar to idolatry? I am trusting and making others my source when I should be trusting in God. 

    People haven't changed. Jesus recognized this tendency. What was the remedy he taught his disciples in Matthew 6:31-33? To seek first the kingdom of God.

  9. Q1. (Isaiah 28) How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easily? Man see's the revelry of the earth and allows himself to partake in ungodly ways, not realising the inevitable destruction of man without God's rule and guidance.

    Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives? By believing what we want and justifying our actions as being ok when there not.

    Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation stone, and his righteous standards? By allowing our unrighteousness to guide us in our actions and ignoring the ways of our Lord.

    How can we help people come to the truth? By sharing God's word with them.

    What is the alternative if they don't, according to Isaiah 28:21? It is destruction that they will have, forgoing the experience of God's love.

  10. Q1. (Isaiah 24) What is the reason that Yahweh will devastate the earth (24:5-6)?  The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes
    and broken the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore a curse consumes the earth; its people must bear their guilt. Therefore earth's inhabitants are burned up, and very few are left." 

    Why do we feel so threatened by this kind of prophecy?  Those that are not right with God will surely perish.

    Why is this kind of prophecy important to forming faithful disciples who "fear the Lord"? In fearing the Lord and being obedient to his word we walk by his laws and decrees. And in doing so we most certainly will be protects and enter into his kingdom.

    In what way does the glitter and glory of man (1 John 2:15-17) contradict this kind of prophecy? Man thinks that the shiny objects on the earth are what we should be striving for but lord says seek first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness. That we should shift our attention to God and not the things of this world.

  11. Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones? Because they will eternally with our Father in heaven and Christ Jesus.

    When we contemplate our own death? I will get to see my fellow christians, living pain free, 100% whole in heaven.

    What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes? The enemy will be destroyed and the shroud of death removed.

  12. Q1. (Isaiah 24) What is the reason that Yahweh will devastate the earth (24:5-6)?  It is because of peoples sin and there rebellion against GOD.

    Why do we feel so threatened by this kind of prophecy?  It is the end of this earth and heaven, only a few shall remain.

    Why is this kind of prophecy important to forming faithful disciples who "fear the Lord"? It gives one the understanding of Lords greatness and that his faithful children shall be saved.

    In what way does the glitter and glory of man (1 John 2:15-17) contradict this kind of prophecy? The world would have us believe that we are to live buy its flesh and desires, that gold and silver and money are all powerful and mighty. That mighty live in victory and the poor are oppressed by the ways of the world. But God has no use for such things, it is my heart that he desires not my wealth, God is my provider, healer, creator and Father.

  13. Q3. (Isaiah 22) Why is Judah faulted for making necessary military preparations in the face of the Assyrian armies? Because they do not consult the Lord their God as to what they should do, and how it is to be done.

    What should they have done at the same time (verses 11-12)? Consulted God.

    What seems to be the sin of Shebna, steward of the palace (verses 15-19)? He is preparing for his own comfort and selfishness.

    Have you ever been guilty of selfishness instead of doing your duty to Christ? Yes!

  14. Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? A heart of ruling at any cost, a heart that saw destruction of the land and held the people in captivity.

    What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? That he has fallen from heaven, I will make myself like the most high.

    Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? Yes, regrettably.

    How does this differ from the ruler in 14:12-17? I did not wish to rule over God, I was ignorant in my thoughts and actions, but thankfully God corrected me and I am forgiven, AMEN.

    What is the best way to humble oneself before the Lord? To kneel before him and yield to his ways, laws and decrees, to fear the Lord with all my heart and all my soul..

  15. Q3. (Isaiah 22) Why is Judah faulted for making necessary military preparations in the face of the Assyrian armies? Because they trusted in their own works and did not seek the Lord.

    What should they have done at the same time (verses 11-12)? Seeked the Lord

    What seems to be the sin of Shebna, steward of the palace (verses 15-19)? It seems that he is possibly doing things to serve himself and not the people of Jerusalem. 

    Have you ever been guilty of selfishness instead of doing your duty to Christ? Yes

  16. Q2. (Isaiah 20) Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years? It was a prophecy and sign to show what was going to happen to Egypt and Cush.

    What was its meaning? It was to be a constant remind to Judah that it was not to rely on Egypt.

    What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah's foreign policy? His prophecy was heeded,Judah did not rely on Egypt and his prophecy regarding Egypt and Cush came to pass.

    If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God? I probably would not have, I prayed for strength and boldness that I will act as Lord wishes me too.Isaiah was intimate with the Lord and obeyed the commands that the Lord gave him.

  17. Q7. (Isaiah 11:10-16) What does it mean that "the nations" will rally to the Messiah when he appears? He is drawing his people together, that may be focused on our Lord and saviour.

    Who are these "nations"? Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the sea.

    Who else will be "gathered" at this time? All nations

    How does this prophecy relate to Jesus' and Paul's teaching about the Rapture (Mark 13:26-27; 2 Thessalonians 2:1)? The rapture speaks of the coming of Christ, where many are gathered and experience the knowledge and glory of God.

    When will this prophecy be fulfilled? On the last day.

  18. Q6. (Isaiah 11:6-9) The passage speaks in figurative language. What kind of peace does it describe? A peace that encompasses the entire earth, where all creatures and creeds shall live on earth in total peace, holy peace.

    How far will this peace extend? Across the entire earth.

    According to Isaiah 11:9b, why will there be peace? It is according to his good pleasure.

    What does "the knowledge of the Lord" mean? When man receives the knowledge of the Lord I believe we have circum to the ways of God and therefore his knowledge, that is given to us brings with it a peace, knowing he is GOD almighty.

    How widespread will this "knowledge" be? The entire earth.

  19. Q5. (Isaiah 11:1-5) Who was Jesse? The father of King David.

    How does his name indicate that this passage speaks of the Messiah? "I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." (Revelation 22:16) "In that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel." (Isaiah 4:2)

    What attributes will he have due to the Spirit of God upon him? "2 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him --
    the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
    the Spirit of counsel and of power,
    the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD-- 3 and he will delight in the fear of the LORD." (11:2-3a)

    What do we learn about this Messiah from verses 4-5?  That God's justice and righteousness is upheld by Christ Jesus, he knows the Father's value system and he too shall walk in righteousness.

    Who seem to be the victims of injustice and oppression here? The weak and the poor.

    When the Messiah comes, what will happen to all who involve themselves in injustice? The wicked shall be slayed.

  20. Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? The weak and the poor often easy pray and unable to defend themselves.

    What can we as Christians do to prevent this? We can play our part in ending oppression and poverty, by assisting with financial and spiritual support.

    What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities? In supporting, speaking life and seeking opportunities for the poor and the oppressed. Giving them opportunity to be frre of oppression and financial deprevation.

  21. Q3. (Isaiah 9:6-7) What in the text convinces us that the Child/Son is the Messiah himself? He will be called counsellor and mighty God

    What do you learn about the Messiah from the four word pairs describing him? That he is God almighty, he knows all things, he has the authority of heaven and rules over the earth. And that he is eternal and rules forever more.

    Which of these saving attributes do you need most in your life right now? 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.
    He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom,
    establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.

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