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Posts posted by souxieq

  1. I find that when I feel a sense of despair, I look back at god's intervention in my life and go back to prayer and it gives me a sense of peace. Its nice to keep in touch with him on a daily basis so that it becomes a habit and the feeling of peace is a constant..


  2. On 8/16/2017 at 2:54 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q3. (Haggai 2:1-5) Discouragement is a common experience. What command does God give Joshua the high priest? What assurance does he give? To deal with your own times of discouragement, what would God’s command and assurance be for you? How would you implement them?

    God reminds Joshua of his earlier words of encouragement "Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous? ......for the Lord your God is wth you wherever you go?" 

    As humans it is easy to become terrified of potential trouble if we take hold steps against oppressors. The Jews wanted a physical king because they wanted a safety net from all their enemies in physical form. A strategist and strongman who would lead them. And God gave them Saul to begin with, even though He preferred to lead them all Himself.

    If we are to choose to hold on to God's word of encouragement, we have to believe that what he tells us works out for the best in the big scheme of things. We may not like some of his methods, or even the outcome, and therefore find it hard to believe he is actually working on our problem. It may even look like he is working for our enemies - Jonah for instance. How he sulked when he realised God was considering mercy towards his people's most cruel oppressors. When he got the call to go to Nineveh, he took off swiftly in the other direction. But when God in His own unique way set his direction right, and Jonah did what was expected, we see that Nineveh repented and showed it right down to their animals. Not what Jonah expected at all. So he plonks himself on top of a hill, keeping watch on the city, still believing in his head that God cannot possibly redeem that lot and waited for the proverbial lightening to strike. 

    It didn't.

    And Jonah sulked like a big baby. We read how God pacified him like the big baby he was, giving Jonah the analogy of the plant that withered. What is interesting is when God says that the people of Nineveh did not know one hand from the other. 

    Please excuse the lack of brevity in answering this question, but what I got out of it, is that if God gives instructions then go ahead and obey it, even if in one's mind, it seems like a huge injustice. God takes care of injustices - sometimes even when we don't know that it has come against us. But the essence of the gospel is grace and in Jonah's time, we see it was Gods nature always to give people chances no matter how monstrous their actions might have been. God knows when, how and why. He will take care of the hurdles that we can't. 

    His assurance is all we need. "Do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged."

    I pray that I myself should find this confidence in God's assurance, as also to first be able to distinguish His voice from my own chaotic thoughts.

  3. On 8/16/2017 at 2:53 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q2. (Haggai 1:6, 9-11) God sometimes disciplines us through hardships and circumstances (Hebrews 12:7-11). Sometimes through us not having all that we need. What is such discipline intended to do in our lives? Are you experiencing hardship? What is God trying to say to you in the midst of it?

    When God disciplines us, it is for us to realise our mistakes and then from them. A caring parent will always discipline his children so that their future is safe and they gain wisdom. In like token God has an eye on our future - esp our eternal future. Hardships are a way of learning through wisdom and experience. Wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit. Hardships should ideally make us more sensitive to the quiet gentle voice of the Holy Spirit.

  4. On 8/16/2017 at 2:52 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q1. (Haggai 1:8) God wishes to “take pleasure” in the temple, but the people have stopped working on the project. When is God displeased with you? When does he “take pleasure” in you? What is keeping you from serving him deliberately and joyfully?

    When God's instructions are clear, then it is lack of faith that causes one to be disturbed and afraid when troubles interrupt obedience to Him. That will displease God, for we should believe He will take care of it. 

    Lack of courage I suppose especially for ladies who can be vulnerable without male protection or support

  5. On 8/16/2017 at 2:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q5. (Ezra 6:20-21) What do repentance and separation from the sins of our culture look like for a disciple today? How should we prepare ourselves to worship Jesus in the Lord’s Supper? How should we prepare to serve him with purity day by day?


    What do repentance and separation from the sins of our culture look like for a disciple today?

    Lines are very blurred and getting blurrier. If sins are not recognizable as being what they are, there will be no repentance. 

    How should we prepare ourselves to worship Jesus in the Lord’s Supper?

    We should seek forgiveness for sins so that we are spiritually clean and worthy of taking part in the Lord's Supper. True worship will come from a place of intimacy with Christ. Intimacy comes from being completely transparent before God and acknowledging our shortcomings and sins. 'If we confess our sins, he is  faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness' 1Jn 1:9

    How should we prepare to serve him with purity day by day?

    Perhaps try doing what Paul advises; Pray without ceasing.

    Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.' (1 Thess 5:16-18)

    This should keep our minds stayed on Christ to do his will.


  6. On 8/16/2017 at 2:50 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q4. (Ezra 6:1-12) When faced with “insurmountable odds,” why do we give up so easily? What are the characteristics of a disciple who retains a robust faith in the God of amazing breakthroughs and impossible solutions?

    Lack of faith and succumbing easily to ideas that seem to give a sense comfort even if temporary - 

    A disciple with robust faith would continue doing what is right in God's eyes while offering up prayers of faith even as opposition persists. Prayers will keep one's spirit up and bringing to mind God's promises will sustain an unflagging spirit when faced with 'insurmountable odds' . This faith comes with being in the Lord's Word and with constant communication with Him, which helps build up faith, so when the rubber hits the road, it does not cause any deviation from the path towards the objective.

    Haggai and Zachariah were the voices that held up the spirit of the builders of the temple while the building was being opposed. They urged the Israelites on, urging and advising them to move forward with the project.

  7. On 8/16/2017 at 2:49 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q3. (Ezra 4:1-3) Sometimes uncommitted people try to co-opt true worship for their own ends, as did the enemies of the Jews. What is the danger of letting people without a deep heart commitment and close walk with God redesign the church’s image in the community? Redesign worship? Redesign the preaching? How can we be innovative and still be faithful to God’s heart?

    This is a common phenomenon borne out of egoistical motives. Some people are just vengeful - if they can't have their way, they use anything they can to disrupt what exists. I have not seen any good come of it and would love to have an answer to this. The building of the temple was stalled for about 20 odd years due to people like this. The Jews were not willing to dilute the laws given them by God. It takes people of close communion with the Holy Spirit, worldly experience and an assertive yet just manner to deal with this. Yet one man may not be able to do itnon his own. As long as hubris and greed are the uppermost motives this follows in the secular world and sadly even in a world where we claim to be followers of Christ. 

  8. On 8/16/2017 at 2:47 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q2. (Ezra 3) Rebuilding the temple in order to restore worship is the point of all this work. Is your personal worship what it should be? What foundations do you need to lay again in your personal restoration and revival of faith?

    No, it isn't.

    I need to spend more quality uninterrupted time worshipping and listening for God's voice. I have to learn to put aside my worries and have faith so that I can spend quiet time with Him. That's my prayer for now

  9. On 8/16/2017 at 2:46 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q1. (Ezra 1:5-6) Why did only some return to Jerusalem when given the opportunity? What are the likely characteristics of those who return vs. those who stay behind in Babylon? Why do only some answer Jesus’ call to follow him on his journey to a radically different kind of lifestyle and mission? What are the characteristics of true disciples?

    Perhaps they were the generation that knew only the land of exile, while the older generation (mostly) reminisced and grieved for the splendid temple in which they grew up worshipping and which had been a major part of their lives. There may have been those who were not that Involved spiritually with the law and the temple and preferred the comfortable lifestyle they had gotten used to. Besides there were no more wars and enemies to contend with.

    Humans are intrinsically self preserving and believe the pinnacle of success is having a comfortable life. While Jesus tends to often take us out of our comfort zone to grow spiritually, sacrificially even..." If you have two tunics you should share with the one who has none" so to speak. As someone wrote: 'in a one-coat society, that would have been funny.' Jesus moved about depending upon the kindness of others for his basic needs of food and shelter ( he had nowhere to lay his head) and he asked his disciples to do the same. He went where he was needed and where people most needed to know of the grace and mercy of our Father; the lost sheep, or the prodigal son one might say. 

    The Samaritan woman (he didn't take the usual detour Jews took to avoid samaritans, but went right through the city) 

    True disciples would understand by Jesus's lifestyle that earth life is transitory and rather than get attached to earthly things we should be ready to take God's grace and mercy to those who seem genuinely lost, no matter where it takes us. One of the hardest things to do when comfortably ensconced in a well-tended nest. Worse still is never speaking up for injustice incase it costs us even the slightest discomfort. 

  10. On 7/19/2020 at 10:06 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 14 Mediation (Psalm 133). Which word pictures in Psalm 133 do you find most compelling?  Why do you think lasting unity is so hard to achieve in our world, in our countries, in our churches, in our families? What do you think is the chief obstacle to love in your life?

    All Living in unity 

    Pride mostly 

    That giving wholeheartedly is mistaken for asking to be used as a doormat - nothing good comesbof the latter situation - not for the doormat nor for the user

  11. On 7/19/2020 at 10:02 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith?  How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?

    I understand what you said Dr. wilson, that the closer we walk with the Lord, the more we recognise and uncover subtle sins. Personally, the act of forgiveness undeserved in my case makes me think twice about hurting the Lord, though there are times I knowingly still transgress thinking I have no alternative. I wonder how God looks at that. Still I hope in His mercy in faith, not knowing what else to do.

    How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others?

    I know that I have to forgive and it's easy - but forgetting is hard. When forgiveness gets taken for stupidness for perpetrators to take advantage of it, then one needs to understand how to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. So that's a tough question. 

    My expectancy will depend on my obedience to His Word I suppose, because I know what to expect based on how I lead my life and base my actions. His Word has made it abundantly clear. I know that He waits to cleanse us of our sins, not wanting that any should perish. Because we cannot manipulate words and arguments with Him, the thought should direct our steps because He is just. That's His intrinsic nature and even how hurtful it is that any one of us stray, the fact that whoever is aware of His Word will be liable to his rightful justice if they continue to sin. He is not a vengeful God, but a righteous one, that's just who He is.

    I have faith in His mercy.

  12. On 7/19/2020 at 9:58 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 8 Meditation (Psalm 127). Why is work without trust inadequate? Why is trust without work an illusion? How can we achieve the kind of balance that affords us good rest? Why do you think the psalmist stresses that children are both a “heritage” and a “reward”?

    Sometimes one can be overly ambitious when making plans for anything and may try to overreach - which by itself is not a bad thing. But some things may not be favorable for our well being in the grand scheme of things - a scheme known to God. Keeping us safe and within his circle of protection depends upon our obedience to Him. Even when it seems contrary to our own blueprint. So it's conducive to our own wellbeing to continue doing the ground work, but keeping in mind to check whether our blueprint is in alignment with God's. He is concerned about every small detail of our lives - of that we must take to heart. I know I must work on that myself. Many a time when I don't know how to proceed with certain issues and my mind is like a tornado, I just have to put it before Him and say I'm going ahead with what I think I should do. Please close all doors if it's not right in your eyes. Many have slammed painfully on my face I have to say. So I gotta go back and check what I need to change in my attitude or actions. This comes back to meditating and spending good quality time with Him before getting into the rigors of the day. I need to pray to be able to do that too.

    Each generation is smarter than the last. Children brought up on the Word of God and adhere to it are a blessing to parents - they don't cause shame and they stand by their parents when their parents are old and frail and speak up for them with God's wisdom that they have inherited through their youth due to the life examples of their parents. 

  13. On 7/19/2020 at 9:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

    Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable?

    Because patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity (thank you Dr Wilson) and to continue along the same lines of spiritual maturity - we are capable of doing much. Meditating on God's Word and using wisdom can accomplish much. If we can do it, God won't - he may give us a shove in the right direction like any good parent. 

    Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

    We should; it helps on many levels. We put faith in action when we do. 

    Remembering God's many past mercies helps prompt me in my time of deep uncertainty.

  14. On 7/19/2020 at 9:55 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 6 Meditation (Psalm 125). What does this psalm teach us about the security that the Lord gives us? What examples do you see of unrighteous rulers? What kind of government happens when rulers are unrighteous? What happens in the government of our hearts when we allow unrighteousness in us to continue to guide our actions and thoughts?

    What does this psalm teach us about the security that the Lord gives us? 

    That's a tricky one - those who are righteous and speak against unrighteousness are often, if not always persecuted. We look to the new earth then when Christ rules. 

    What examples do you see of unrighteous rulers? What kind of government happens when rulers are unrighteous? 

    Vote banks supercede righteousness - when drugs, abortion, neutral gender put in the minds of children, among other things are propagated, one need not be an Elijah to see where society is heading. This is the worst kind of global pandemic.

    What happens in the government of our hearts when we allow unrighteousness in us to continue to guide our actions and thoughts?

    When we even begin to subscribe to ideologies in our minds that go against God's Word,  it's the beginning of a slippery slope. The longer we walk the path believing that it's ok to have one foot on each side of the fence, teh harder it is going to be to retrace our way back to the path of righteousness. It's nice to memorize some relevant verses from the Bible. When one tends to stray a bit, these verses tend to pop up in the mind and can help put a brake on things before it goes further.


    On 7/19/2020 at 9:54 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 5 Meditation (Psalm 124). Think back on your own life. In what circumstances have you seen God deliver you from danger from others? Even from danger from yourself? How do you explain God’s undeserved love toward you? What undeserving person comes to mind who can be the object of your love and mercy?


    When I look back on my life, I realise that God has kept me safe from perils I did not recognise as being so. I have learned now to thank Him for every little unexpected help that comes my way. 

    Only God knows every person's thoughts and motives, so it's hard to comment on why some people who claim to be die-hard athiests have personal saving encounters, where they cannot but admit it was the Hand of God, and why some who are committed Christians (atleast as one can see) don't have these encounters. Why some non believers have miraculous recoveries from deadly illnesses and some believers do not.

    I have had a number of saves I can say; but the one that still leaves me shaking is being saved from being put behind bars in Abu Dhabi while I had two very young children as my husband had been carrying drugs to the country for when he travelled for duty which was a month on/month off schedule. Because of harrassment from his mother, I had insisted we go with him on the next trip and stay there not knowing that he had been carrying drugs. He was caught and jailed on the trip prior to the one we were to leave with him. Till date, it's hard for me to comprehend the complete lack of any sense of family well being and the responsibility as father and husband to protect his own. That it could have been me with 2 young kids unsuspecting of any malfeasance is a nightmare even today even though this happened two decades ago.

    I know without a doubt that it was Gods mercy that saved us. 

    However he shoukd have received more than the 4 years he got, which I believe was also the Hand of God. Though he would write letters claiming that he now knows 'The Almighty' and he would never do anything that went against God, the first day he was released, he wanted to go out and have his drugs again. He is now earning very well in another ME country and is in a bigamous marriage. He continues deflect responsibility for all his actions and has become no better after his jail term. So God's mercy seems to have given him a sense of entitlement. 

    Its hard to say why God helps some and not others from a human perspective. He knows best why He does. Its best to keep in His Word at all times as best as one can.




  16. On 7/19/2020 at 9:47 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day  4 Meditation (Psalm 123). What does this psalm teach us about trust that our Master will right our wrongs? What does it teach us about contempt for others? What group of people in your particular community most bear the brunt of prejudice? What can you do to go out of your way to show active love toward them?

    I have not had much experience dealing with aliens from other countries, but I do understand the essence of this Psalm. See, in India its it's quite surprising not to have a maid (or two, or more- one each for particular job, in case the other does not show up.) I see a parallelism in the overt disparity in the treatment of a guest and a worker. Though there is no contempt or taunts like the Israelites experienced, and many, many employers of every religion take care of their workers needs for their families, the distinction however is expected on both sides.

    When I was a child there were many instances of young workers being adopted by Christian families who brought them up as their own, educating them to do better. My neighbour who had an open home for anyone wanting to pray before her big altar, not only  took care of her young worker, but got her married and looked after their child giving the couple the opportunity to earn better in the Gulf (a big thing at the time.) I've not seen that kind of altruism since.

    but what ill treatment is more rampant and not even thinly veiled, is casteism which is one of the major contributions to violence and death. It happens within the same religion. That is why over centuries many converted to Christianity because there is a sense of acceptance and validation. 

    the Israelites were paying for their disobedience and were attacked by stronger more powerful rulers on many occasions. Among the many laws given them by God, they were to treat the aliens in their land right. Now perhaps they get to taste what it is like to be an alien.

    Most Christians feel compassion for the less fortunate. It is intrinsic to those brought up with Christian values. But there also needs to be a caveat in today's world; there needs to be wisdom and insight on some occasions.



  17. On 7/19/2020 at 9:47 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 3 Meditation (Psalm 122). Why do people desert the house of God in our day? Why do so many Christians believe they can mature in Christ without the help of Christ's people? How can you pray for the peace of God’s house? WhatHow can you pray for the peace of God’s house?  can you do to “seek the good” of God’s house?

    It may be that worldly matters and the concept of fitting in with others who believe everything should be scientifically proven to if one is to believe in anything. The word agnostic crops up frequently with the younger generation, though they don't seem to understand it's etymology or its origin of concept. 

    Another factor maybe that Christian people are not living what they preach or believe and if a newbie in faith is introduced to faith through someone who does not walk the talk, or others who line up with worldly thinking while visiting church daily; it's not going to go down very well with them. Elders must take into cognisance that the younger generation are a smart and cognitively savvy generation. It's not what one says but what one does that's going to impact their way of thinking.

    Why do so many Christians believe they can mature in Christ without the help of Christ's people

    Not sure really. Could be a number of factors. Maybe what they conceive as a hypocritcal stance that does not justify pious words. Could be (to their detriment) that their belief does not line up with others and they are right in their perception. It coukd be that they prefer sitting on the fence. 

    How can you pray for the peace of God’s house?

    First to Understand what the consequences are if one prayers for peace and the ramifications if one does not. Pray daily for harmony and understanding among and between churches and denominations snd all who believe Christ Jesus has died and risen for our salvation. 

    What can you do to “seek the good” of God’s house?

    Get it right with my own reflection of Christ in every way as I possibly can, so that those who see me live my life may be encouraged to grow in faith. "Preach the gospel at all times. And if necessary, use words." St. Francis of Assisi. Pray and introspect about my life on a daily basis .


  18.  Meditation (Psalm 121). In what ways is God your Help? How does he help you? In what ways  is he your Keeper? How do you perceive that he guards and protects you? How is he your Shade? How do you see that he shields you?

    1. There are times when I have asked from th depth of my heart a prayer that has been answered and sometimes I feel an overwhelming sense of peace about a situation. I just need to make it a habit so I can slip into that space with God and his peace that passeth all understanding.
    2. He has been my helper and keeper by protecting me from danger I did not know existed which would have cost me dearly. I don't know if I did anything to deserve that but He did anyway.
    3. 4&5 as above
    4. I will share my experience/s that still humbles and causes me much guilt at times when I foeget His mercy. In 1996 I had 2 children aged 2 and 6 at the time. My husband was working in Abu Dhabi and had a job that entailed his coming and going on a schedule. Because of the persistent harrassment of his mother who believed she was entitled to his finances at our cost and persistently caused probelsm in our marriage, I had insisted he take us to Abu Dhabi where we could work on our marriage. What I didn't know then was that he had carried drugs with him on the trip before we were to go with him. I learned years later it was not the first time and probably wouldn't have been the last. Had he not been caught then the small children and I would have also been party to his crime without any knowledge of it. He had become a drug addict in a big way and had either trivialised it when brought up or become physically  violent when asked to stop it. Because I Had no support I wanted to believe him when he for reasons of his own seemed to be turning over  a new leaf which I realise now had an underlying agenda 
    5. I look back at that fateful day on 9th March 1996 and thank God that he was watching over me and the small children saving us  from a really horrendous situation considering that we would never have known what it was all about and trusted the person who is meant to keep us safe.
    6. He still continues to challenge the law because he is adept at wiggling out of scrapes by playing the victim and projecting his behavior on others - oftentimes my door and ventilator has been tampered with and my house once broken into as a form of intimidation by his mother who encouraged and enabled him with drugs do long as he catered to her ostentatious lifestyle. These intimidations don't scare me but I worry for my children who are pawns in their insidious games. But I quote ps 91 and 121 and ask for forgiveness when I cannot believe enough even though he has been all of ps 121 to me. I am forever grateful and in awe ofwhat He has done but I need to step up the faith considerably. In 1996 I was just a fledgling in the Bible but I learned from my mother to pray. Besides we had a neighbour when I was little with whom my mother kept me when she went to work. This neighbour held our Lady's Novena in her home on a regular basis and her home was open to anyone who wanted to pray before her huge altar during morning and evening hours . This neighbour always prayed over me when I was little and I was sometimes impatient wanting to play instead. I believe my mother's prayers and this neighbours too has kept me safe and by proxy my children. Since 2000 I have been understanding God's word on an ongoing basis and it is where I go for shelter - I have to get to a space where my faith remains constant 
    8. I'm still a work in progress
  19. On 7/19/2020 at 5:56 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 2 Meditation (Psalm 121). In what ways is God your Help? How does he help you? In what ways  is he your Keeper? How do you perceive that he guards and protects you? How is he your Shade? How do you see that he shields yo

    This q Requires deep thought and prayer 

    Esp to increase my faith and sensitiveness of God speaking to me through various ways 

    Working on it

    I may seem ungrateful for past and obvious mercies but some situations are life threatening and it's difficult to not turn to human assistance 


    Working on it

  20. When in stress I usually tend to dwell on it seeking ways to deliver myself from the same. In today's world any sort of help from formal sources may end up with pills - a band aid solution.

    When one is stressedvthe mind races a million mph, and cannot concentrate on prayer which ends up being very rushed and superficial.

    But if one can calm one's mind and remember God's past Providence, it makes it easier to pray in times of stress. Ask for more faith to believe once prayed it is heard and will be answered. Read relevant verses in their context. Get a praying friend to pray with you.

  21. On 11/28/2017 at 11:48 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q4. How can pride corrupt our hearing from God? How do we protect ourselves from being deceived by our pride?

    We tend to believe we know what to do and this attitude hinders our ability to hear what God has to say. It may prove detrimental and sometimes dangerous to pridefully belive we know better. Mostly we don't realise we are being proud by overriding God's still small voice. Or we may think that it is God speaking when we don't hv thst close relationship that will confirm differently.

    I think to protect ourselves we may need to go back to these ponderings of relevant verses and relive and revive them over and over again till it becomes second nature. Look for more examples of these instances 

  22. On 11/28/2017 at 11:47 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q3. (Psalm 32:8-9; John 7:17) Why is a willingness to obey without understanding the reasons for God’s commands so important? How does obedience sometimes help us understand God’s workings.

    Because we cannot see the entire picture as God does. He sees the whys snd hows, the past, present and future. He can see the neat side of the embroidery whilewe can only see the chaotic sets of stitches behind. 

    When we obey, sometimes the picture falls into place soon enough for us to see in hindsight thatthough this may not have been our way of approaching a situation, God has sorted it out - even on all fronts, so that it is settled once and for all and won't crop up again. We may have just a bandage solution. 

  23. On 11/28/2017 at 11:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q2. (1 Samuel 3:7; Hosea 6:3; Philippians 3:10-14) Why is a desire for a relationship with God more important than seeking to hear his voice? How does hearing his voice contribute to the relationship? Why are we commanded to “press in” to know the Lord? How does Paul’s passion for a relationship with God inspire you?

    A close relationship endorses trust. When God speaks and gives us instructions, it may be that ii is something we won't want to do with every fibre of our being. Note Jonah; the man heard very well as he must have had this close bond. What he didn't want was God to show Nineveh any mercy. According to him, they didn't deserve any. According to God, they didn't know one hand from the other. Jonah was tuned in alright but thought he knew better but couldn't see beyond his nose. A close relationship will give one the grace to go beyond one's own feelings and trust that God ways are higher than our ways as are his thoughts.

    Hearing His voice endorses the relationship causing obedience and humility no matter the cost - like Jesus who did nothing without his father's instructions. 

    There are many eternal consequences to either having this relationship or not. Pressing in to know the Lord has eternal ramifications not only for ourelves but also for thoseGod is asking us to help. Better to know Him than not. Not to mention short and long term earthy consequences.

    Paul pressed on inspite of all the punishment and inspite of the thorn in hisflesh. He made no deal with God. If you do this I'll fo that. He pressed on to strengthen the relationship because He seemed to understand the nature of God sometimes better than the disciples. Also to have this relationship gives one the grace that during the race one is never alone and it will help confirm ones path step by step to do the will of God even if one did have fear

  24. On 2/14/2018 at 7:15 PM, Johno said:

    Q1. (1 Samuel 3:1-10) What was Eli’s counsel to Samuel, when he recognized that God was calling to the boy? Was it good counsel? What is the significance of Samuel recognizing that he is a servant?


    On 11/28/2017 at 11:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q1. (1 Samuel 3:1-10) What was Eli’s counsel to Samuel, when he recognized that God was calling to the boy? Was it good counsel? What is the significance of Samuel recognizing that he is a servant?

    Eli assured Samuel that it was the Lord speaking as Sam had not known the Lord before. Eli gave him the exact words he should use to answer the Lord. Speak and servant are instrumental in this one succinct sentence.

    It was perfect counsel given the situation. Eli did not have any pride in telling Samuel to answer God even as he was the prophet and Samuel his student and protegee. Eli had a relationship with God and trusted him. He probably would have known that God was speaking to Samuel about something that Eli may have ignored.

    The word servant has the implications of humility and obedience and denounces pride. 

    Samuel must listen and do exactly as God tells him no matter the consequences that could be fearful. In this case he was to tell his mentor, someone whom he had the greatest respect for, that he was himself not obedient to God. It must have been very overwhelming and we see Samuel hesitating. But Eli probed it out of him. Eli may have been hesitant to deal with his own sons for fear of them being rebellious, or whatever. But as a parent and Gods spokesperson no less, he had to live a life dedicated to God which included the good behavior of his loved ones. He was in a tight spot.

    But we see Eli's relationship with God came first. He accepted immediately God's message through his student which would have made him Avery humble man and a true servant of God.

  25. On 1/24/2018 at 12:54 PM, hanks said:


    Perhaps God was teaching Elijah something. Elijah may have been expecting dramatic means of communication according to precedents. So God ran the drama by him. Elijah was discerning enough to recognise that they contained no message from God. But to his credit he waited on the message and when it came to him in a still small voice, he was sensitive enough to discern it.

    The author may have been giving readers a universal message that God can speak to us in many ways - sometimes through explosive scenarios when needed. It is good to be able to hear that still voice that is always with us from the Holy Spirit.



    On 1/24/2018 at 12:54 PM, hanks said:

    How does God's voice comfort and renew Elijah? 

    Elijah knew God has his back when he gave him Elisha as a companion. No matter how close we walk with God fear can overcome that feeling. With someone who walks beside you who hears God makes it s whole lot less frightening. God understood this and gave him a like companion. Elijah was not rebuked for feeling this way because it's only human.

    3. In the world it's essy to miss Gods still small voice with the din and clamour of day to day life. Secondly I did not make it a habit to discern that kind of communication. Following Jesus' daily routine of waking up early to commune with His Father before his disciple and the world caught up with him to perform miracles was a good idea. Besides it gives one the strength to tackle the day's problems wisely.

     If I may share an experience;

    A few years ago I was harrassing God to give me an answer about some issue I had in my life. I was asking this for a while in a rather staggered manner. A moment in church, a rushed prayer now and then. But that day I was like Jacob and the angel or the person at the judges door at midnight asking for a snack for his guests. 

    Now my mind was and still is like a whirlpool. Getting it to focus is a herculean task. But that late  evening through all this chaos in my mind came a thought so unexpected ly strong and sudden, it cut through all other thoughts like a hot knife through butter. It's the only analogy I can think of. It was so clear. 

    How did I know it came from God? Well, it was something I didn't want to do and two, it was the best solution. The thought had occured to me like in a different format, but this thought was concise and precise and just 5 words. Economic he is - our God is with words. But ti fit precisely.

    I've been asking for that same experience with another issue but I've not had it - yet.

     maybe God wants me to listen up for that still small voice 


    Ps . Sorry hanks - tried to copy the question from your post 

    Pl excuse 

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