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Posts posted by Lousand1

  1. We live in a country where unrighteousness rules. When I think of the children held in cages on our borders; children separated from their parents; black people being killed for no reason other than being black; millions of DACA with citizenship being withheld from them. Yes, we live in an unrighteous country. As christians we must pray that God woud intervene for the common man, for the poor and the desilute. Help our country Lord! Deal with the evil in our land!

  2. When I think of the many times when I was young and drinking and running around I am so thankul for his protection and safety. There were many times when I was drinking that I asked the Lord to help me. I didn't want Him to come back when my mind was not clear. Even in my sins he heard and protected me. I thank Him for bringing me to  this place in my life. He is my potector and my Savior.

  3. Today, people have become so sure in their own abiity to learn and grow in the Lord, that they have stopped going to God's house. but we do need the examples of Christian and we need to hear His word. Today, in the midst of the great pandemic, we are not allowed to gather in our churches. Now would be a wonderful time for Christians to humble ourselves, and seek His face. He promised to heal our land, Lord please heal our land. WE need to support the church with our tithes and offerings.

  4.  God is with me at all times. When I am up and when I am down.When I am faithul and when I am less than faithful.  God is so protective of me. He reminds me to look to him in all things. If there is trouble coming my way, His spirit warns me before hand. It is awesome to walk with Jesus. There is nothing to fear. Apostle Paul says to be out of the body is to be present with the Lord. What could be better than walking with Him all your life, and when He is ready to bring you Home to be with him He gently brings you into his Presence.


    As the scripures state Jesus, Himself did not baptize, only his disciples did. I don't know how that would have been different from Johm's baptism. The Holy Spirit was not given until Jesus ascended back into heaven. So the baptism of the Holy Spirit did cause a notticeable change in he people receiving. While in the upper room the Holy Spirit fell upon them like tongues of fire. Today, many churches believe that the Holy Spirit manifestes itself with speaking in tongues. I have neer spokenn in tongues, but I believe I have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, because I asked for it. Maybe I am wrong but if I am saved, and I am, then I have what god wants for me.





















    As he scriptures states, Jesus, Himself did no bati

  6. On 10/6/2014 at 11:20 PM, Commissioned said:

    The title “Lamb of God” tell us that Jesus’ ministry is supernaturally empowered.  According to John 1:29, Jesus came to take away the sin of the world.  The world in this verse signifies the human race.  Jesus fulfilled Isaiah 53 as he was the sacrificial Lamb that atoned for the sin of the world once and for all.

    the title Lamb of God tells us that this ministry will not be what the people are looking for. They want Jesus to claim hhis  earthly  throne.They are ready to fight for him, bu Jesus ministry is one of peacce and love. Jesus is ready to lay down his life for the sins of the entire world.

  7. On 7/18/2020 at 8:24 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120). In what ways does stress pull us away from God? In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? Have you given your stress points to God fully? What are you asking him to do about your stresses?

    Some times we are so bureden down with problems or troubles that we fail to look to God as an answer to our problems. If we are strongly aligned wih God and speaking with him consantly, additional stress can draw us even closer to God. I am curently dealing with shortness o breath due to COPD, but I am trying to put my focus on God's word rather than constanly dwelling on my breathing

  8. On 8/7/2014 at 2:27 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q1. (John 1:19-23) Why do you think John the Baptist was being hassled by the religious leaders from Jerusalem? What were they afraid of? How did John understand his own mission? How much conflict do you think could be expected from John’s mission?

    John seems to think of himself as a lowly servant with a mission.He has been sent to prepare the way for Jesus. The religious leaders were concerned with the crowd he had as a following. Would John turn the people away from their teachings. Would John's ministry affect the Temple and take away from the vendors, if John was bapizing for the remission of sins. People would no longer need to buy peace offerings.

  9. On 8/7/2014 at 2:24 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q5. (John 1:18) What does it mean that Jesus is the “Only God” or the “Only Begotten God”? Does the Apostle John seem to make a distinction between God the Father and God the Son? What does all this mean for our understanding of the Trinity?

    I remember this verse as saying the only begotten son, which to me means that Jesus is the only begotten of God. God and the Father are one,one and the same. There is so much we can't concieve with our intellect we have to read and believe with our spiritual eyes and undersanding At this point the Trinity is not complete.  The Holy Spirit has not been given But Jesus says that the miracles he has done should testify of who He is.

  10. On 8/7/2014 at 2:23 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

    Q4. (John 1:14) Why is the idea of God “becoming flesh” so important to the basis of the Christian faith? What would Christ’s life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to “become flesh”? In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was?

    I hae been a Christian for so long, I can't remember what life was like before accepting Jesus as my pesonal saviour. I have been through some major health problems but Jesus was with me throughout it all. I was in a medical induced coma for several weeks with Covid-19. I woke up and realized I had slept through the winter. I have regained my strength and my voice and I can't stop telling people about my experience. I am a firm believer that Jesus is real and that He still heals.

    Jesus is so real to me, much more now than when I first became a Chistian.

  11. I am Lousand1, a new member of this bible study. I think we are all in John the Baptist's shoes. We are here to testify of the Light, Jesus Christ. Fortunately we are not in the same delimna as John the Bapist, in that we are not in danger of speaking what we believe. God gies us different means of sharing the Good News. I pray that we will all be faithful in sharing the goodness and life of Jesus.

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