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Posts posted by Jodilv

  1. When I think of Archippus I see him as a young Paul.  An actual soldier though, who wants to fight the battle for the Lord with his hands.  He's passionate to right the wrongs of those who would preach heresy, he is eager and not one to sit idly by while they take the gospel that Paul preached to them and distort it.  But I also see him as wanting the approval of men, perhaps even Paul.  Perhaps Paul is just reminding him to remember the ministry to which he was called, to focus on that particular call and not to take matters into his own hands.  Take the same passion that Archippus would use to grab hold of heretics and false philosophers and use it to preach, teach and share Christ as it was given to him by Paul.  All while remembering it was God who called him, God who will equip him and God who will direct his path.  A good soldier takes his orders from his superior officer, Paul is maybe reminding this good soldier who his Superior is and to stay the course.

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