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Posts posted by Jahaira

  1. Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?

    He doesn't have to. We need to be deserving of everything and anything. If the YHWH always do stupendous miracles than it would not be a miracle. Yes, the Father can fix anything and everything, that I know, that's my belief. I don't have to see him do it, I just know. Should he, we may think he should, but no, we must earn anything and everything he gives/ we ask for. 

    We can always shout for joy whether or not our prayers have been answer. We must accept everything given with a positive view. Not everything we ask will be given. We must be patient and very deserving of what we ask. If the Father thinks we are not ready or it's just not for us, we must accept it and move on. Only he actually knows what we deserve and need. As a parent, we don't always hand our children what they want, but what they need and deserve at the time, so does our Father. He protects, guides, loves us, but we have to have faith in him, believe his word, believe in him, look and ask for his guidance and wisdom. He will provide what we desire and need if he sees fit, not as we see fit. 


  2. Day 6 Meditation (Psalm 125). What does this psalm teach us about the security that the Lord gives us? What examples do you see of unrighteous rulers? What kind of government happens when rulers are unrighteous? What happens in the government of our hearts when we allow unrighteousness in us to continue to guide our actions and thoughts?

    For me, Psalmist emphasize "YHWH is everywhere, surrounding us, protecting his people, those that are righteous, willing to obey and follow YHWH laws and ways.




    In todays world, some  or maybe most people are all for themselves, looking out for themselves or what they can get out of whatever they do. Look in todays world, government aren't for the people anymore, at least in my opinion. Even our constitutional rights are being revoked. Power, money is the #1 for these politicians now, and not what matters," The People". I remember when even in school as child, The Father was always in everything, unfortunately, now, even to say God Bless you is bad and offensive to someone, and praising Satan is okay. Tv - so many entertainments about witchcraft, demon, drugs and how to, and one of the most disgusting series ever put out their " Lucifer" trying to make Satan a good boy. Its ridiculous and very much offensive. The good is bad and bad is good in todays society, at least for some and it's pathetic. If people don't open their eyes, wake up and stop being blind to all the nonsense and keep on following the worlds views instead of the Father , he will turn against them like they did on him. 

    With all that's going on in today's world, I've grown to detach myself from everything and almost everyone. I rarely watch tv, news, I don't keep up with this world anymore. What I know is because my partner and my children informed me. I keep to myself, study the bible, hear some music, used to be a fan, not that much anymore. Everyday I see this world getting lost more and more. Those that choose to follow the father will be saved those that don't well, again The Father will take care of them as he sees fit, it is what it is. He gave us a choice unfortunately. We decide what road we take. People have the truth, they just choose not to believe. 

  3. Day 5 Meditation (Psalm 124). Think back on your own life. In what circumstances have you seen God deliver you from danger from others? Even from danger from yourself? How do you explain God’s undeserved love toward you? What undeserving person comes to mind who can be the object of your love and mercy?

    " A little to personal " 

    I can say this - Father has delivered me from danger so many time, not only from myself but several others. He is our Father, our protector. We abandoned him, while he stays trying to save us.  I've put myself in danger, trying to run away from other dangers, but he has been there, helping me over come every struggle in my life and that is a fact. 

  4. Day  4 Meditation (Psalm 123). What does this psalm teach us about trust that our Master will right our wrongs? What does it teach us about contempt for others? What group of people in your particular community most bear the brunt of prejudice? What can you do to go out of your way to show active love toward them?

    (Psalm 123) -  A Plea for Mercy to the Father - A prayer for Mercy . Beautiful indeed 

    The father will right our wrongs, we must leave all in his hands, for revenge is his. We must love our neighbor, our brother, our sister no matter appearances, color, race, etc. Yes, its hard, people make it hard to love them at times, but all we can do is try our hardest, not to allow the hate/evil consuming this world consume us. We must be better. We must over come it all. 


  5. Day 3 Meditation (Psalm 122).

    Why do people desert the house of God in our day? Why do so many Christians believe they can mature in Christ without the help of Christ's people? How can you pray for the peace of God’s house? What can you do to “seek the good” of God’s house?

    It's simple, people stop believing in him, in his promise. We as humans and sinners always look for our satisfactions, our wants, our desires,only thinking about us. Satan has been really busy, and people are in pain and honestly don't know where to turn to. Too many religion, makes people confuse, and nowadays, so many hypocrisy in the house of the Father that some just don't feel comfortable going. (personal experience) I can't understand anyone thinking that they can mature in Christ without his help, that's just ignorance. If you don't look for the help of the father, and his guidance, I'm sorry to say, and this is my opinion, He won't be there. To me, the Father's house is everywhere. You can worship YHWH anywhere. He is in all of us and he is with us. We can't put a limit where the Father's house is, he created all and all of us. He's everywhere we allow him to enter. We make the choice. 

    Thank you for your attention and many blessings to all. may the Father be with you all.

  6. Day 2 Meditation (Psalm 121).

    1. In what ways is God your Help? 2. How does he help you?  3. In what ways  is he your Keeper? 4. How do you perceive that he guards and protects you?  5. How is he your Shade? 6. How do you see that he shields you?

    The Father helps me through my everyday life. He is with me always I know, because i'm still here without missing a beat. He feeds me, not only my heart with his words, but my life with spirit. He watches over us, protects us, guards our day and night. I know the father is there guarding my everyday move. I can't quite explain how, I just know he guards and protects me and my family. I've always known that, since child. I remember as a child having nightmares and always running for my bible to read (Psalms 91), always brought me comfort and was able to fall back asleep. One of my fav Psalms along with (Psalms 69).

    Thank you for the attention and I wish all a wonderful blessed day. May the Father Bless all. JB

  7. Day 1 Meditation (Psalm 120).

    1. In what ways does stress pull us away from God?  Stress is an silent killer. It pulls you away from the Father because you stop believing, having faith in him and his promises. You start thinking about all the situations you are encountering and you lose it, i know I live with stress. It took me along time to get a grip on it or even knowing that I was stressed most of the time, but I could not have done it without the Father up in heaven guiding me.  

    2. In what ways does stress draw us closer to God? You feel lost, you need answers, you start looking for him more than usual, then you feel comfort and you long to just know more and more and get closer and closer to the Father each day. At least for me, I don't know maybe is because I'm getting older, but the more i learn the more I want to know. 

    3. Have you given your stress points to God fully? I thought I had, but I can't lie to myself or to the Father, if I have I would not stress at all, about anything, but I still do at times. Young adult they sure stress you. 

    4. What are you asking him to do about your stresses? All I can really ask the father is to help me not stress over things that I can't change, and just change the things I can. For several years now I try not to stress, suffer from anxiety & panic attacks, had to get a grip on it the doctor said. I didn't even know I was stressed but I was. Stress can kill, believe me, again I say it's silent killer. My advice, try not to, leave what is out of your hands to the Father. He will know what to do. And if the situation that is making you stress can't be fixed then it was for a reason. We just have to sit, analyze and well ask the Father for clarity. 

    Thank you for the attention and may the Father be with all. 


  8. Hi, my name is Jahaira, but my friends call me Jadah. I'm from New Jersey, currently located in Colorado.  I am a mother of three, which they are all grown and leaving the nest. ? As a baby, I was Baptist Catholic, but then as a teen, my grandmother Baptist me as an Adventist. Now as an adult, honestly I can't say I'm either. I've visited several churches/Ministry and honestly have to say I don't believe in religion, I believe in our creator, our Father up in Heaven. I respect everyone's views, but when it comes to religion I don't concern my self with it, since it's man made.  I do apologize, I promise I'm not trying to offend anyone. My intentions is to get closer to the Father and learn and understand more the word of the Father.  I can't say I've been close to him all my life because unfortunately I haven't. Life happens and we depart from him for one reason or another, I'm sorry for that but it happens. Even though I speak to him daily, knowing him closer and understanding his word has become more important to me. I'm on a journey that not most will understand, knowing and understand the the word of the Father, and all this truth.  

    I am very glad to be in this Bible study and I am planning to do all I can. Thank you all for your attention and many blessings to all. May the Father up in heaven be with all. JB

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