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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Phill Haar

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Posts posted by Phill Haar

  1. From the wisemen the gifts are cutomary for a high born child to be king.  The place they found him must have surprised them but still they worshipped him as the child thatthe signsof the heavens pointed to. It is possible to give and even worship without love.

    However there is an unseen presence in this event. God th Father present in love providing for the famly through these gifts . In this sense the gifts with deep religious signficance are gifts of love and provision.     

    My life is lived in service of God in my calling and in giving what God has first given me. My obedience tohis will and the way I give not out of duty but as a  willing act of worship given in thanks and praise demonstrates love, especially when that giving is done out of love for my neighbour to meet their needs, seeking justice and loving mercy  and doing so humbly -not for show or reward.


  2. 12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?

    God has empathy for the poor and maginalised because he desires that all humanity share i the resources of his creation. He seeks restoration and equity. He promised this would come about through his Son who would rule with truth and justice. He calls those who are in Christ and renewed and empoered by the Holy Spirit to seek justice and love mercy - be concerned for the light of the widow and the orphan. 


  3.  The blessings of the seed of Abraham was for all nations

    Abraham's sacrifice of his son was a test of obedience that is born of faith. God had no need of Isaac's blood but Abraham's trust and obedience. 

    Our need in our sin was met by God's Son who, given in love, was obedient to his father not only for Abraham and his descendants but all nations.



  4. It cost Mary her reputation and risked her betrothal to Joseph. It also took charge of her life, her heart which in obediene to god would alsoin time be pierced as her son was crucified for us all despite his innocence. She is given the honour of being the mother of God, and the first to bear Christ to know him and love him in ways that none of his other followers can possibly do.

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