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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by Adjoa

  1. Q2. (James 1:13-15) Why do people blame God for evil? Does God tempt us with evil? Does he tempt sinful people with evil? Why does he allow people to sin? Why does he allow evil to exist at all?


    People blame God either because of a lack of knowledge or because they don't want to accept responsibility for the outcome of a situation. I want to share a testimony wjere for me it was the latter. I had just arrived to work to do a night shift duty. After clocking in, I was heading to the office when I turned back and head to the platform instead so I can download movies on tablet to watch during the shift. I remember hearing a whisper 'Go to the office' but I ignored amd continued to the platform. I was the only one there. Shortly after I heard some voices so I just glimpsed back and continued my business. There was no cause for suspicion neither was there even a shadow hovering, when my tablet just gone. The way it happened has me baffled to this day. I didnt even see the hand coming to even make a defensive move. One then came infront of me to attempt to grab my bag but I took it even before he could. I shouted so he and the others ran off. Fastforward to 2days later when I believe I was in a more calm demeanour to talk to God about the incident ( I am learning to deal with my emotions). So I asked God, Why didn't you warn me? And the voice whispered, I did. It was then I remembered the whisper...Go to the office. So I then asked, Why did he allow the situation to happen? Why did He allow my tablet to get stolen because I had recently bought it? And as calm as ever the voice whispered 'This is what happens when you disobey my voice'. Now this hit really hard because I'm learning to hear God's voice and OBEY. So I then asked, 'You are teaching me this lesson at the expense of my life? What if the situation had turned out worse?' And the voice replied, This is what could happen when you disobey my voice.' And the questions went on and on, because I wanted to blame God rather than accept responsibility. I eventually did...because I knew all along I was to blame. And it pained me and I repented. I still struggle to obey God's voice because I'm unable to discern sometimes whether its His voice or mine. But I asked God to don't give up on me yet!


    I think God allows ppl to sin and evil to exist for 3 reasons. 1) Primarily because He won't impose upon our freewill. 2) For His plan and purpose to prevail. Case in point, Judas Iscariot. What was meant for evil, God will use for good. Gen 50:20; Gen 15:16. 3) God can only recompense evil with evil...unless one repents; God will use those who have yielded their members unto unrighteousness to visit workers of iniquity and doers of evil.

  2. This question has sent me down memory lane and has been an eye opener because I've not really placed any value on trials in my life. I went through stuff but I've rather learnt things in retrospection as oppose to while going through. So I've learnt to  go through my trials differently, which I've been doing in the biggest and longest trial of my life....2020 to present. I've also noticed that one can have trials within a major trial. And so for the first time I've valued my trials while going through because there are lessons to learn, habits to break and fruits to bear!

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