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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Neil NRG2

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Posts posted by Neil NRG2

  1. Why do you think Jesus said, “By myself I can do nothing”? (vs. 30). In His humanness He can do nothing of God but by His Spirit and listening to His Father and obeying.

    How do you justify this statement with Jesus’ divine nature as the Son of God? That's Jesus role, One with God the Father and Holy Spirit.

    In what ways can we use Jesus’ example as a pattern for our own life and ministry? Jesus did nothing for self but for the Father. This is a big call, but certainly needs to be applied to ministry as ministry is for the benefit of others. 

    How do you think Jesus would “see” and “hear” the Father? Mostly in prayer early in the morning but also in making decisions during each day, listening to the small inner voice of the Holy Spirit.

  2. What pattern do you see emerging in Jesus' prayer life? Prayer early in morning and preaching during day, with healing often following. 

    Why do you think he spends Quiet Time with the Father before the day begins? To focus his attention on His purpose for the day and to find out what the Father wants Him to do that day.

    How does this prepare him for his ministry? With prayer and sometimes fasting.

    How did the disciple desires for Jesus differ from what Jesus felt impelled to do? (Mark 1:37-38) The disciples were listening to the people while Jesus was listening to His Father. Why? He obeyed His Father for He knows.

    Do you have a Quiet Time? Most days.

    What could you do to improve the quality of your time with God each day? Always pray to begin and don't be distracted by other thoughts.

  3. What is the difference between the "belief" of a demon and the "belief" of a practicing Christian? 

    A Demon knows of God but does not honour God in thoughts and actions, not having faith to follow God's ways, unlike a practicing Christian.
    The "belief" of a non-practicing Christian?

    Somewhere in between. The seed of the Holy Spirit is still there as a constant reminder of right and wrong. Belief is not often applied to everyday life.

  4. In what sense is faith dead if it is unaccompanied by action?

    Inaction where there is a need you sense from the Holy Spirit within to help yourself or others reflects a lack of belief and not true faith. Words are important but actions can show compassion and love. 

    In what sense might (if that were possible) it be alive?

    It is shown to be alive through honouring God in your thoughts and actions.


  5. In what way is showing regard towards the wealthy  (James 2:2-3) a denial of mercy? 

    Favouritism to the wealthy denies mercy to the poor in this passage.

    In what way does mercy triumph over or rejoice against judgment?

    Mercy is aligned with love and good actions while judgement can lead to wrong words and actions.

    What does this mean?

    We should focus on others - mercy is for love of others whilst judgement is self centred and not from love.


  6. Why does James refer to the great commandment as the "Royal Law"? 

    The Law Jesus (king of Kings) epitomised by His words and actions in this world. 

    How is it more "Royal" than the Mosaic law? 

    It encapsulates all the Mosaic laws.

    How does showing favouritism toward a rich person break the "Royal Law" towards that rich person? 

    Generally selfish and self-centred act, not serving others.

    How does it break the "Royal Law" in regard to a poor person?

    Same thing - don't show favouritism.

  7. Why does James make taming the tongue and caring for the poor the prime tests of pure religion?

    They are both unselfish acts. Both thinking of others first, for no gain to yourself, purely from love, the love of God placed in us.

    Oh how have I failed on this, forgive me Lord, instil in me (let me remember) my pure loving heart that you have placed in me. Words from our tongues can be so life changing and devastating, lasting in our memories, good or bad. Good is from God, bad is a win for the devil. What would Jesus say?

    Why not the quality of our quiet time or worship?

    This time is for ourselves not others. It is for us to learn more of God's word so as to apply it in our lives and to be encouraged by God and by His Grace to help make our life and those we touch better. It helps us to tame our tongue and care for the poor, if we remember to listen to that sweet still voice within us.

    Lord I pray I do so more and more in each situation in each day, as I remember.

  8. What is this “perfect law” that James mentions?

    Love each other as Jesus loves you. 

    How would you define it?

    Unconditional unselfish love, thinking of others first. What can I do for you. Seeing Jesus in other faces, as Mother Theresa said. 

    How does it relate to the “royal law”?

    Love your neighbour as yourself. 

    In what sense does it bring liberty?

    God has chosen us, He has  placed His love within us through Jesus dying on the cross and giving within us His Holy Spirit. His love has been placed in our minds and written on our hearts. Thank You Lord!


    Why are we so easily fooled into thinking that listening to Bible teaching means that we are living out righteous lives?
    I guess the devil will try and fool us any which way. Is it part laziness or lack of belief or purpose?
    What is the nature of the self-deception?
    Falsely believing that by listening to bible teaching that we are good Christians, but James talks of being doers of the Word. To be doers we need to live a Christ-centred life that includes bible study and prayer and acting on what we learn through listening to the still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit within.
  10. In what sense are we given spiritual birth by the “word of truth”?

    God chose us, born through the Spirit of Truth, the Word Jesus Christ, who left with us His Holy Spirit. 'Having believed in Him we were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit' (Eph 1:13). 

    What does spiritual life have to do with the Word?

    The Word guards and shields our spiritual life. We are to do our best to present ourselves to God as approved by following the Word of Truth by faith in all circumstances in our life. Sure we will fail and will need to seek God's forgiveness. We are His workmanship, a gift from God. Continue and persevere in the Faith knowing that Jesus is there with us, as a friend, comforter and Father.

  11. God will give us the wisdom we ask for if we do not doubt and have faith and are committed to what we ask. I am in trials right now and God only has the answers. He is drawing me back to a closer relationship with Him through the still voice within - His Holy Spirit, God is seeking my good, not failure or downfall.

  12. HI, I'm Neil from Cairns Australia, having moved from Canberra a few years ago and previously being part of this forum 5 years ago (Neil NRG). Studying James and wasn't sure why until I opened my first email for this today. Sure enough, going through trials ... Loved God as a child and confirmed in CoE in Melbourne at 13 and accepted Christ into my life 38 years ago in the pine forests of Canberra and baptised in the cool waters of Lake Burley Griffin not long after. I trust I can find my love of God as before - over 38 years ago and even last year. How can I fall? How can I climb back? I am about to find out ...

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