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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Tom Slockee

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Posts posted by Tom Slockee

  1. God created with a brain.  A mind that functions in the way God intended allows us to think reasonably and rationally.  The secular thinker also will claim that common sense say that evolution is natural.  But the world is driven by personal gratification and pleasure and spontaneous actions and wisdom and common sense is not pushed aside. The appropriate use of common sense is to live by God’s laws and commands and the Word.  Proverbs say wisdom come first.

    Biblically, common sense can be thought of as a combination of wisdom and discretion. Wisdom is knowing what to do; discretion is knowing when and where to do it.  

    God’s decision and ability to intervene into the natural order with miraculous acts is in His timing and depth or level of healing and restoration.  It’s supernatural so that it is not of ourselves or way we pray, worship or the passion we use.  It’s always His timing and purpose. It’s not common and for non believers it’s doesn’t make common sense but to those who believe by faith it’s God moving by His Spirt to bring renewal and hope and to turn people to Himself 



  2. It reminds me that God is all about redemption. He evens gives opportunity to a raven. The Raven that left the Ark and feed on the carcass of the dead is a symbol of sin and the world. We see that the raven is now used by God to bring sustenance to His prophet.  When we are weak then God will sustain and strengthen us  

  3. Courage to stand before the people of power or power structures takes an inner strength or a knowing that comes only from the prompting or voice of God speaking to you or empowering you to do what God instructs or commands. The drought is physical but more deeply it’s spiritual and been substituted by a fake or fraudulent system that fools or captures the people. Elijah is taking on the forces of evil and knows that we fight not against flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. His armour or courage is his absolute faith in God. Courage comes from believing, knowing and being empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak out and declare that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we think or imagine. 

    In danger of ridicule and persecution even death, we must declare God’s Word to a sinful and dying world, as Elijah. 

    Its difficult to speak out against the powers of day, satanic powers seem to be overwhelming in government, in media, in social media in the general public spaces, yet we are called to declare God’s message of salvation to a dying world. 

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