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Zanele Tlhakanelo

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Posts posted by Zanele Tlhakanelo

  1. We must guard our faith by trusting in the One, True God, the Creator of Heaven and earth and all that is in it. Things come and go but the Word of God says "Heaven and earth will pass away but my Word will remain." It is important as children of God to be focused on Him and not be swayed by all that is happening around us.

    Guards are vigilant and we are called to be Kingdom Shakers that stand for the truth and not be afraid to preach Christ resurrected. If we do not compromise the Gospel but tell it as God has purposed it to be preached in the whole world, we will be guards that are positive, loving and pleasant because we will not be moved by what is happening around us at the moment but our eyes will be fixed on Jesus Christ, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.

  2. The best antidote is to put your trust in God and not in the money that you have because you do not know what tomorrow holds. We are on earth to be the eyes and ears of God and therefore we must always be a blessing to those that are in need and if you do not have any around you, listen to what others say about those that are in dire need and lend a helping hand. Be obedient to the Holy Spirit because He will prompt you in doing good to those who need help.

    There are churches and organizations where your donations can be appreciated in helping those that are in need but we know of false teachers who have made people to give of their houses and cars which in my thinking have made this go overboard and hurt families. God cannot make families to break so that others can benefit. God is love and just hence He loves a cheerful giver.

  3. The love of money grows when you are not satisfied with what you have and you hoard even though you are supposed to give to the needy. Some people sell their souls by doing wrong things just to have more money in your pocket. Contentment will make you understand that that which you have and are able to survive, will not make you run after money but be thankful to God with what you have.

    If your intention is to acquire more, you will be trapped into doing sinful things but you need to follow what the Word of God says and He will do the rest because He is the Sovereign God who knows all our needs.

    You can escape the trap by understanding to be content whether in plenty or in lack because we do not understand how much can make a person satisfied. Those who have still want more and therefore, be content with what you have.

  4. We need to seek contentment because we truly understand the love that God has for us such that He gave us His only begotten Son so that we may have eternal life. Contentment teaches us that all these things that we run after, we will leave them when God calls us to higher service and therefore, whatever God has given us, we need to be thankful and be able to share with those that do not have.

    Contentment prevents us from being in competition with our neighbors or colleagues because  if you try to go ahead and have your family have what they need, you are defeating the whole purpose of Matthew 6:25-34 because you will spend more time acquiring wealth and neglect being there for your family and instead of supporting your child at school, you think that if he has everything that he needs, he will be fine whereas your child may be needing you as his/her parents to be there and not to have all these things.

    What will make us content is when the level of our relationship with Christ grows and that we get fulfillment when we are in His presence and the quest for improvement will be seeing other people coming to Christ when they see your lifestyle that it is not about you but about Christ.

  5. The Word of God says people perish for lack of knowledge because we need to understand God's Word and not interpret it the way that suits us. God knows and understands all our situations and it is His intention that all people should live well irrespective of our giving. Therefore, the teachings that say God only blesses those who tithe are wrong. There are a number of people who are wealthy and some do not even go to church nor do they take care of the needy. False teachings have made people believe a lie and as such some people have enriched themselves through these false teachings.

    The distortations such as if you do not tithe, God will send the devourer to eat that which you are supposed to take to the house of God and use for yourself and even to say your children will be sick and that money which you do not take to the house of God will be taken through other means. The distortions make people to panic because it is clear that you cannot give out of compulsion but that which you are able to give.

    The truth is that God loves a cheerful giver and whatever you have purposed in your heart and have thanked God for giving you the ability to acquire it, will be well received.

  6. Paul is emphasizing that the Gospel is accommodative of all mankind because before the eyes of God we are all equal. Slaves which are Christians should honor and respect their masters who are non-Christians so that the teachings and God's name are not slandered. Much as we honor our Master, they should do the same.

    Pauls seems to condone slavery because we must all have our freedom and as such, slaves are expectant to be obedient just like masters are supposed to take good care of those they have hired. The relationship between the slaves and their masters need to be strengthened by their harmonious understanding of each other's roles.

    Paul's motive is to ensure that there is unity among people just as Christ gave Himself for all mankind and did not choose to die for one race. He gave us the freedom to choose to be God's children and be obedient to the Will of God so that God may be glorified in all humanity.

  7. Paul said that because if you lay hands on the people you do not know, you will be partaking in their sins. It is important to study a person's behavior before ordaining him/her to hire office. The same warning was also given about new converts not to occupy office but studying and taking time but also listening to the small still voice will guide in terms of ordaining the right people.

    The danger is that you may ordain people who do not share the same principles with you are have different perspectives about the Word of God. Some people do not believe that the Holy Spirit must be consulted in giving guidance and directions and want to do things in a haphazard manner.

    To not be hasty in ordaining people. Try to understand them better and know their giftings because it can cause harm if a person is given a ministry that he/she does not understand or is uncomfortable to handle. Always ordain people according to the gifts given them by God.

  8. Firstly , accusations must not be heresy but must be confirmed by two or three witnesses. The discipline of elders must be handled justly and publicly and this instruction was given so that people should know that those who transgress the laws of God are dealt with without any favor.

    The temptation to compromise and not go through it will put the church into disrepute as it will be viewed as accepting things that are ungoldy being done at the church and the church condoning bad behavior and false teaching. It is also important not to postpone the matter for a long time but addressed as soon as possible so that othe elders may learn from such a discipline.

    There is fear to discipline members because some of the people are supporting the church financially and if they happen to be discipline they will leave the church and some people may leave with them.

  9. We need to honor elders as they labor through preaching and teaching and as such need to b e compensated. The elders who take care of the work of God need to be supported for all the commitment of ensuring that the people of God do not go astray but live according to God's principles.

    Paul used the word "double honor" because they do not labor in vain but teach people the Word of God so that they do not get confused by the false teaching that is also prevalent even at this day and age. Elders who fear God preach and teach the true Gospel and deserve to be financially renumerated.

  10. We have the responsibility to take care of the aging by showing them honor and this also refers to financial honor especially those who have past the marriage age and above 60 years. We need to care for those who do not have children to take care of them and are in dire need of assistance. Moreover, these are widows who have diligently served the church and honored their marriages as well but those who live lavish lives need not be considered and those with children and grand children are mandated to take care of their parents.

    In Psalm 68:5, the Word of God states that God is te defender of the widows and as such we are also expected to protect widows from all harm and take care of their needs. We cannot turn a blind eye when an elderly widow lives alone and is unable to clean her house. It is our responsibility to also feed and bath those who cannot and are childless.

    It is a "repayment" of debt because when they still had energy to work, they kept the home fires burning by providing for our needs and to say thank you, we also need to do the same.

    Those who refuse definitely dishonor God because the Word of God in Exodus 20:12 "honor you father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you." It is therefore important to take care of all the needs of the widows who are desperate.

  11. The reasons why the rigid, unsmilling orthodox cannot produce godliness is that it may teach the " do as I say and not as I do" meaning that such leaders are not examplary and not live as the Word of God expects us to live. Certain characteristics that are not expected from a leader can be deisplayed which are contrary to the fruits of the spirit. Consistency in reading the Word of God and being able to challenge that which is preached or taught by the false prophets, will surely produce godliness. 

    When you teach the people the Word of God and live it leads to a healthy church. It is important to as a leader to be approachable and be impartial when trying to give a fair opinion should a need arise. A leader should always encourage the members to be readers of the Word, hear what God says and do what God says must be done. In a nutshell, lead by example.  

  12. Godliness is about following God's blueprint. A person who is rooted in the Word of God will understand things that please God and those that displeases Him. It is all about not being confused by what other people say because if you do not read the Word of God yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to give you the discerning spirit, you will surely not know the mind of God. There is a pattern that God wants us to live our lives and His Word is our manual.

    Submitting to the Will of God produces godliness. We cannot want to live our own lives and disregard when God speaks to us, for example, in Ephesians 4:26 the Word of God says "Be angry and do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your anger". This is but one of the scriptures that shows us that if you go to bed angry, the fruits of the spirit will not be practiced.

    Strict morality can be acceptable but does not replace the grace of God that assist us to lead to godliness. We need not lose sight that we have been saved by grace and it is only the Holy Spirit that can help us to live a godly life and what is important is that we should always pray and strive for godliness in our thoughts, speech and actions.

  13. Legalism emphasises on self-righteousness in that people who believe in it are they know all and their belief is not in God but in what they can achieve as individuals. God is put aside and the only thing people who practice legalism care is self-fulfillment and hoarding that which is supposed also to be shared with the needy, poor, orphans and widows. Meaning, you care about yourself and everyone for himself.

    It contradicts the fruits of the Spirit and as indicated above, putting your self above all other people and a sense of pride dominates in that whatever the person achieves, is out of his/her own making and God is not in the picture as the Giver of Life and the One who gives us the ability to acquire wealth and all that we have.

    The true Gospel teaches us to care for those who are in need. To spread love and the Word says " Love your neigbor as you love yourself" as the first commandment that Jesus Christ teaches us. If you love others and show compassion, God will take care of your needs. We must have patience and emulate of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at all times.

  14. Paul reminded Timothy so that he focused on His calling and not be disturbed by the predictions concerning the widespread apostasy. Indeed, Jesus Christ warned His disciple to beware of wolves who will come clothed in sheep's clothing. These are false teachers even in the Body of Christ who are false prophets or teachers who do not teach the Good News/Gospel but that which will benefit them more than the church.

    It would make Timothy to be alert and be able to discern all false doctrine taught by the false teachers. The Holy Spirit is the only One who will guide the Body of Christ to stay focused and not have their faith shaken because we serve God Almighty and only believe in the Lord our God.

  15. The qualifications do not differ that much. It is important that we understand that all need to be very principled and approachable as they deal with people on different levels. Both have to be rooted in the Word of God and be able to carry out what principles as outlined in the Word of God and be obedient to the Word.

    However, the roles differ as the elders focus more on teaching and encouraging members through the Word of God while the deacons deal with administrative tasks. 

  16. It is important that these tendencies be considered because we do not want a chaotic church where leaders speak anyhow to the people and burst when supposed to address matters amicably. Jesus Christ displayed humility at all times and it is also imperative that leaders should be humble, compassionate, patient because if all thes character traits lack, we will have leaders that snap even if the matter is minute. I want to say leaders must develop a thick skin to be able to take criticism whether it is positive or negative.

    The church will not last. What happens when an angry leader prays for the flock and lays his/her hands on them? Would that not be transference of unclean spirits? Therefore, at all times the leader should be sober-minded, principled in addressing matter in a gentle spirit. I do not say that leaders should not confront matters head on but do that with the aim of building and not destroying a person who is out of order.

  17. Leaders must be observed and tested to acertain if they are spiritually and emotionally matured. It would be disappointing to have a leader who cannot keep confidential matters that the members shared with. A leader that will always put his or her needs first above that of the flock that he/she is shepherding.  Again, the new convert should also not be considered immediately because pride, lack of understanding the Word of God can lead to his/her downfall.

    Spiritual maturity is key and the person who not only understands the Word of God but lives the Word of God. A leader should have good communication skills and have a good listening ear because if you lack these, wrong counsel can be given to people as you will always want to impose that which you think is right whereas, you must enquire from the Holy Spirit that which you need to advise a member on. Spending time in prayer is key as it gives once an intimate relationship with the Father and proper guidance will be revealed as to what and how to "feed the sheep".

  18. The phrase "husband of one wife" indicates that he is committed and faithful to one person and the full attention is given to the wife in building a stern relationship unlike where there is polygamy because there commitment cannot be measured. The respect, focus, discipline, trust and love all shared with the one wife. These are attributes that are needed to have a stable church that focuses on God alone.

    A well managed family that is stable and trusting in God alone is an indication that the leader will be able to give direction and manage all the affairs of the church with integrity. A family where children respect adults and are obedient shows that commitment, dedication and diligence are an integral part of a well managed family and the leadership there is rooted in God.

  19. The Word of God in Acts 10:34 -36 says that God shows no partially and if you go down with these verses says whoever fears Him  and works righteousness is accepted by Him. My understanding is that God has imparted in all our us spiritual gifts and we are to use them to glorify Him, both men and women alike. In Ephesus in particular, there could have been a problem that Paul noted which included their dress code but that did not mean that most women were gullible. 

    My view is that there should not be any segregation in terms of who should preach or teach because our giftings are different. I do not think that Anna the Prophetess mentioned in Luke 2:36-38 was just a figure not carrying out the instructions of God to both men and women. As such, I support that women should be allowed to preach and teach the Word of God as long as that is done following the precepts of God.

  20. Women dressing fancy apparels drew attention to themselves and this undermined the have-nots. It showed a distinction between the wealthy and the poor and this not how the church should be. Beauty is not the outside but the inside hence it was important for Paul to address the matter. Basically, the beauty of a woman is seen when you take care of the needy and do good works so as to glorify God and not be adorned by people in the way you dress or have fancy hair or jewelry.

    It is still appropriate to address the issue of the dress code to indicate the decency because you can be decent in a not expensive apparel. Women just like men need to look good but we must understand that God looks at the heart and not the outward appearance. Even in your decency, do not want to be seen by people but let the people see your good works in your community and church. 

  21. Paul is addressing the issue of worshiping in truth and in spirit as they would be full of wrath and doubt but want to lay hands on people. When you approach the Throne of Grace, you should know that you are there to serve God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. God wants pure hearts that is why He says He will hide His eyes even if many prayers are offered because they first need to cleanse themselves.

    God wants us to be forgiving people. He forgave us and therefore we cannot come to Him without love and expect Him to hear us. You cannot approach the Throne of Grace full of anger not unless you ask for forgiveness and repent from your sin.

  22. Paul is emphasizing these terms Mediator and Ransom to clearly articulate the depth of love that God has for us. Christ became a Mediator between God and us as we were deep in sin but negotiated on our behalf that God should not wipe out mankind. The ransom had to be paid through Calvary where the One who knew no sin became a sinner so that we may be the righteousness of God. The ransom had to be paid so that our sins not only be forgiven but also be forgotten.

    Christ took the fall and thought of us above all. He is God and He had to leave all His Kingship in order to save a wretch like me. He had to reconcile us back to God otherwise we were to face eternal death. Him forgiving our sins is not a temporary measure but permanent as we are now called the children of God.

  23. Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind because this is the will of God. The Word of God says "For God loved the world that He gave us His onle begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have an everlasting life." Therefore, this wonderful gift of salvation is not for the selected people but for all mankind. The Word of God says " Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." Again emphasizing every meaning that both Jews and Gentiles are counted as part of the heirs with Christ.

    Evangelism in Ephesus was confined to only the people in that area and all other people were excluded. Therefore, Paul had to address the myth that Christ only came for the Jews and the false doctrine that rejected other people as chosen by God to receive the wonderful gift of salvation as it is for everybody who declares that Christ is Lord and Savior, those who open their hearts and let Christ rule in their lives.

  24. Paul wants to encourage Timothy not to underrate himself because he was young but he must believe in the prophecies that were spoken over him and that he must continue to diligently do the work that God has called him for. He must understand that the power of God and His strength will always carry him in performing his God-given tasks.

    The good fight means that he must hold on to the true faith and have good conscience. A lot of false prophets were popping up and false teachings that caused confusion among people, therefore, Timothy must continue to exhort people, and teach the true doctrine.

    Timothy must keep his focus on nothing but the true Gospel. As he is facing false prophets, he must not be passive but challenge whatever evil  and false teachings that these prophets teach people. He must faithfully continue in the ministry that God has called him to.

    The temptation of giving up, standing against wrongdoing by the false prophets, never be passive and stand up against every evil force that distorts the Gospel of salvation.

  25. From the doxology, we acknowledge that there is no one who is worthy of all the honor and praise but the Living God. He is God Omniscient, God Omnipotent, God Omnipresent. God is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. We acknowledge that He was there before the foundation of the world and when everything else has perished, He will still be there as He is from everlasting to everlasting, the immortal, the invisible God.

    Praise makes us understand that all the honor and glory belong to God alone. We may acknowledge other people for doing good but Him alone deserves the Greatest Honor. I like the song that says " I will serve no foreign god, no any other treasure" because the Only, One, True God deserves the praise.

    I always use doxoloxy throughout my personal prayer and praise time. In fact, most of the time I use it and at times it happens randomly. I always believe that as long as I am breathing, I will always worship Him whether the circumstances are favorable or not, He alone is exalted above all gods.

    Doxology reminds the speaker that we are all God's masterpiece and if your focus is not on the self but on God, He gives the speaker the strength and the words that will make people understand the true message of God's Kingdom, the Good News and that will make people to be receptive of the Word of God.

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