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Kym Nixon

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Posts posted by Kym Nixon

  1. What was Elijah’s primary mission? To turn the hearts of a nation back to worshipping Yahweh. How successful was he at this mission? Partially. I'm sure many people are in heaven right now as a result of Elijah's ministry. How can we measure success in ministry? transformed lives bearing fruit. What are the dangers of self-assessment? Blind spots. When can an accurate assessment be made? Spiritual multiplication on earth and testimonies in heaven. 

  2. I do. I just need to be submitted to His will. His eyes are continually searching the earth for hearts that are turned towards Him. I want to be such a person. I have so many areas of my life that I sense are not fully submitted to His Lordship. I have areas of pride that continually rear their ugly heads. I struggle. My heart is willing, more than willing. But the flesh fails and is weak. Who can deliver me from this body of death?

  3. He's offended because Elijah had proven to a lukewarm, complacent, and compromised assembly that Yahweh is the one true God. That Ahaziah would bypass the God of Israel to consult with a pagan God is insulting. Consulting with mediums, so-called experts, and secular counsel. Yes I have. I think it's a tendency to think God has given me resources, common sense and the ability make decisions. But also, it comes from a place of I want what I want. 

  4. Materialism, idol worship of celebrities, fame, power. Greed makes a person worship the object of their affection, which are things. They look to money as their provider and security instead of God. jesus said you can't worship God and mammon. You will love one and hate the other. They are polar opposite desires that clash with discipleship of Jesus.

  5. God holds leaders accountable if they influence another to sin. An example is politicians. They legislate and pontificate. For example if abortion is voted on affirmatively, those politicians have blood on their hands every time a baby is killed. It is extremely serious. God's word says He holds those with more authority, position, resources accountable than others who are without. It's appropriate. If someone is leading, they need to be held to higher standards because they are influencing and making things happen.

  6. I don't think he's depressed, I think he is an immature entitled elitist. Jezebel concocts a scheme to steal Naboth's vineyard. She hires two scoundrels who will bear false witness against Naboth, sends a invitation with the king's seal for a dinner party, arranges for Naboth to sit in a seat of honor with the two hirelings across from him, and crafts an accusation that will give them the legal authority to execute him and take possession of the land. Ahab is just as responsible for it, he is complicit, he allows her to use his seal, he doesn't say no. The elders did a poor job of investigating the accusation. A good interrogator can poke a hole in lies when the evidence is shoddy. 

  7. He wanted to have a garden close to the palace. There was not wrong with his offer. It was fair. But Naboth felt it would be a slight to his family inheritance. I understand that. When my dad died, I did not want his home to be sold to strangers, but keep it in the family. Maybe there's a little nostalgia there, or sentimental memories of one's childhood, or the knowledge that your parents want the land to stay in the family.

  8. God loves Israel, He chose Israel, He is a doting Father who loves demonstrating His power, not just for Israel's benefit but also for their enemies so that they might believe and convert. God dwindled Gideon's Army to 300 so that no man could steal His glory. They would not be able to say it was by their power or might that they were delivered but a miracle from God. Trying to open a shelter for sex trafficked women.

  9. No one likes to be rebuked. We expect our parents to love and support us unconditionally. It's a shock when there are indicators they don't believe we are all that perfect and wonderful. Children have a natural tendency to rebel against authority, especially familiar authority, until the journey of trust is established. God's rebuke sometimes feels crushing, for fear of punishment. A loving but sharp rebuke is a safety issue. God's rebuke can help us stay safe and on course. I am working on that art of embracing His rebuke because I know it's for my own good. 

  10. We're consumed by tormenting thoughts that do not let light in. It's a dark place. Our ego fuels that fire of affliction. God is light. The darkness can't conceive of the light. Self pity is focus on oneself, destructive introspection instead of focusing on God. That is pride. Entitlement tells us that we deserve something, that we haven't been treated fairly. It provides unrealistic and unhealthy expectation. When we think we are entitled and feel sorry for ourselves, we are not open to correction and guidance.

  11. Can we really assign fault here? People who are depressed are simply believing lies about God and themselves. It's easy when you're exhausted and attacked by the spirit of fear. His faith is wavering. God doesn't see this as a sin in my opinion. He ministered to him tenderly and compassionately. He knows our limits and meets us where we are. We can't kick people when they're down as if that will help them get back on their feet. We have to sit with them in their pain, support and encourage them. That is what our wonderful God did. 

  12. The things that tempt us draw us away from holiness and service to the Lord. We have to replace those things in the world that draw us away with things that will draw us closer to God. None of us are immune to temptation. The minute we think we are, that is when we will fall. So, it's important to stay far from geographical areas where we might be tempted (bars, parties, entertainment, certain jobs), people who have the influence to cause us to sin, and things we see and hear like certain movies or music. We have to put off the old habits and put on new habits that turn our hearts towards God. The danger of not making a clear break is being lured back in gradually. Before we know it, we're all the way back in making it harder to turn the next time.

  13. Because people's hearts were turned so far away from God in Elijah's day and this was bringing about judgment on the land, Elijah was called to start a revival amongst God's people. 2 Chron 7:14 is clear that if God's people will repent and turn from their wicked ways, He will heal the land. So Elijah's call was practical. John the Baptist came in the Spirit of Elijah to turn the people's hearts back to the Lord through repentance and baptism as a forerunner to the coming Messiah. But John and Elijah were just one man by themselves. Since Pentecost, with the Holy Spirit living inside of believers, I believe God is calling forth many with the Spirit of Elijah in this generation to call people to repentance pending the second arrival of our Messiah to the earth. It's important because without repentance, there is not true forgiveness. 

  14. It's like a revival, rebuilding what has been broken down and treated as obsolete, rekindling the fire of reviving the people's hearts towards Yahweh. Wow, a lot needs to be not only rebuilt, but built from the ground floor. I read and hear about other people's relationships with the Lord. I know comparison isn't good, but I can't help but compare their experiences to my own. I just have trouble getting in the zone and figuring this out. But my desire is to do so. I get too busy or at least that is how it feels. I always have pressing matters that need to be tended to that pulls me away. The only way to repair it is to be intentional and disciplined. 

  15. In syncretism, God is just one of many instead of the all in all. It reduces Him from sovereign Lord to one of many tools in my tool belt. What competes in my allegiance to Jesus is ministry. That doesn't make sense. But I notice that completing tasks for ministry, entertainment (movies, social media, blogs, etc.), strategizing finances competes with my quality time with Him. I've noticed I love "Working for God" as strange as it seems. I love to work. It's hard for me to sit and wait. My mind is always moving forward three or four moves ahead on how can I create, how can I improve processes, how can I be successful in what God has called me to do. Sitting still feels like a waste of valuable time even though I know intellectually that this is what I need to do. I have a thirst for knowledge, connection and entertainment. I spend a lot of time reading and surfing for what is going on, connecting with friends and family, keeping abreast of current events and culture. I am constantly looking at my finances trying to strategize debt management. Good question, I don't know when the tables will turn where God and His will for how I use my time is prominent. I've come a long way where I think about Him a lot more and entertainment or secular has been replaced by reading numerous books about God. But again, it's about God, not with HIm. 

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