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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

jane bridge

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Posts posted by jane bridge

  1. Our world and we ourselves are broken. Our only response can be a broken heart if we desire true love and a broken spirit if we desire righteousness and justice. We aren't going to get Godly or heal our world and community by our own efforts. It's a heartbreaking mess.

    This is the starting point to allow God to work in us. Then we need faith.

    It is not a comfortable place to be. We have to give up ourselves and trust in God. It is not easy. It requires us to seek God and to trust him not our own instincts.

  2. We need faith to believe there is a God, that he is good, that he loves us and desires to save us from our wrongs. We need faith to peep from under the despair of defeat and accept loving mercy and start afresh in a new life each day. We need faith to believe God has power to change us and overcome our sin.

    Faith is based on hearing the word of God usually first spoken by God's people around us and seeing it lived by them. It is based on the most excellent God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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