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Posts posted by Rambo

  1. It's hard to wrap my head around the "justice" I'm thinking of. Where i see it is with the first debtor after he did not reciprocate the forgiveness. The part that is hard to wrap my head around, living in this century, is how harsh the punishment was.  

    The grace comes in at the same time that compassion filled the one wanting repayment. 

    Greed so blinded the first debtor that he forgot the grace and forgiveness that was just given to him which produced a incredibly hard heart and unforgiveness.

    Love, grace, forgiveness, compassion, mercy what a great and awesome God and Savior we serve   

  2. The woman was so filled with love for Jesus that she would clean His feet with Her tears and hair and pour out perfume. I think that she had heard about Jesus and forgiveness of sins around town and now standing before the very one who could forgive all of her sins. She wept and kneeled before Him to show her faith and at that point she was forgiven. 

    I love my Lord and Savior with all my heart,soul and mind because I have been forgiven much

    By spending time with Him every day. Talking to Him, reading His word to know him better, living a life worthy of being called a christian 

  3. In each parable there are multiples of the lost, which shows me Gods love is so immense that HE loves and sees us individually. We have our own personal relationship with Him

    Our Father does not just forgive without repentance. There must a change of heart and confession to God and then we receive Gods mercy. A realization that we are lost and need Him to forgive and no one else. 

    Disciples would be wise to learn the grace,mercy and love that God has for us and apply the same to others as we talk to them about the gospel. 

  4. Jesus doesn't want anyone to parish, not even one. So his focus,i.e. Heart is on the lost. The people who don't know him even the people who hate His name and say vile things about Him. Which shows me the depth of His love for His creation.

    The Pharisees,in my view, are the opposite. Poor people, the ones that were looked down upon and didn't fit in their view of righteousness were considered beneath them. Thank God He included us gentiles in His plan for Salvation 

    We are to show His love to all peoples especially the lost and non-believers 


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