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Posts posted by Nevardo

  1. Q5. (Acts 2:42-47) What characteristics of the early church in Acts 2:42-47 are necessary for healthy congregations in our day? In which of these characteristics is your congregation most healthy? Most unhealthy?

    1. Devote ourselves to Jesus' teaching, solidarity among believers, armony, devote ourselves to meeting together.

    2. Preaching and teaching the gospel.

    3. Give testimony to non believers and make disciples.


  2. Q4. (Acts 2:38-40) What about repentance and baptism is vital for forgiveness? To whom is the Holy Spirit promised? What will save us from our corrupt cultures today?

    1. Repetance is the change of life completely of non-believer  by the conviction of the Holy Spirit, now with the conviction of the Holy Spirit the believe shows his obedience through the baptism.

    Both actions made  for the believers are esential in response og god's grace.

    2. The Holy Spirit promised is for all that God will call.

    3. We will be save from the corrupt culture today by the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  3. Q3. (Acts 2:14-36) What part(s) of Peter's message on the Day of Pentecost was so convicting to those who heard it?


    Acts 2.23  Peter placed the blame for Jesus' cruxifixiondirectly on the hearers and Romans.

    Psalms 16.8-11 Peter supports his claim of Jesus' resurrection by quoting a well-known Davidic psalm.

    Acts 2.32-33 Peter links Jesus' resurrection to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

    Acts 2.35-36; quoting psalms 110.1 Peter refers to psalms 110 to show how it predicts jesus' exaltation to the right hand of the father.

    Acts 2.36 deep conviction

  4. Q2. (Acts 2:11-13) Why are these messages in tongues so convincing to the crowds? What is the content of the messages the believers are speaking out in these various languages? In what kind of Bible books do we see this kind of content?

    1. The messages in tongues were so convincing to the crowds because it was in the native language of the foreign visitors and the message also declared the wonders of God.

    2. The content of the message were:

    declaration of the wonders of God or the mighty works of God, the God's deeds of power, the wonderfuls works of God.

    3. This kind of content is found in:

    deuteronomy 11.2; psalms 71.19; luke 1.48b-49

  5. Q1. (Acts 2:1-4) When the Holy Spirit falls on the Day of Pentecost, what is the significance of the sound of wind? Of the flames? Of the spontaneous speaking of the praises of God in other languages? How does this filling conform to Old Testament patterns?

    1. I think the sound of the wind signifies power because it came from heaven and it was violent.

    2. The significance of flames are power too but in addition caused disciples to speak diferent tongues.

    3. Te filling of the Holy Spirit caused disciples spontaneous speaking of the praises of God in other languages.

    4. This filling conforms to Old testament patterns with Numbers 11.24-29; 1 Samuel 10.6,10; 1 Samuel 19.20-21-23-24

  6. Q3. (Acts 1:14) While we know that individual prayer is powerful (James 5:16b), Jesus indicates that group prayer is even more powerful (Matthew 18:19). How would you describe what was happening with this "Fellowship of the 120"? Have you ever been part of a group praying like this? Do you value prayer enough to gather with others to pray? How much of your church's "prayer meeting" is spent in actual prayer?

    1. Truly, I can not imagine the spiritual convulsion at that moment because of  the meeting of the 120. Those 120 were in obedience preparing the coming of the Holy Spirit.

    2. I'm not being part of a group like this, but with small ones.

    3. Yes, I value prayer a lot and I pray with my friends every day.

    4. Actually my church has a praying group from monday to friday, we pray for an hour and half.

  7. Q1. (Acts 3:6, 16; 4:10) What kind power do we possess in the name of Jesus? Why do many believers conclude their prayers, "in Jesus' name, Amen"? (John 14:14) How does praying in Jesus' name relate to praying in God's will? Can we misuse praying in Jesus' name? If so, how?

    1. We do not possess any spiritual power four ourselves but it is Jesus in us.

    2. Many believers conclude their prayers, "in Jesus name" to give glory to the Lord, or to recognise that he is the only in charge of any situation in favor of his church.

    3. When we pray in the name of Jesus, we pray in the name of our God too.

    4. We can misuse praying in Jesus' name when the praying is for our glory, I mean when we just want to be recognise for people.

  8. Q2. (Acts 1:8) What kinds of power does Jesus offer us in the Holy Spirit? In what ways does Acts 1:8 function as an outline or blueprint of the Book of Acts? Where do you and I fit in to fulfilling Acts 1:8?

    1. Jesus offres us the power to be witnesses wherever we are. I think this the opportunity to make disciples.

    2. Acts 1.8 functions as an outline or blueprint because it describes how the gospel of God would be extended to the rest of the world.

    3. Every believer who is born again by the word of God and the Holy Spirit, receives the power of the Holy Spirit to be witness.



  9. Q1. (Acts 1:4-8) Why aren't Jesus' disciples to leave Jerusalem and return to their homes? In what ways does the Spirit's coming represent a filling? A coming upon? A baptism?

    The disciples could not return to their homes beause the comandment of Jesus was that they must wait for the promise of the father in Jerusalem. They must be together. 

    The bautism through the Holy Spirit represents a filling like the exemple of bautism by water by Jhon.

    The phrase "You will be baptizedby the Holy Spirit" represents a coming upon because it would occurr in a time.

    Jesus himself called "bautism" because like the bautism in water now the believers are immersed in the presence of the Holy spirit.

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