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Posts posted by Durai

  1. Isaiah 6:5-8) What is Isaiah's reaction to the vision?

     Self realization and Fear. Vision of transformation 


    How does God deal with Isaiah's fear?   

    The hot coal from heavenly altar cleansed him and God reassured him of his real call 



    What question follows Isaiah's cleansing?

     Whom shall I send,. ? Who will go for us?



    What is Isaiah's response to God's question?  

    Here I am, Yes, Lord, send me.



    What is your response when you sense God calling you?  

    Ready to Go 



    Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah? In what ways does this vision reveal God’s majesty? What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim’s chant?  
    Ans:  God wants to show Isaiah’s miserable state as he was groaning and complaining the plight of people of Judah. Until unless he sees the majesty of God and the great calling that awaits him, he won’t stop.  This is the vision that turned Isaiah’s life upside down. For the one who has seen and adored only King  Uzziahs throne so far, swept off his feet and made him to  cry as woe to me, I am undone and I am a man of unclean lips. This is most dramatic scene angels flew unto him with a live coal taken from the altar. The vision of the king of kings and thundering voice of the Lord and flying seraphim’s around - what an encounter of majesty?

    The Holy, holy, holy - The Lord of Hosts - Glory is ready to be bestowed upon the ones who is willing, 

  3. The underlying message of the passage is: God is always faithful in moulding and leading Judah and the house of Israel and also us the Children ofGod, to be his fruitful generation and to yield good fruits. But the result was opposite, yielded bitter fruits. In his anger and fury he spelt out that he will lay it waste. The bitter fruit is oppression and cry resulting out of unrighteousness of Judah and Gods people. 

  4. The pattern of Isaiah’s vision and prophecies always give us a hope for a future for everyone who comes back to him. God has got a greater plan of redemption  for the entire mankind through the generations of Jacob ie in Jesus. The prophecy gives us a great hope that  the Word of God will go forth from Jerusalem to the nations and multitudes will repent and come to the house of the God of Jacob. The Jews would return to the Lord and together with gentiles will witness the Glory of God which will be established and revealed to the entire world



  5. My thought is such : Judah failed miserably to recognize the fact that God has chosen them as his own Children and treasure. Ref. Exodus 19:4. They are so lost and gone backward, the Lord was saying they were going worse than an ox and an *** who knows their owner and master but did not even understand who they are and their privileged identity 

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