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Teresa M

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Posts posted by Teresa M

  1. Some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus included:

    "Desire for wealth -- greed (1 Timothy 6:6-10).

    Divisive asceticism from the Judaizers.

    Destruction of the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18).

    Confusion and controversy that is disturbing the peace and unity of the church." 

    The spirit of the church should be Christ centered - eg. ministry, teaching, salvation, healing, and love. But when personal ambitions, desires, pride and ego lead to" meaningless," "fruitless," "vain," and "empty" discussions the focus shifts away from Christ resulting in discourse, attitudes and behaviors that do not serve, honor or glorify God. This in turn strains, weakens and distances the church body's growing relationship with Christ such that growth is stunted or altogether halted.

    A church body that does not grow amounts to a kingdom of God that can not grow. What a horrible lack of reverence and gratitude that would be for the God father and Christ the son who died so that we might live. 





  2. Some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus included:

    "Desire for wealth -- greed (1 Timothy 6:6-10).

    Divisive asceticism from the Judaizers.

    Destruction of the faith of some (2 Timothy 2:18).

    Confusion and controversy that is disturbing the peace and unity of the church." 

    The spirit of the church should be Christ centered - eg. ministry, teaching, salvation, healing, and love. But when personal ambitions, desires, pride and ego lead to" meaningless," "fruitless," "vain," and "empty" discussions the focus shifts away from Christ resulting in discourse, attitudes and behaviors that do not serve, honor or glorify God. This in turn strains, weakens and distances the church body's growing relationship with Christ such that growth is stunted or altogether halted.

    A church body that does not grow amounts to a kingdom of God that can not grow. What a horrible lack of reverence and gratitude that would be for the God father and Christ the son who died so that we might live. 





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