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Posts posted by pastornpw

  1. I think that one reason could be so that Timothy and others would not be taken by surprise when evil comes into their church. God is preparing them in advance and telling them to be prepared, this is not a case of "it might happen" but rather a case of "this will happen so get ready".

    And the way to get ready is to be constantly in God's word.

  2. I don't profess to have all knowledge and certainly don't have a definitive answer for this hot button topic.

    My personal view is that this was a specific situation and not for women in general and for all time.

    I personally find it humorous that churches will forbid women to teach from the pulpit but sent them to the basement to teach their children. I would rather hear them from the pulpit and know that my child was receiving sound doctrine.

    Anyhow I digress, how do we apply this to our culture today? Very carefully, there are many different views on this and my position is to tread carefully.

  3. It is important that we dress appropriately for the church we attend. When in Rome....

    It should also be kept in mind that temple prostitution was common in the culture and time so Paul is giving a warning to not go down that road.

    The important thing to keep in mind is that God judges our hearts, not our wardrobes, however we do have a calling to present ourselves in an appropriate manner so others will receive the gospel from us. If I dress in a 3 piece suit and go to the inner city, I stand out like a sore thumb and will not get a very warm reception. If I go to a suburban church and dress in blue jeans I will not likely make a favorable impression. We need to be like Paul and be all things to all people.

    I think it is also important to dress modestly so as not to incite ****. There are men and women attending many churches who dress in a manner that is intended to draw the eye in a way that God would not approve of.

  4. Apparently the church at Ephesus had become more concerned with preaching and teaching (for the church members) than with reaching and teaching (the lost); just as many of our modern churches have. Ezekiel 18:32 "I don't want anyone to die," declares the Almighty LORD. "Change the way you think and act!"

    God does not want anyone to die, Jew or Gentile, he wants the Word of God, the gospel message, to be preached to all nations.

  5. I am a former addict and now work with in addictions counseling, the men show greater respect because I can relate to what they are dealing with having "been there and done that" myself. I was also a prisoner and then did prison ministry and the same applies. Paul is using that principle here, he admits that he was in need of a great deal of grace and mercy because of his former way of thinking but God was able to change him and to also use his past as a strength. I think of the movie Batman Begins, he used his past with all its fears and painful memories as a tool for good and the Apostle Paul is laying that on us here. Paul is also showing his humility in admitting that he is the worst of sinners,he doesn't put himself on a pedestal but he gives the glory to God.

  6. I work with the homeless and we very often have people come in that have literally no family and it grieves me. I ask them who would care if they were to suddenly pass away and they say:"No one." This hurts my heart. So I am overjoyed to know that I am a part of a very large family, the family of God. I have great joy in knowing that I am loved, appreciated for who I am, and that I am prayed over by my family members. If I die, someone will care. I also tell the homeless men about my family and invite them to join it.

  7. I like the way that the Message translates this verse:

    1Pe 2:11 Friends, this world is not your home, so don't make yourselves cozy in it. Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul.

    Don't make yourselves cozy. Yes, there will be trials and temptations. Yes, there will be things to test our faith.

    But we are not at home here. We are visitors. We are also a peculiar people. We have an awesome weapon that can cut those trials and temptations down to size. The Word of God. A living and powerful sword.

    So, in conclusion, you have a weapon. Use it. Fight your way throught his land that you are visiting and look forward to your home where you have an inheritance waiting for you.

  8. There was indeed a time when I felt of little or no worth. However I have come to see that in the eyes of God I am of inestimable value. I asked Jesus how much He loved me and He spred his arms out on a cross and said, "This much".

    "Oh How Wonderful Is My Saviours Love For Me"

    I'm goin' to heaven and I want to take my friends and loved ones with me. What is my treasure? Its them!

  9. A believer awaiting the coming of the Lord brings to mind for me,watching people prepare for a court case. They get all the papers in order, they put on their best suit, they get a haircut and a shave (males that is), and try to put on the best image they can. Why? To try and sway the judge that they really aren't that bad? Why do we put our best forward for the Lord? Not because we are trying to impress Him I hope, no its out of love, that we do the things we do. However the expectation of standing in the presence of our Judge does have the effect upon us of being on our best behaviour. Curious isn't it?

  10. Perhaps the greatest test of my faith came when I lost my job of 16 years and was unable to find work in a career that had spanned 25 years. God had closed the door shut and locked it. I was desperate, I have a wife and child to support, a mortgage to pay etc. To make a long story short I found the open door that God wanted me to go through. The pay was 40% of what I had made before and it surely tested our faith to believe that God would provide for us, but He did. Three years later I'm still working with the homeless in the inner-city and loving it. The faith of my wife and myself has been tested and made stronger for the testing. We have seen His hand all over our lives and we praise Him for that. We now give thanks in the midst of trials, such as last week when my wife lost control of our car and it became a write-off. We praise Him that my wife was not hurt, that we had car insurance and that our friends and family rallied around us and supported us. WOW, so much to praise God for! What was the original questions again? :D

  11. God's part is two-fold. 1. He put our salvation into action on the cross and will reveal the fullness of that in the future. 2. He protects us in the meanwhile.

    He secures our salvation and keeps us secure while we wait for the final trumpet call.

    Our part is to simply believe. Have faith in the security of our salvation and have faith in God's protection of us each and every day. Amen.

  12. Hi, My name is Pastor Norman and I work in prison ministry and in the inner city of Edmonton Alberta Canada with the homeless. I am also involved in addictions counseling. I am married to a beautiful Jamaican lady and we have one son that we are very proud of.

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