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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

David Nichol

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Posts posted by David Nichol

  1. Pastor Ralph: sorry for the missed participation. Have continued in the study but had to do some catching up since we left the cold country for a short trip to the south. Thank you for your ministry.

    The lessons were most enligtening and inspiring. This morning during my devotions in 1Peter 5, the Lord spoke profoundly that I needed to talk with our two elders and pastor and encourage them in their leadership in the church. I was able to pray with one elder and also encourage the pastor. PTL for the revelation of this word at this time. Our elders have assumed their role with great deliberation, fasting, and prayer not only by them but by the fellowship of believers. They count it an honor to serve and for this we as a congregation our thankful. Pastor David also has a servant's heart. Only God has the authority to twist arms and he does that at times through experiences, circumstances. meditation and prayer. The responsibilities of servantude are too great for someone's election to be based on desperation, guilt, or any other reason but to bring glory to God.

  2. The thought that Christ bore my past, present, and future sins causes me to be very grateful. I deserve hell but He has offered me eternity with Him. I am humbled. I am thankful. It is uncomprehensible to think of the agony Jesus took upon himself for all the sins of the world. As a believer, God is shaping me into the likeness of Christ by his Holy Spirit(sanctification) and part of that shaping involves my need to forgive others, forgive myself, and be willing to suffer for the cause of Christ. I understand that it was necessary for God to give His only Son, the perfect Lamb, for the remission of sin. That was His choice and it shows the limitless love that the Father has for humanity. I was bought by the precious blood of Christ and am ever grateful and will do my best to surrender to the perfect will of the Father. What a wonderful place and opportunity to show our love to our Father and allow Him to shape us for eternity.

  3. Yes!

    Redeemed by the PRECIOUS BLOOD of Christ not by the currency of man.

    God paid the highest price that could be paid; by the blood of His only begotten; by His own blood.

    Sin has been wiped clean from my ledger. Now I'm a child of God for eternity.

    I've been set free from the bondage of sin, ie I was a slave to sin and eternal damnation, but I am now free to serve Him.

    What a privilege and wonderful opportunity. The Son now shines upon my life and darkness no longer takes control of my existence.

  4. This is a human thing. Since the fall, man desires to be at the center of his or her universe. The view is self-centered, self-reliant, independent, not accountable, selfish, no absolutes, permissive, and everything is relevant. Judgement is absolute and requires perfection. God being holy requires holiness and this comes only through the blood of Christ. This requires self-denial and this just works against the flesh of the human heart. God's plan to resolve the conflict between perfection and human nature is a gift to all of us. A "GIFT" is wonderful because the Creator gave it to us with no strings attached. So a just God gave an unjust world a gift of reconcilation and that in and of itself reconciles His final judgement and love for the world. If His judgement did not provide a way to escape, then it would seem unjust. Reverential fear of God is at the heart of our faith. If perfection(judgement) is not necessary to reconcile man to God, then Christ's death is in vain. When the final judgement is left out of the message, the purpose of Calvary is left out. It is essential to the Christian faith.

  5. Just a quick preface to this question. I too am praying for all of you. What a blessing this study is and how wonderful it is to read all your responses. It is hard to add much, if anything, to all your responses! But the Lord works with each one of us in His unique and mysterious way. Thanks to all and may the Lord continue to richly bless each one of you!!!

    Holiness in my life relates to all of your responses. It comes into my life where pride leaves off. As a child of the Most High God (that's very sobbering), my holiness comes from Him. He bought it for me at the Cross. I received it from Him as a gift; didn't have to work for it; didn't earn it; didn't even deserve it; but I truly want to bring glory to Him for this free gift that cost Him so very much. I wish not to tarnish that old wooden cross with sins, although I've already done that. I wish to bring glory to Him by allowing the Holy Spirit to take up full time residence in my life. Obedience to Him comes easier when I submerge myself in His ways by reading and studying His word, intimacy in prayer, consciousness of His presence, and responding to the promptings and opportunities that come before me. The joy of the Lord comes with obedience and obedience comes with the joy of His presence. The struggles come often but seem to be more "manageable" when by faith I take a hold of Him and consciously strive to be in His presence. What a privilege and honor to know Jesus and be counted holy because of His sacrifice!!

  6. The Lord's 2nd coming is evident but the time is not known. As believers we must prepare ourselves that we may be living for Him. Stradling the fence is not a good option. We should be excited about His return and this anticipation should bring us joy and hopeful anticipation. We should strive daily to walk in His likeness; to replicate the life of Christ; to be Christ-like, to be holy by His grace, the same grace that saved us. It is foolish to not be ready for the return of Christ. Not expecting Him to return soon leads to carelessness in my walk with Him. I leterally take Him out of the center of my life and place myself in that position. The things of the world begin to take presidence in my life, ie selfishness, greed, ****, materialism, and just plain sin becomes more prevalent. I want to keep my priorities on the blessed hope and live my life accordingly. To glorify and enjoy Him as He intended for all of us.

  7. Trials have come in varying degrees of difficulty. When I use these difficult circumstances as a test of my faith rather than more "bad luck" my faith and relatiionship grow. It's not always easy to be objective but when used in this way it allows the Lord to build character into my life and bring glory to Him. We not only grow in faith that helps develop our relationship with Him but can at sometime be used to help others.

  8. The Word of God expresses clearly that God is sovereign, that He is ultimately in control. His role in the salvation of man has no limits. He guides and protects us along the road of salvation that eventually leads to our place with Him. Even the very faith that we have to make the decision to accept His free gift of everlasting life through His Son Jesus Christ is a merciful gift from the father. Our role is certainly less in the salvation experience but the decision is still ours to make and vitally important to the finished work of Christ. The Lord is a Gentleman and even though He desires that none should be lost, free will still plays a role. The issue of God's sovereignty and the free will of man and how that works together is a mystery that I believe is answered out in eternity. Some believe that God plays the role alone in man's salvation while others believe that salvation rests totally on man's own initiative. I believe the Bible clearly indicates that it is both the act of God and of man. Somewhere out in eternity the two roles merge in perfect harmony.

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