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Posts posted by CHARLENE G.

  1. Q4. (1 Timothy 4:12b) Rigid, unsmiling orthodoxy can teach right doctrine, but cannot produce godliness. Why not? Why is a strong example of godliness in church leaders essential to a healthy church?

    Can godliness be taught? I would think that it comes from each persons relationship with the Lord. Our leaders can lead by example. Seeing godliness in others makes me strive to draw closer to the Lord. A church leader MUST be godly to have a healthy body of christ. To be godly our leaders must have a strong personal relationship with the Lord. Those that do, encourage the church body to strengther their own relationships with the Lord.

  2. Q1. (1 Timothy 4:1-2) Why does Paul remind Timothy (and the church) of predictions concerning widespread apostasy?

    The deciples thought that Jesus would return at any moment, so all the warnings that Jesus gave them regarding the end times applied to them and they had a sense of urgency about warning everyone. I imagine that just like today there were "fads". False prophets that said "do this or don't do that" to get to heaven. As humans, it's so easy for us get off track. We all have a problem keeping the main thing important. Like that Jesus came to earth, died for our sins and rose again in three days. And that through his grace we are saved. Not in doing certain works or not eating certain foods. So then we have satan trying to use God's grace to seduce us into believing we can do whatever we want and still get to heaven.

    Today we have different groups that have tried to seduce believers into believing that their choice of lifestyle is ok with God. Those of us who stand firm on biblical principals are considered Intolerant, judgemental and evil.

    What effect should this knowledge have on his ministry and the church's perception of the situation?

    I think that it was important to be aware of and to warn everyone that Satan is constantly out to decieve. If you are expecting an attack you're more likely to prepare for one.

  3. Q4. (1 Timothy 3) According to our text, do you see differences in qualifications between overseers/elders and deacons? What are they?

    The differences I see are that the elders follow a stricter guideline. The elder must be a proven leader while the deacon can be newer in faith. The elder must drink no wine while the deacon may have a little. And the elder is considered a teacher.

  4. Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12) What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife"? Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems?

    I would think a man with more than one wife would have his hands full at home and that would take away from his duties as Pastor.

    If a leader doesn't have control over his personal life it indicates that he's weak, and being a Pastor requires strength, patience and leadership abilities. We wouldn't trust our finances to someone who's bankrupt. In the same way we would doubt a man of Gods abilities who's household us unstable.

  5. Dear friends, since this is a topic in which various Christ-loving groups disagree, let's be especially careful to state our views with Christian love and gentleness. Denomination bashing and unloving attitudes are cause for suspension of Forum privileges.

    Q5. (1 Timothy 2:11-15) How should Paul's instructions about women teaching and leading in the church be applied in the twenty-first century? How do you support your view?

    This is a delicate subject. I have heard some very good women Preachers and teachers. Also, we read in Galatians 3:28 (King James Version)

    28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

    It seems to me that as long as the gospel is being preached in truth and people are being saved then it's a good thing.

    I'm married to a messianic Jew and he says that it was custom for men and women to be separated during services. There was a large curtain separating the two groups. Women were told to be quiet because they would of been shouting questions across the curtain, disrupting the service. And it stands to reason that if they were separated during the services it would of been out of the question for a woman to cross the barrier to teach. Paul's letter makes me wonder if 1 Timothy is the first recorded attempt of a women's lib movement. LOL

  6. Q4. (1 Timothy 2:9-10) How did women dressing in fancy clothes threaten to compromise the church's witness in Ephesus? How do we apply the principle of Paul's directive in twenty-first century churches without instituting a new legalism?

    Let me start off by saying that I like how you worded this.

    I think anything that takes the focus off of God and puts it on our surroundings is not a good thing. There should be no distractions when we are in the house of the Lord. \ We are and should be set apart. People should be able to look at us and know that we belong to Christ. I'm not saying dresses down to our ankles no make up or anything but Christian women should dress modestly.


  7. Q3. (1 Timothy 2:8). What problem among the men of the congregation is Paul referring to in this verse? What is so serious about worshipping with the opposite of love in your heart?

    True worship comes from a pure heart. When we're focused on God and his holiness we enter into true worship. If we have discontent and strief in our minds we aren't focusing on God. God knows our innermost thoughts. He KNOWS who are worshiping and who are just going through the motions. There is nothing more beautiful than a group of people worshiping in one accord. ALL focused on the Lord. That's when you feel the Holiness of God's presence. PRAISE GOD!! \o/

  8. Q2. (1 Timothy 2:5-6) In the context of the salvation of all, why do you think Paul emphasizes the roles of Mediator and Ransom? In what way did Christ fulfill both these roles?

    Christ paid the price for all our sins. HE is the mediator between us and God. There is no other way to Heaven except through him. Works will not get us there. Neither will being good and following the laws of Moses.

  9. Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

    Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

    all mankind in this letter?

    Our Lord doesn't want any to perish. He wants ALL to be saved.

    What does this suggest about the practice of

    evangelism in the Ephesus church

    It reads as if the church wasn't evangelizing?. Maybe, like many churches today, they were becoming internalized. Looking at themselves as the "favored" ones and everyone else as those condemed to hell. And not doing anything about reaching out to the lost.

    God told us to tell the world about his grace and love. To preach the gospel of salvation through his sacrifice. How many of US are actually doing that. Not me, I'm sorry to say. I need to work on that.

  10. From Paul's doxology, we learn that God is eternal, everliving, glorious, honorable, invisible, and the true God among idols. We learn that it is wonderful to pray.

    I try to praise God aloud every day, at least once a day. I feel closer to God for recognising Him, and feel it important to do so.

    Me too. Often on the way to work I praise him and thank him for the beauty around me. I live in east Tennessee and there is so much to praise him for when I look around me. The mountains are God's creation and there are days when the sun is hitting the valleys just so......Glory!. Or when the sun shines through the clouds in beams that shine down on the mountains. How can anyone see the beauty that God gave us and NOT praise him?

  11. Q3. (1 Timothy 1:17) What do we learn about God from this doxology? What do we learn about praise? Have you ever tried speaking out a doxology in your personal prayer or praise time? What effect does a doxology have on the speaker?

    Charlene1956 [ It reaffirms that God is forever and worthy of our praise. Verbal praise is powerful. God's word is powerful. I often praise him in Psalms out loud or just praise him from my own heart. Our Lord is awesome, wonderful, worthy of all praise. To God be the GLORY! Often, verbal praise brings me to tears or laughter. The power of the Holy spirit moves in verbal praise.

  12. Q2. (1 Timothy 1:12-14) Why does Paul comment on his own life after a paragraph on the law (1:8-11)? Why does he share this with Timothy and the church that will read the letter? How might sharing this help get the church back on center?

    I think that Paul was telling them that None of us are perfect. We all came out of sin into redemption. he's about to chastise them but before he does he's reminding them of where he came from before God's grace saved him. Also he's saying that what he did before was done out of his unbelief. He didn't know any better. In essence he's saying "OK, you were behaving this way because you didn't know any better. But I'm about to enlighten you, so pay attention and change your behaviour."


  13. Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?

    The false doctrine had made some people to turn aside into wrong faith, the teaching that to be acceptable to God, a person had to discover certain hidden knowledge and had to worship angels as it was seen at the Church in Colosse.

    These false teachers were motivated by their own interests rather than Christ

  14. They got away from what they were to learn and ended up just talking about things that didn't matter. Which leads to getting into things that they shouldn't have been involved in. When there is controversy over doctrine there ends up being division which leads to all kinds of things..... Backbiting, gossip, anger, pride,unforgivness, hate..... But most of all it hurts all the people who don't know Christ and what He is about, they just walk away. They very people we are trying to reach.

    I agree with that. There are christian message boards that are a good example. While the idea is a good one, a place where Christians can get together to discuss the Bible and fellowship, It often becomes a battleground of beliefs and chases away those who are truly seeking to know God.


  15. Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?

    From what I gather some of the results were that the people were being led down a false path. They were getting off track. Or as my Pastor would say, chasing rabbit trails.

    Any controversy hurts the church because it takes the focus off the Lord. We become entangled in man's opinion instead of trusting scripture. A church that's not scripture based cannot grow spiritually. It may grow in size but if it's teaching false doctrine and leads people astray from God's truth they will have to answer to the Lord.

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