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Posts posted by AndyR

  1. ...for me, with an adopted son, this is very real and illustrate. It takes a lot of love to add someone to your family who has the characteristics of other parents. Lacks the same value systems you have instilled in your natural children. But do I love him any less. NO. I love him more, and give him special care and direction when the moments arise. We are just like that. Our parents did what they thought was right, but God's plan and love for us far out weighs anything our own parents could have planned for us. God's plan is perfect.

  2. What "is" scarey about predestination? Is it scarey that God has a plan? Is it scarey that that plan includes you or I. I am not scared. I am thankful. I love it when my wife plans an evening out. I love it when my boss plans a staff meeting. I have to make plans all the time, that's what scares me. Listening for God's direction is tough to do with all the noise of this world. But I have found that if I can get in a quite place, get into the Word, pray, I can hear God's direction. I hate when I miss it. I have my wife because I listened. But I went through 33 years of pain and hurt before we married, because I didn't follow or listen to God's plan for me. Paul wants us to listen so we won't have to go through the pain of not listening. I know I did this before, but how many times have you tried to teach your children a lesson based on some hurt or mistake you made. that is Paul's perspective in giving us this lesson.

  3. I think you are all right "in Christ". Each of us has a relationship where Christ is in us and we are blessed to feel Him in all that we do and say. ...and like one person said, when we step out of Christ and sin, I feel we miss the blessing. God doesn't take it away, we just merely miss it. We only have to step back in. He never left. The blessing never left. Trust that God knows all. We think we know, but I have learned that God knows. He knows His son, and He is in us. Look at your child. Are they doing the best they can in school? Are they telling you the truth everytime? Are they always doing what you taught them? Have you ever stopped loving them? God's love is so much more than the love you have for your children. I am very thankful for being "in Christ", being adopted by God through Him. It strenghtens me in allt hat I do and say. I may not get it right everytime, but God loves me. What a strong blessing.

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