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Posts posted by kiwidenis

  1. Hi and great to be in this forum. Another 'Kiwi' - born and bred in New Zealand. 25 years in pharmacy then sold and 20 years training and serving as a missionary... best years of my life. Now retired, retrained, and writing rip-roaring adventure story books to inspire children to confidence and faith. The Riwaka Gang - see them at www.kiwibooks.org or Amazon. blessings on you all in  Jesus --  our soon returning KING .. Denis Shuker

  2. Q2. In what ways does taking Jesus’ name on ourselves, or identifying ourselves with him, open us to shame and persecution? Have you seen examples of this in your own experience? What actions might show that a Christian is ashamed of Jesus? What actions might show that a Christian is unashamed of Jesus?


    In what ways does taking Jesus’ name on ourselves, or identifying ourselves with him, open us to shame and persecution?

    We live in a fallen world.  Satan, the liar and destroyer, and hater of God,  has authority (tho' limited) in this world.  He opposes all who name the name od Jesus. Jesus assured us we would face persecution When he said. 'In the world you will have trouble.'  'If they hated me they will also hate you.'   I have a friend who sometimes says 'today is going so well what's wrong?  Am I not being a good witness'.

     persecution is much more intense in countries where Christianity is a minority group.  As our brother has shared above.


    Have you seen examples of this in your own experience?

    as a missionary leader, I have travelled in many countries  and seen churches that have been burned to the ground, sometimes with the pastor and his family inside.  Churches have been surrounded and stoned by Muslim mobs then invaded and the people inside killed.  One man witnessed at a Sunday service I attended in Indonesia; he had just spent eleven years in prison for witnessing for his faith he had been beaten and tortured.  His face was glowing; It is an honour to suffer for Christ, he said, we must not give up or stop witnessing for Christ --  he is our Lord of Lords and in his name we have the victory.


    In the Western world we don't really know what persecution really is.  If someone ignores us because we are Christian we think-- help I'm being persecuted.  We must learn to stand strong and not be ashamed of the great name of the one we serve.


    What actions might show that a Christian is ashamed of Jesus?

    Being silent when Christ's name is being blasphemed.  Staying silent in a group when people are discussing issues of the world.  We don't have to get in their face but just say something like 'whatever happens I know there is a God who is in control'.  God will honour such and people will take notice even if they don't say a lot at the time.


    What actions might show that a Christian is unashamed of Jesus?

    Getting active and serving in church, handing out appropriate tracts to friends, visiting people in trouble and sharing their testimony whenever they can telling people how wonderful our saviour is and what joy he brings as we trust him.  

    Deep down everyone longs for a saviour.  We need to pray for the Holy Spirit to break through the fog of doubt and uncertainty that surrounds them.  These are things that people long for and need to hear from our lips.  Alleluia Jesus saves!  Don't give up ... in the end we win  :  )  See Rev Ch21- 22

  3. Q3.

    What does it mean when you pray “in Jesus’ name”?

    Again; what is in a name?  The name of Jesus is above all other names.  He alone has all power and might. He invites us' "ask anything in my name, and I will do it." 

    When we pray in His name we acknowledge His Lordship and obey His command.

    Praying in His name also means prayin in the authority that Jesus gives us .. eg when casting out demons.

    Praying in the name of Jesus also means praying as servants and followers of our Lord Jesus. 

    In His NAME we recognise His authority and power to do all things BUT praying in His name we will pray as the Holy Spirit leads us to pray according to HIS revealed will and plan to the best of our knowledge.

    In other words: when we pray in His name to pray ... we submit to His will and pray as He leads us to pray for things in line with his will. We do not ask or bring, selfish, or self serving prayers but prayers that I know are in line with HIS revealed will, and will bring glory to Jesus and help advance HIS Kingdom.


    Do you use the phrase “in Jesus’ name” as you pray?  Definitely.


    Why or why not?  He knows my heart -  I come because He invites me into His throne room of grace. I pray in His name because:

    1.  It  puts the devil and his demons on notice that they have no power against me.

    2.   It reminds me of the majesty of the one in who's name I pray.

    3.  He commands me to ask in HIS name. 

    "Thou art coming to a King ... large petitions with thee bring."


    How does praying “in Jesus’ name” limit what we will pray for? 

    As above -- I am constrained to only pray for my needs, for others, and for things that will glorify Him and extend His kingdom.  Knowing that as His child, He supplies all my needs as I trust and pray. 

  4. Q1. (John 20:1; Luke 8:1-3) What do we know about Mary Magdalene? Why do you think a woman was given the honor of seeing the risen Christ first?


    What do we know about Mary Magdalene?

    A lady of means, whom Jesus delivered from demonic bondage.


    Why do you think a woman was given the honor of seeing the risen Christ first?

    There is a lesson here that few are getting.  We live in a male dominated society. Partly due to men having testosterone powered strong physiques and goals.  Women have been subjected to a second class cictezenship throughout history and in most cultures.

    Jesus came to set us all free ... BUT in particular the women.  naturally he was born of a woman, a devoted and humble servant of God.  He chose women for special tasks.  His travelling band included several women. Women were the first to see the risen Christ ... what joy.  Women are featured  several times in churches and epistles.  They have unique God-given talents and personalities. Jesus elevated their position and gave them equal place as people God has created and redeemed. 


    I praise him for my wife my helper,  soul mate and close friend.  : ) 


    Q1. How is the meaning of Jesus’ name linked to his mission?

    What's in a name?  In Hebrew/Judaism thought a name means everything; the prayers and wishes of parents and sometimes God's plans for this  life.  For our Lord His names were given as a guide to His mission. 


    What is his mission? 

    Our Lord's misison is massive and encompasses all of time and space.  It is to redeem and provide salvation for all of His creation .. including all of mankind. It also includes guiding and building us up in faith and works, though the Holy Spirit whom He sent. Finally it will include the overturning of all evil and the renewal and restoration of all things. 


    How did he fulfill this mission?

    He began the fulfillment at the cross of Calvary by giving His life as a sacifice to satisfy the demands of our Holy God that sin must be atomed and paid for as illustrated by the long line of animal sacrifices and laws given to Moses and others.


    How did he fulfill his mission in your life?

    His mission in my life is a work in progress .... It began at  a Billy Graham crusade meeting in 1959.  Not really understanding what the meeting was all about, I volunteered for the choir of 2000 voices.  WOW. It was so exciting and George Bev Shea wa singing with us. After hearing the message of salvation I went forward and began my journey with Jesus. He has been patiently shaping and moulding me (as the potter does) ..  a leaky clay vessel needing His help, forgiveness and fresh filling and inspiration  every day.  He has used me to serve on mission fields and coninues to use me through writing children's books and leading study groups etc. I look forward to His 'well done good servant' when I enter His eternal Kingdom one day.  His missin in my life will be completed. Not perfect but complete : )  PTL.

  6. Q2. (John 16:23-28) What does it mean to pray to the Father “in Jesus’ name”?

    Except for a few chosen people; the door into heaven had been slammed shut for 100s of years.  We can only come to our Heavenly Father because our Lord Jesus has opened the door into the presence of Almighty God.  It is in HIS name we may come knowing 'we are accepted in the beloved' Son of God.  No other name is sufficient or has the power to bring us into Father's presence knowing He hears and answers .... and Jesus our Lord ever lives to intercede for us.  Halelujah.


    Is it okay to pray to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit?  YES.


    Why or why not?  Both are co-equal in the Trinity of the God head.


    Is it scriptural to pray to a saint to intercede for us? NO -- a saint, that's all believers - are NOT God. Also because of Christ's sacrife on the cross for us, we have direct access into the throne of God we no longer need an interceder.


    Why are we allowed to pray to the Father directly?  At the death of Jesus's ... God tore the veil of the curtain separating Him from his people to give us direct access to His throne in the inner sanctuary ... no more need of Priests as interceders. PRAISE THE LORD for all He has done ;;; and is doing ... for us.

  7. Q3. (John 15:26-27) What does it mean to “testify”? In what way does the Spirit testify about Jesus? Can you testify from personal knowledge about Jesus, or only the apostles who were eyewitnesses?

    Peter says' " and we are His witnesses ..." Acts 2:32.  To testify is to witness; to share with others the truth of who Jesus is and what he has done for me... and I have had many personal experiences of God's special provision and proection that I can share. Take  a look at:



    We cannot argue people into God's kingdom ... it flat out does not work -- people fixed on their own viewpoint will simply argue back... BUT giving your witness of what GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU is powerful.  People cannot argue against this... it's your personal  experience of Jesus and I ask myself why do I not share my testimony more often. WE have the ONLY truth that can set men free.

    We must pray against Satan shutting up our witness and be like DANIEL -- as bold as a lion.

    Paul says in Romans 1  :16 'for I am NOT ashamed of the Gospel ... so we must also be part of the fellowship; of the NOT ASHAMED ... ot afraid of what others may think or say. Jesus Christ our Lord is far more important than other people's opinions. I have written a tract and like to pass this out. People can read it at their leisure. 

    The word 'witness' in Greek also means 'Martyr'  something to think about.  blessings on you  -- Denis

  8. Q4. (John 14:1b, 6-11) In what sense is trusting Jesus the same as trusting God? How accurately does Jesus portray God’s actions and words? What does it mean that Jesus and the Father are one (John 10:30)?

    Q4. (John 14:1b, 6-11) In what sense is trusting Jesus the same as trusting God?

    Our Lord, Jesus is God walking and sharing among His creation..  Absolutely amazing:   Emmanuel --  God with us. He claimed to be equal with God ... ie the Sovereign Lord through his deed, his word, his teaching and miracles gave evidence of this.


    How accurately does Jesus portray God’s actions and words? 

    100% limited perhaps by the limitations that Jesus took on himself by becoming man.


    What does it mean that Jesus and the Father are one (John 10:30)?

    Exactly wht He says:  This is evidence of 'The Trinity of God';  Father - Son - Holy Spirit ... perfectly one and in unity... one day in heaven I will understand it better.   : )

  9. Q6. (John 12:47-49) In what way can judging people get in the way of saving them?

    Judging someone is NOT discernment ... it is an attitude of pride that says I am better than you and this is where you fail (and I do not)...  it is haughty pride the oppposite of a servant attitude that says ... 'How can I serve you?'


    How did Jesus deal with this in his own ministry?

    Jesus came as a servant ... and this was consistently his attitude ... except when Jewish leaders were blaspheming God by their actions and attiude ... as when he drove them out of the temple.


    What will it take for us to lose our stiffness and judgmental demeanor so that we might be able to be Jesus’ agents of salvation?

    Change our attitude lose my cultural superior attitude and walk in their shoes ... to serve them. even if you make huge blunders about their cultural habits they will apprecate and love you. 


    I love the song:   ... brother, sister let me serve you -- let me be as Christ to you ...

  10. Q2. (Daniel 7:13-14) How do these verses describe “one like a son of man”?

    As the majestic, all powerful ruler -- sent by 'The Ancient of Days'  ie. YHWH


    What makes us think he is a divine figure?

    Coming in the clouds of Heaven shows him as divine.

    v. 14: all nations worship him ! His dominion shall never pass away ... these are attributes of Almighty God.


    What authority and glory does he receive?

    vs 14: All glory - power and dominion ... a kingdom that is eternal.  Hallelujah.


    Why do you think Jesus called himself “the Son of Man”?

    This is an apocalyptic title many Jews would recognize ... it was a title used in the Qu'ram scrolls so was not unknown at the time.

    but also in line with Christ's desire to come humbly. Those who searched the scriptures would understand ... others would recognize it as a sign of humility.  A pattern we need to heed and follow....


    I appreciate the comments of my fellow followers.  There are many inspiring comments here.  Thanks and Christian greetings to all.

  11. Daniel has always been one of my favourite books, with the future of God's plans for the world laid out in such a way to give us a glimpse but still leaving puzzles to wait and see what and how our Soverign Lord brings it all together.


    Q1. (Daniel 7:1-2) What is the relationship of the Ancient of Days (God) to the various beastly nations that rage against each other and against him and his people?

    > Our God is in control and working amongst the nations, he is ruler of all the nations.  Our God loves all the people in every nation -- he created them.  He is seeking out those who will turn to him in faith and obey his commands. He is still calling for His church to obey Him and preach the Good News of Jesus 'into all the world' and then the end will come (Matt 24.)


    What happens to these beast-nations?

    >  The beast nations will eventually bow to the sovereign rule of Jesus Christ when he returns to set up his millennial kingdom.


    Why is it sometimes so difficult to believe that God is in charge of the world we live in?

    > The world is a large battlefield warring against all the principles of good and Godly teaching as Satan knows his time is short.  It seems in our generation 'we' are turning more and more away from the teachings and principles of God's kingdom that Jesus introduced and commanded us to keep 2000 years ago.  In short the world seems to becoming more and more ungodly.  The world is spinning out of control, rejecting moral and spiritual principles and sinking deeper into a trough of godless despair.  We have the answers that people need and are looking for -- with God's help and strength we must be actively winning souls into God's kingdom.

    However this is exciting and encouraging as we see so many of the prophecies of Jesus and the prophets being fulfilled in our days.  So we look up with joy when we see all these terrible things happening just as Christ had predicted before he returns.

  12. Q4. (John 5:36-37) According to John’s Gospel, what is the value of miracles? 

    Miracles are a sign given by God to authenticate the ministry of the missionary


    What is the weakness of faith that depends solely on miracles?

    Faith comes by hearing in hearing from the word of God...  Faith built on miracles can become pure subjective froth...  but can lead to a deep and real faith.


    Why do you think that we don’t have more miracles in our day?  We do have many miracles on our mission fields where Christ is not known.  These add power and authenticate the witness of the missionaries.  Back home there is a church on every block and everybody's got a Bible.  But God still gives special signs and miracles when he decides.  I have written a book called 'Miracles in a Missionary's Life'  listing and detailing many amazing miracles witnessed by myself and others of our team on the mission fields.  God is alive -- he has not changed -- his power is unfathomable.  If God can raise the dead he can do anything .. Amen  


    How much is that dependent upon a congregation’s attitude (and unbelief) towards the importance of modern-day miracles?

    Unbelief is sin in God's eyes and can block his special work on miracles.  But God is sovereign and he can do as he chooses when he chooses and he often surprises us.. Praise His name.

  13. Q2. (John 4:9-15) Jesus’ words to the woman in verses 10-13 seem to imply that all people are spiritually thirsty. What has been your experience? Does the woman seem spiritually thirsty at this point? What caused her deep thirst to surface? What does this teach us about our own witness?


    I think it was St Augustine who said "our souls will find no rest until we find our rest in thee".  It's like we all run around with a hole in our hearts.   We need an operation to fix it and the only cure is Jesus.

    Life has no ultimate meaning or purpose without drinking on the living water that Jesus gives.  
    For me I was a party boy student booze parties at night and in the bars during the day.  Flunking all my exams ...  Didn't know my mother or father and looking for meaning and purpose for my life...  And then I met Jesus at a Billy Graham crusade in Wellington.  

    I was walking 6 feet above the ground for months after that.  I carried a pocket Bible around in my back pocket and all my old buddies were so challenged by that.  It's like Jesus filled that hole in my heart.  And he has ever since and that was sixty years ago now.  Praise the Lord for Billy Graham and all other evangelists proclaiming our wonderful Saviour Jesus Christ.  

    I think the woman was rather defensive when Christ started talking to her.  It was after he mentioned her five husbands that her mask was thrown aside and her true thirsty needs were revealed.   

    We need to be bolder in the way we witness.  Like Paul, 'not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God to salvation for all who believe'.  Proclamation involves a presentation of the message of salvation with an opportunity given for people to respond.  
    Right now is our only chance to witness for Christ.... In heaven it will be too late.
    Blessings on you all.    

  14. Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? What does it teach us about God? What does it teach us about salvation? Since “entering eternal life” is a synonym for “entering the Kingdom of God,” what does this verse teach us about our destiny?

    This verse tells us that God; the greatest giver in all creation,

    so loved; the greatest love ever known.

    The world;  the greatest number of people receiving the gift.

    that HE gave, the greatest giver, 

    his only son;  the greatest gift ever known to man. 

    We should have everlasting life;  the greatest life and most precious gift that we could ever receive.

    The Messiah came and delivered this message to a lost creation  ... opening the door of heaven for the first time in history by being himself the gift that made it all possible....  Hallelujah what a Saviour. 

  15. Q1. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not?


    I just love reading the replies from all the members.  There is such a depth of love, devotion and understanding amongst us and I thank the Lord for each person.  Some are saying however the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom... I'm not sure I agree with that.  Certainly you have to enter it through a spiritual transformation by committing to follow Christ and thus be filled with the Holy Spirit. .

    But I see the true Kingdom of God is a place where God reigns and is King...  And of course when Christ comes in glory to reign on earth he will establish his kingdom.  A real kingdom...  but there is a final greater Kingdom.  


    Eventually after all the events of the Apocalypse we will have a new heavens and a new earth .. The heavenly kingdom which is to come..  Is a real place a new heavens and new earth where God reigns.  I can't wait for that  : )

    Here's another interesting thought today:  we are NOT mortal beings traveling through this world seeking a spiritual experience.  Rather we are spiritual beings traveling through this world of pain on our way to our final destination.

    This recognizes that the REAL me is a spiritual being destined to live for ever ...  AND we will know each other in Heaven having new bodies like our Lord's.

    Doesn't that put a different slant on everything.  Blessings on you all -Denis, New Zealand -     


  16. Jesus and the wedding...  Isn't it so good to see Jesus our saviour and Lord was on a mission to save the whole world with only  3 years available for him, taking time out to go to a wedding with his friends.
    I have so much enjoyed reading comments of my friends in this forum and am constantly nodding my head saying to myself yes this is me to.  I'm too busy with my own agenda to take the time of day to meet with friends and with people I don't know yet. 

    Thank you everybody for such precious input and I'm praying that each one of us will grow stronger in our relationships with friends as we learn from this.
    God bless you each one with many friends and time to spend with them and may he help me to do the same ...


    A Question:   Can someone please remind me:  How do we insert the quote at the top of the lesson into our response?  I used to know  but I've forgotten... Many thanks


  17. To help you internalize and apply what you’re learning from John’s Gospel, I’ve included several Discussion Questions in each lesson. These are designed to help you think about and ponder the most important points. Don’t skip this. It’s best to write them out. You can post your answers – and read what others have written – by going to the online forum by clicking on the URL below each question. (Before you can post your answer the first time, you’ll need to register. You can find instructions at http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/instructions.htm

    Q1. (John 1:1-3) According to the Apostle John, is Jesus fully God? What does it mean that Jesus is the “Word”? What does this say about him and his ministry?

  18. Q4. (John 1:14) Why is the idea of God “becoming flesh” so important to the basis of the Christian faith? What would Christ’s life, crucifixion, and resurrection mean if he were only pretending to “become flesh”? In what ways have you personally experienced his grace? In what ways has his truth changed your life from what it was?


    After serving in many countries I have seen that people living where our God is not known; live in constant and great fear of 'angry gods' and the spirits of their ancestors, or ghost etc.  God made Himself real and visible to us in Jesus our Lord.  As Paul said 'We have seen him', John said 'we have seen His glory'.  Jesus dispelled all superstitions and fears by coming and showing us the truth, of what God is like... and that He loves us and has a great future for each of us. 


    I have experienced His grace in so many ways; big and small.  Every day as I inhale a breath of fresh air I thank Him for giving me this day AND for abiding with me and in me today through His Holy Spirit.  I know He will guide, help and strengthen me for the battles of this day... I guess there is so much more.


    My life has been turned upside down by His grace, love and mercy. He has healed me of so many issues from my childhood and continues to give me His confidence and strength for each day. I am His child; my value and identity is in Him -- not the opinions of others .   Sinful habits don't have the same hold on me and as I get older they diminish even more -- praise the Lord. (but they are always still around!)

    Now I write children's adventure books to help kids learn to trust their heavenly Father too (www.denisshuker.com)

    Love and blessings to all ... 

  19. Q1. (John 1:1-3) According to the Apostle John, is Jesus fully God? What does it mean that Jesus is the “Word”? What does this say about him and his ministry?


    I love the opening verse of John's Gospel.  As Pastor Ralph says; 'In the Beginning' is a direct link with Genesis 1:1  Jesus was there in the beginning.  'In the beginning was the Word.'  The word;  'was'  is in the present continuous meaning something that has been and continues to be.  Isn't that beautiful. Our Lord Jesus was there the and continues to be with us NOW.  Praise His name.


    What does this say about him and his ministry?

    Jesus Christ was God walking amongst us on earth, he limited himself and took on the form of a man (Colossians 2) He was God's full revelation to us and final sacrifice for the sins of all humanity... For those who turn to him for salvation.  His ministry demonstrated the presence and power of God through his wisdom and his miracles.  Thomas got it right. "My Lord and my God."  I stood on a hill in India where Thomas was martyred for this faith.

    I like new newbies comment - I can't understand the Trinity.  I agree, I don't think any of us can fully understand the Trinity – it's a mystery revealed in God's word but is difficult for us to fathom with our limited minds.  For that matter none of us can really understand God either.  To fully understand God we would have to be God ... And that's plainly impossible.  We can only understand God as much as He has revealed himself to us for he is way outside our comprehension. 

    Just look at the cosmos that He put together .  I'm thinking the whole universe was created just to make a place for a little planet called Earth ... andl this to make a place for his chosen people to live...  Blows my mind.  some have said: To try and understand the Trinity think of water exists in 3 different forms: liquid, ice, and steam ... So God has revealed his fullness in three dimensions of His being.  However I'm thinking, any analogy falls far short of the glorious reality of God because he is so far beyond our comprehension.. 


    Although the term Trinity is not used in the Bible there is evidence of the Trinity of God throughout the Bible (the threefold nature of God) Father, Son and Holy Spirit, right from the beginning. In Genesis Ch1.: the Spirit of God hovered over the waters.  God said let us make man in OUR (plural)  image.  ...  Blessings on you all. --  kiwidenis

  20. Q1. (Luke 17:21)

    The kingdom of God was present in the ministry of Jesus because of the presence of the KING -- Jesus, the King of glory was present - walking this dusty earth that HE had created ... Amazing and awe-inspiring. we remember with joy that this King is coming again to rule ... Hallelujah.

    In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus?

    the kingdom of God is the reign and rule of God... Present in Jesus by the power of God the Holy Spirit ... demonstrated in power by the miracles -- the signs Jesus performed to demonstrate the authenticity of the power of God in him.

    In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today?

    The Kingdom of God is present today by the presence of God the Holy Spirit living and ruling in the lives of HIS people. we are his mouth, his hands his feet... not only servants of the King, but also a Royal Priesthood ... members of the royal family ... reigning on earth by the power of his Holy Spirit ... and one day we will reign with him in glory. Believe it ... This is true ... we must live as sons and daughters of the King serving and obeying Him now as we have time ... looking for his coming when he will usher in the fullness of his kingdom as he returns as King of glory to reign. Hallelujah

  21. Q1. (Matthew 6:24) Jesus seems to make it sound like you can’t seek wealth and God simultaneously. Does he really mean this? Is this hyperbole? Figurative? Literal? Can wealthy people serve God in actual fact?

    After being in business for 25 years -- I have been serving as a missionary the last 20 years ... Part of my work has been traveling our homeland country raising financial support for missionaries. I think I'll seen it all. As I reflect on our Lords lifestyle and teaching I notice: 1.He lived simply and did not covet power or money (these are often associated with each other). 2.He did not have a top salary position -- rather he was a servant and apparently was broke most of the time! He had to perform a miracle using a fish, to pay the temple tax - which indicates he wasn't carrying any money with him -- and there were no credit cards!

    Jesus teaches us that money is a powerful god and will easily enslave us! he warns us that anything that becomes more important in our lives than obeying and serving our Lord -- for us is sin and must be repented of or it will draw us away from serving the Lord. Money represents prestige, power and control. Those who have much money have the power to rule over others and call the shots. This is the worlds agenda … money is something everybody wants more of and the more you have the more you want. If only we had the same attitude towards Jesus! Interestingly the most miserable people I have met have invariably been wealthy.

    we must be careful to note that it's not the money but the love of money that is the problem and I praise God for the many wealthy businessman and other rich benefactors of the Lord's work who give large sums of money regularly to support the Lord's work and help send the gospel out into all the world.

  22. Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John’s action and the Messiah’s action? What is the point of difference?

    John's baptism is given still under the old covenant(Old Testament) system ... Jesus came to initiate God's new covenant with mankind -- viz. the Kingdom of God was here because of the presence of the King. The baptism of Jesus gives is a sign of the new covenant of the Kingdom of God which includes the presence of God the Holy Spirit in new and exciting ways in our lives. Praise the Lord! We are thus not only baptized by water -- but also receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as well as John foretold ... This was not the normal case under the Old Covenant where repentance was the Main issue.

    Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit?

    Paul commands us to be "led by the Spirit ... (Rom 8:14) And "live in the Spirit" ... he also says "it is no longer I who lives but Christ lives in me"(Gal 2:20) This is not possible unless we are constantly filled and saturated by the Holy Spirit in us.

    I believe strongly that this should be the desire for all Christians -- and our goal -- most of us very conscious of how far we fall short in this -- we live in a fallen world and will not be all God plans for us to be until we are made perfect in His presence.

    What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it?

    Known sin in our lives is the greatest impediment to being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is vital that we should be daily cleansed from all sin by confessing all sins to God daily and asking him to fill us anew with the power of the Holy Spirit to live each day for Him and his glory. This is my daily prayer -- I believe the closer we get to God the more conscious we are all the things in our lives that are displeasing to him. God bless you :)

  23. Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

    How can anybody truly become a Christian without repenting of all their sins that helped nail Jesus the Lord to the cross? It is a humbling experience to learn that we don't have all the answers ... That we need to kneel before the cross and ask God's forgiveness and cleansing from all the things in our lives that are offensive to His holy name. If somebody claims to be a Christian without coming to the cross in repentance I would doubt the truth of their claim. We cannot come to God except through Christ claiming his sacrificial death on the cross as payment for the debt of sin we owe him ... There is no other way. Certainly the Apostles believed this ... some relevant verses from God's word --

    "But your sins have separated you from your God." Isaiah 59:2.

    "When the people heard this (Peter's sermon) they were cut to the heart and asked ... what shall we do? Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ ..." Acts 2:37-38

    Paul said "... God's kindness leads to repentance. But because of your stubbornness and unrepentant heart you are storing up wrath for the day of God's wrath when His righteous judgment will be revealed." Rom 2:5 - this verse says it all. I cannot guess what the percentage would be ...

    God's blessings on you all - kiwidenis

  24. Q1. (1 John 2:29-3:2) In what sense are we "children of God"? What does the Holy Spirit have to do with this "new birth"? How does the new birth change us?

    We have been adopted into God's family WOW !!!! accepted in Christ as son's and heirs - co-heirs with Christ. what blessings are ours. This is a legal transaction made for us by Christ through His sacrifice and resurrection.

    The Holy Spirit is God's stamp of ownership on us (Ephesians 1:12) He is our foretaste of the glory that is to come (1 Cor 6:19, 2 Cor1:21) We belong to Jesus Christ through the renewing of our spirits by God's Holy Spirit we have been born again into His family. Change? This depends on our willingness to trust and obey our Lord... if we do this HE will change us more and more through the power of His Spirit living within us.

    blessings - kiwidenis

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