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Posts posted by pegilee

  1. I believe it is because we so often might forget that He is there to pray to and battle for us. "The Battle is the Lords" means to me that once we have prayed and asked Him to care for us and help us with whatever, He must have to battle in His own mind, just how He should answer us. If we give Jesus the freedom, which He already has, to help us, we should never command Him to do what we ask of Him. God is always on our side, however, the answer we want or seek from Him, might not be to our advantage, so at times, He answers "no".

  2. David was upset and angry about Goliath's taunt, because, Goliath kept insulting the people and he was making fun of the army of the living God. Eliab was upset with David because he thought David was being nosy, etc. He even asked him what he was doing there. He thought David only came to watch the fighting. David was obedient to a calling from Saul. He came at his beckoning and offered to go and fight Goliath, as she felt that Goliath was only trying to turn the people into cowards. David told Saul that as he watches his sheep, when a wild animal tries to attack them, he kills them, thus he felt he must kill Goliath. Eliab was a haughty man.

  3. I believe by listening to God's voice and listening carefully, we learn how to do what Jesus would want us to do. If we listen carefully, He actually audibly speaks to us and tells us what we need to do. If we listen to Jesus with an open heart and mind, then we can discern and make the decisions we need to make...........God teaches us how to discern, by listening to Him........To listen to the Spirit, we need to put all else out of our minds and thoughts, and really listen for Jesus to speak to us, with His still small voice.

  4. Rebellion is when you rebel against something, and you don't want to do it. I know I have rebelled in the past when Jesus gave me an answer to a request, and I thought it was not correct.......shame on me. We should never rebel against God.

    Witchcraft to me is when one tries to not obey what Jesus wants us to do, and do it our way. This can be very detrimental.

    If we find rebellion in our hearts against God, we must repent and ask forgiveness from Jesus, so that we do not hinder our daily and momentary walk with Him. If we choose to do nothing, we definitely rebel against Jesus and this can cause us further problems.

  5. Q2. (2 Corinthians 5:18-20) How have we humans been reconciled to God? What did God do so that reconciliation could take place? In what sense are you an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God? In what sense are you a Minister of Reconciliation for Jesus Christ?

    Because of Christ's propitiation, His satisfaction of God's righteous demands, God is able to turn toward us. He has made us new creatures in Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, or a change of relation from enmity to peace. We have the privilege of telling others that they can be reconciled to Him, as well. God placed our sins on Christ. The word of reconciliation that righteousness that has been entrusted to us is to tell all people that God wants to restore them to a relationship with Himself. This is the Good News that everyone needs to hear. Ambassadors are more than messengers. They are representatives of a sovereign God who sent them.God has given us, His Ambassadors, a message of Peace and of reconciliation. Our mission is to implore people to be reconciled to God, and to listen to the forgiving voice of our Creator, Jesus.

  6. Q2. (Luke 1:34) In what way does Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel's declaration differ from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined?

    Mary did not ask for a sign, so this remark does not reflect unbelief. She accepts her role without question in VS 38, and thus is a model of faith even though she does not fully understand everything. The work of God in Mary introduces something unknown before or after: the birth into the human race of One who is both God and man. She was rewarded because she obeyed.

    zacharias expresses his doubt and asked for a sign, a lack of faith that is addressed in VS 64 and 65. Zacharias completely ignored the divine source of the promise and the angelic messenger who delivered it. He was unworthy and did not obey.

  7. Q1. (Luke 1:31-34) What did the angel's announcement say about who Mary's Child was and who he was to become?

    That His name would be Jesus and He would save His people from sin, by dying on the cross, in our stead. He would be called "the Son of the Highest." The highest is another way of referring to the majesty of God. Mary pondered these things and wondered how could these things be...Mary did not ask for a sign, so she was not unbelieving. She accepts her role without question and thus is a model of faith even though she does not fully comprehend and understand everything. The work of God in Mary introduces something unknown before or after: the birth into the human race of One who is both God and man.

  8. Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:16-17) What does verse 17 teach us about the nature of a new believer? What changes in a person when he puts his faith in Christ? Why don’t old habits disappear immediately if everything has become new?

    VS.17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, "old things have passed away; behold all things have become new. Because believers are united with Jesus both in His death and resurrection, they participate in the new creation. That is, they receive the benefits of being restored by Christ to what God had originally created them to be. A believers life should change because he or she is being transformed into the likeness of Christ. Old habits don't disappear immediately, unless it is a miracle. It took a long time to form these habits, and it sometimes takes time to get rid of them. As a new babe in Christ, we can and should strive to live as Christ would want us to do.

  9. Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:10-11a) How does Paul’s mention of the Judgment Seat of Christ fit the context here? How should our belief that we Christians will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to be judged for our works affect (1) our desire to please him? (2) Our motivation to persuade people to receive Christ?

    For we must all stand before Christ to be judged. We will each receive whatever we deserve for the good or evil we have done in our bodies. It is because we know this solemn fear of the Lord that we work so hard to persuade others. Gof knows we are sincere, and I hope you know this, too.

  10. Q1. (2 Corinthians 4:1-2) How do questionable ethics and ministry practices hurt the work of Christ? What is Paul’s alternative in verse 2b?

    God in His mercy has given us thi wonderful ministry; we never give up. We reject all shameful and underhanded methods. We do not try to trick anyone, and we do not distort the Word of God. We tell the truth before God, and all who are honest know that.

  11. Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer?

    If the Good News we preach is veiled from anyone, it is a sign that they are perishing. Satan, the god of this evil world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe, so they are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News that is shining upon them. They don't understand the message we preach about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. Not many will find Christ without intercessory prayer.

  12. Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? What does the clay jar represent? What does the treasure represent? What’s the paradox here?

    This light and and power in the precious treasure will now shine within us. It i held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own.

  13. Q4. (2 Corinthians 4:8-12) How does it encourage you to know that Paul went through tremendous stress and pressure? What effect did these sufferings have on the way people could see Christ in Paul? Why is pain necessary to spiritual growth? How does our pain allow others to assess our authenticity as Christians?

    It says to me that he got up and went on even though he was under stress and pressure, which is what we, as Christians, should also do...............they could see how a person who was a Christian would react in these times of trouble. If we didn't have pain of some sort, whether physical or mental, etc., we probably would not look to Jesus for His love and help. If others see us suffering in pain, whatever kind it is, and living with and for Christ even though we are hurting, they will see Christ in us and hopefully want this same life.

  14. I'm sure I will go through times of stress & pressure again and again, we know that suffering is part of our walk with God.

    People can see God in us when we respond to our trials in a godly manner. Pain was a necessary ingredient in Jesus' life on earth; pain will be ours too. People will see Jesus in us when we welcome trials and respond the way Jesus did. We will be honored to suffer with Him. We may be really down, but not out--we are not hopeless!

  15. Q2. (2 Corinthians 5:6-8) How do Paul’s words comfort you when you consider your death? What do Christians believe happens when we die? What will happen to us if we die before Christ returns? What will happen to us when Christ returns?

    I know that if I live my life for Christ and for Him alone, then I know when I die, I will be in Heaven with Him. Christians believe and know that when they die, they will go Home to be with Jesus. If we die before Christ returns, our body or shell will lay in the grave and on Resurrection Day, we shall meet Him in the sky. He will take us to Heaven to live with Him.

  16. Q3. (2 Corinthians 5:7) What does it mean to walk by faith, not by sight? Why can’t nonbelievers understand this kind of living? What aspects of your life are guided by your senses rather than by your faith? How can you bring a faith perspective into these areas?

    Walking by faith, not by sight means we live by believing and not by seeing. Non believers cannot understand this type of living because they don't know what they believe in.......I go strictly on faith. One must have faith before they can totally believe, and then they believe what they see, so it is important that we live our lives in Christ, only.

  17. Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here?

    Our bodies are like tents in a sense........when a tent is up, it can be torn down. Our bodies can be torn down with illnesses and sickness, but one day we will all have a beautiful body, if we have surrenedered to Christ.

  18. Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here?

    Our bodies are like tents in a sense........when a tent is up, it can be torn down. Our bodies can be torn down with illnesses and sickness, but one day we will all have a beautiful body, if we have surrenedered to Christ.



    We fix our eyes not onwhat is seen, but on what is unseen. For wht is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. Theological word is sanctify. Yes, I feel I have noticed a big change in the degree glory because I am a much stronger Christian, now and my whole and true devotion is to Christ, on a momentary basis.............

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