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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Jesus Walker

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Posts posted by Jesus Walker

  1. Reconciliation, as it relates to Romans 5, means turning our relationship with God from hostility to friendship. We are being saved everyday from out transgressions. And praise God because He know I commit them.

    Jesus is sanctifying and purifying our souls everyday so that we may enter the presence of God. And not only so, Christ is also interceding on our behalf to God. Thank you Jesus for watching out for me.

  2. We should rejoice in our sufferings because it produces perseverance, hope & character, as well as the fruits of the Spirit. Perseverance means to never quit despite any obstacle. Never to quit because of hope. The hope of eternity and that we will one day share in God's glory. These obstacles will shape our character by giving us self control, patience, righteousness....well you get the picture.

  3. Abraham's faith brought justification for his righteousness before Yahweh. Our faith in Jesus Christ brings us peace. A peace that gives hope. Our faith in Jesus gives us access and the privilege to approach the throne of God with praise, thanksgiving and prayer.

    Justification means to me that Christ Jesus has paid for my sins so that I may be pure enough to enter the very presence of God Himself.

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