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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by MichaelT

  1. Q1. (Daniel 1:1~5) Have you ever made a rapid transition between your customary and a new and radically different culture? What did it feel like? Were you able to take your faith with you, or did it fade to the background during this time?


    Yes, I work as a hospital administrator and 5 years ago, with the exception of me the entire administrative team was let go and a new administrative team was put in place.  I had worked for my employer for 23 years and had to adjust to new leadership.  This new team is led by a homosexual CEO and all new administrative hires are gay.  The culture is very different from anything I have ever experienced. Gay and Female is the new "affirmative action" preference. I am very much an outsider because I refuse to acquiesce to any of the gay rights banter that has become prevalent,  I feel like a foreigner but my faith has not wavered.

  2. hell my name is Michael Thompson and I live in the suburbs of our nation's capital in Mitchellville, MD.  I have not participated in one of Dr. Wilson's bible studies in 4 or 5 years but have always found them enriching.  I am looking forward to deepening my relationship with the Lord thru this study on the book of Daniel.

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