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Posts posted by Annielou

  1. I think we avoid talking about death because we don't want to offend or frighten others, such as children. There also seems to be an unspoken fear or superstition that by talking about death we might actually bring it on. Perhaps if we all saw our bodies as a "tent" it would not be so fearsome. Because to see our bodies as a "tent" is to recognize that they are just the "outer layer," a "shell." Our true self is the spirit man within. It is this spirit man that is eternal and will go to be in the presence of Jesus when our earthly bodies expire. We will shed these earthly bodies and go on to our true calling. Just as Peter talked of his "departure" or "exodus" so we too will go on to the promised home that Jesus has prepared for us. "Home" is afterall, where we all belong.

  2. If we are hurt by someone the Word tells us to go and make that right. If we avoid them by missing church then we are only delaying what God wants to do through us and we are hurting ourselves. A reconciliation cannot take place if we avoid confrontation. And if we are not seeking reconciliation then we are putting ourselves outside of God's will. Maturity comes when we exercise our faith and seek to do God's will and not what just makes us comfortable.

  3. I gain my strength daily from bible study and prayer. When I change my routine my relationship with God suffers. I find myself trying to minister to others out of my "knowledge" of God rather than my "experience" of Him.

    The first and most important thing I do to open my spirit to God's Spirit is to isolate myself. I go to a quiet place. I don't live in a large house so in order to find this quiet place I usually have to get up in the morning before anyone else is awake.

    Also, if I have my devotional time at the same time each day then I am least likely to forget.

  4. Trick question! Are any of these virtues easy? NO! Sometimes I think that brotherly kindness is easier to move in because I know what I ought to do, but am I "performing" what is expected of me or am I letting the Spirit operate through me? The mask slips on so easily and I can appear like the "perfect Christian", but I know differently.

    Just like the fruits of the Spirit, all of these virtues are a gift that require the power of the Holy Spirit. I can not possess these virtues outside of his power enabling me. By faith and by his grace I strive to move in all of them. :)

  5. Hi, my name is Anne. I am a pastor's wife from Texas. It is often difficult for me to be seen as "just like everybody else" so I welcome this opportunity to study and be able to exchange insights with others. :)

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