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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

miss peggy wilson

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Posts posted by miss peggy wilson

    Q2. (1:15-16) In your own words, how would you define "holiness"? In what sense are you (by definition) holy now? In what sense must you be obedient in order to become holy? What is your biggest struggle with holiness?

    Holiness is described as being sanctifed, separated and set aside aside to reflect God's characteristics in our lives. I am holy because the Christ in me is sustaining me from living the former life I use to live. Everyday I am reminded of the blood Christ shed for me and strive to live the life that is pleasing to Him.

    My biggest struggle is reminding myself not to let the enemy control my thoughts and think thoughts that God is pleased with. It is a constant struggle when there is so much evil in this world. When that happens I go to the word of God and read and meditate and remember the Holy Spirit living on the inside of me.

  1. Q1. (1:13) What about Christ's coming should get our undivided attention? Why should it inspire hope? Why should it inspire self-control and soberness? What happens in our lives when we don't really expect Christ to come soon?

    This life here will finally be over and I will be able to meet God face to face. Oh the joy of God's promises will soon be here. My time with God has finall arrived and Salvation has manifested at last.(2) We will go to that eternal place God has provided for us (3) To prepare mentally for the ordeal ahead and to get serious for what lies ahead and to think about the time when Christ is revealed. (4) We continue to live the life of those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as Savior.

  2. Q5. (1:8-9) According to 1 Peter 1:8-9, what is the basis of Christian joy that is "inexpressible and glorious"? How does this joy interplay with human emotions? Is it essentially emotional? How does it differ from what is generally regarded as the pursuit of "happiness"? Extra Credit: How can you tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit?

    Just knowing that over two thousand years ago that God loved me enough to give his son and His Son gave his life so I could have eternal life. That He prepared me a place in Heaven while I was going to be born as a sinner. He

    loved me before I was conceved in my mother's womb. What joy the Father's has put in my spirit seeing just how much he loved me. One day I will be abe to share in that eternal life with him.(2) This is a feeling in the Christian's spirit that cannot be expressed in words.(3) This joy is given by God Himself.(4) This joy is everlasting and it will never fade

  3. Q4. (1:6-7) Can you remember any instances in which God used difficult circumstances to refine and purify your faith? What did God accomplish in your life? How, exactly, does genuine, tested faith bring glory to Jesus?

    I can think of a lot of times I've had to go through the refiners fire. I was stricken with a disease caled transverse Myelitis (Spinal disease) in 2002. I was also stricken with Sarsodosis (lung disease) at the same time. Two major chronic diseases. I was in the hospital and rehab for 7 months. With hardly any family to depend on I had to depend on God. My sufferin caused me to truly put my faith in Him and trust Him nd in this situation I learned to trust God more than ever to believe in Him like never before. I rejoiced in my sickness because i know God was doing a major work in my life. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God would bring me through and He did and that has caused a major change in my life. God is magnified in my life daily and I never forget how He brought me out. I just can't thank Him enough and now my faith is stronger than it has ever been.

    God accmplished obedience, trust and faith and confidence in Him in my life.I was able to face thse situations and still trust God that it was Him that kept me through it all and be able to tell others my testimony of what believing and having faith in God can do. If God takes you to it He will take you through it. Bless His holy name.

  4. Q3. (1:5) According to 1 Peter 1:5, what is God's part in securing your salvation? What is your part?

    We are kept by God's power bcause of the faith we have placed in Him. Our eternal security is not based on the faith in men but, on the faithfulness of God. We are being saved daily through (santification); and will be saved completely when Christ return. My part is to keep trusting until He somes

  5. Q2. (1:2) Why do forgiveness (sprinkling) and obedience come together as a package? Why is it deceptive to think you can have one without the other? Extra credit: If true faith requires obedience, how can we say that we are saved by grace rather than works? (Ephesians 2:8-10)

    Forgiveness and obedience goes hand in hand. We cannot effective followers of Jesus Christ unless we are obedient to His word.Forgiving one another is a command from God.

    If we think we can be obedient to God only and not forgiving one another we are only deceiving ourselves. We didnot and cannot save our selves We ae saved by grace through faith which is a gift from God. Our works will never be good enough to save us this gift comes strictly from God. True faith cause us to be obedient in every way. True faith causes us to trust and obey and forgive regardless of the circumstances.

  6. Q1. (1:1) How would you describe the behavior of a Christian who identifies more with his present homeland than his heavenly one? Have you ever caught yourself doing this? What has to happen to get our spiritual priorities straight? One who has not fully understood the real meaning of what a home with God really is. Their priorities indicate that earthly things are more valuable that that which is spiritual. I have caught mysefl doing it a lot. But getshocked back into reality. Nothing in this world can compare to what God has in store for us in heaven. Spiritual bankruptcy

  7. Q4. (Judges 8:4-17) Why do the cities of Succoth and Peniel refuse aid to Gideon's army?Why does Gideon punish these cities later? What is their sin? Is Gideon just? Can you think of a circumstance when a Christian might be guilty of the sin of Succoth and Peniel?


    (1) They felt since Gideon didnot use them in the battle it was not there responsibility to provide food for the three hundred he did use. Victory had already been given to Gideon by God. There was fear in them thinking that by chance if Gideon lost the battle they would become the next victim. God use whom He chooses to do what He wants.When He does the battle is already won. (2)He punished them for their lack of support for those whom God had appointed to fight the battle.He could not stop the war to fight against those who refused to supply food for those that were fighting.(3) Their sin was coveting those used in battle (4) Yes Gideon is a man of valor.

    (4) when we don't listen and obey the voice of one whom God has put in authority over us.

  8. Q3. (Judges 8:10-12) Why must Gideon vanquish the Midianite force of 15,000 men in Karkor? What danger do we face when we deal with problems only half-way?

    God had set a time,place and a way for for his assignmets to be carried out. He alone knows whats best for us, obedience and trust is the major factor in our relationship with God. Defeat and failure will certainly be visited upon us.

  9. I'm glad you've signed up for the Gideon study. Please tell us something about yourself.

    I'm the director of the study, Ralph F. Wilson. I'm the Ministry Development Pastor at Community Covenant Church, Rocklin, California. I have been developing online Bible studies since 1996.

    I am one that loves The Lord and a strong desire to know more of him. I live in phoenix AZ

  10. I'm glad you've signed up for the Gideon study. Please tell us something about yourself.

    I'm the director of the study, Ralph F. Wilson. I'm the Ministry Development Pastor at Community Covenant Church, Rocklin, California. I have been developing online Bible studies since 1996.

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