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Heart for God

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Posts posted by Heart for God

  1. Q1. (1 Timothy 4:1-2) Why does Paul remind Timothy (and the church) of predictions concerning widespread apostasy? What effect should this knowledge have on his ministry and the church's perception of the situation?

    Paul warns Timothy about the widespread apostasy because it was going to happen. I believe that God showed Paul that it would happen.

    It saddens me to know that it is still happening today. In churches people are required to live by the rules and laws made by man and not those of our Lord. They make these laws to control their people rather teaching them to live "free" in Christ. Whom the Son has set free is free indeed.

    I believe these are leaders who were placed in positions of authority without have to deal with issues from their past which still affect the way they treat others. This is truly a falling away as they do not show the Love of Jesus... unconditional love.

    In the end times it says that people will be lovers of themselves. I believe that this is where people begin to fall away. They have lost their first Love.

  2. Q2. (1 Timothy 3:6, 10) Why should leaders be observed carefully and tested before placing them in office? What should you be looking for during this period?

    There are times when people are given a position of power or authority when they have not developed all the necessary qualifications for that position. Often pride enters in and relationalship problems begin with others. Being tested refines their character and motives. There are times when people seek positions of authority with motives which are for the fulfillment of some desire they have. When times of testing are being done one should look for someone who is humble, caring, loving and has total respect for the Lord and others. Their words should line up with their actions and they should be godly ones.

  3. :rolleyes: Q1. (1 Timothy 3:2-12) What kind of leader do you believe Paul is indicating for us with the phrase "husband of one wife"? Why is a leader's family an important indicator of leadership potential or problems?

    I believe that Paul is talking about faithfulness. If a man is faithful to God, he will be faithful to his spouse. If a man is not faithful to God and His Word, he lacks respect for the Lord. That unfaithfullness could affect his relationship with his spouse. God is to be the one and only focus in our lives and when that happens it flows through the rest of our relationships and actions towards others. We learn that we would not want to have our love divided between the things of this world and Him when He is orchestrating our lives.

    I believe that how a man conducts his home is how he conducts the other affairs of his life.

  4. Q5. (1 Timothy 2:11-15) How should Paul's instructions about women teaching and leading in the church be applied in the twenty-first century? How do you support your view?

    I am a women and I came to know the Lord in a very Charismatic Christian setting. I believe that Paul is right when he says that women should be submitted to their husbands.

    My experience has been that there are many gifted women who know and are able to teach; however, they need to be submitted to their husbands first. Above that they need to have Jesus in the center of their lives, then all outflowing from them will be "Christ Like".

    I have had several bad experiences where women tried to run the household and their ministries. The damage to their ministries caused division and harm to others. They become very controlling and hurting others spiritually and verbally.

    As someone who loves the Lord, my heart grieved for those women who tried to be the "head". This was not God's plan.

    I believe that Paul was right for that time. The culture of that day did not allow for women to learn, they were illiterate. Today that is not the case. Many women are very well educated both in the schools and in church. Therefore, if a woman is first submissive to God and her mate and when the priorities are right in her heart then her teaching is sound. This is truly a balance that is not easily met. As a woman we tend to be manipulative and authorative expecially if we are strong willed.

    Our hearts and minds must be submitted to the will of the Father first. Then to our mates. This makes for a unified and loving relationship to both. From that sound teaching can begin as the love in our hearts teaches others that submission is a strong character trait which releases the love of God.

  5. Q3. (1 Timothy 2:8). What problem among the men of the congregation is Paul referring to in this verse? What is so serious about worshipping with the opposite of love in your heart?

    God has always be concerned with the condition of our hearts. When we say one thing and feel another (with our heart) we are divided... Division is enmity against God. He desires unity, reconciliation, loving all, even those we have aught against. God will not listen or even hear prayers that come from this condition of the heart. He is not the focus when we act this way. He is not on the throne of our hearts... He is a jealous God and desires all of our hearts not just part of it. We can not fullfil our mission in life if we lack unconditional love in our hearts.

  6. Q3. (1 Timothy 1:17) What do we learn about God from this doxology? What do we learn about praise? Have you ever tried speaking out a doxology in your personal prayer or praise time? What effect does a doxology have on the speaker?

    When I begin to praise and glorify the Lord... I become very blessed. There is a joy that rises up within me as He is magnified my situation and problems are minimized.

    Praise the Lord God almighty.. Creator of Heaven and Earth. Nothing is impossible to those that believe.


  7. Q2. (1 Timothy 1:12-14) Why does Paul comment on his own life after a paragraph on the law (1:8-11)? Why does he share this with Timothy and the church that will read the letter? How might sharing this help get the church back on center?

    We are to follow the examples of our Leaders. Paul was telling the people that the only gospel is the gospel of Jesus. His life, death and resurection. We are to do the same. What has Jesus done for me that I must tell others. The early church grew when they shared about the gospel.... JESUS.


  8. Q1. (1 Timothy 1:3-7) What were some of the results of false doctrine in the church at Ephesus? How does doctrinal controversy hurt the spirit of a church? How does it prevent growth? How does it keep the church from its mission?

    When the Word of God is not being preached people begin to wander spiritually looking for their own answers to their questions. They begin to seek the advice of those who do not know or have not studied God's word. They begin to form their own options of what His Word says leading them to be prideful of their knowledge. They begin to talk with others leading those into deception or confusion. When we stray from the truth we stray from God's love, word and peace bringing division and strife among His people.

    There are many books that are on the christian markets that people read... they must learn to judge it agains God's Word or this leads to confusion and false doctrine. :unsure:

  9. The differences in individuals relating stories is relevant to their relationship and personal interest in the happenings of an event. Each person will have their point of view based on how they preceived things. The trauma experienced in the event... the vision of angels or angels... the fear... the loss of their Lord all play an important role as to what they were paying particular attention to in the whole scheme of things. The main points to remember are that Jesus was not in the tomb, his grave clothes were not there, angel(s) appeared with the story of the resurrection of our Lord and Jesus appeared to those whom He knew, close to or who would believe and tell others of His resurrection. If you listen to people tell stories all will capitalize on certain points.... however all their stories are true as the important points always get across to those who are listening. We have heard testimony again and again through the Word of God. This is a story believe and embrace. Jesus said to Thomas "Thomas because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed". I believe... do you? :D

    Do we tell others the story we believe today... that Jesus has risen? Food for thought....

  10. :) Hi Everyone,

    I have been a christian for 12 years. I am presently looking for a new church to attend. I love Easter. I is my favorite holiday. Jesus died for me! He Love me!

    I am 50 years of age. Divorced. I work for a Commercial Insurance Company called Marsh Canada Limited. I love my job and all the people I work with. They are great! My favorite things to do are walking, cooking, baking, reading and singing (in the shower of course).

    I am excited about this study. It is my favorite topic in the Word of God.


    To all


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