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Posts posted by jetpilot_dave

  1. The closer I walk with God, the easier it is to live a Godly, devoted life to Him. With the personal relationship I have with Christ, I can go through my day talking and praying about just about everything I do, like you are talking to a friend. It gives me such a blessing to know that he is there beside me everywhere I go.

    Every morning I do a reading and search for something that I can apply to my life for that day. I think that is very important. I haven't always done this, but since I have started each day in this manner, My walk with him seams so much stronger and temptations and evil desires are so much easier to overcome. REMEMBER...we are all still sinners saved by grace, and we will be tempted and sometimes even fall. BUT isn't it great to know that if all I have to do to mantain a closer walk with Him is to spend a measly half hour a day in His word, all that is so much easier.

    At the moment I am using this bible study each morning, and what a blessing. It is healping me to grow in Christ more and more each day. THANKS DR RALPH.



  2. I suppose goodness is the easiest if I had to pick one, because you can put in there some basic virtues that were instilled in me as a child. Although hard at times, I think most of us as beleivers would try to avoid things like lying, cheating, theft etc.

    Self control is the hardest for me as I learned some pretty bad habits over the years and it is one that I have struggled with for years. BUT...He is working on it and I do beleive he is making progress...PRAISE GOD!!! :D



  3. If satan knows what our "hot buttons" (or things we desire) are, he will attack us in that area making our desires seem not so selfish. That can cloud our faith and corrupt our lives if we toy wth temptation. Strong desire for God's will can build our faith. The desire for knowledge of God is like most things we love, we want to know more about Him. Evil desires are sin, and that conflicts with everything that God is about. Knowledge and a thirst for God will build our faith, while evil desires are there for the sole purpose of destroying our faith.

  4. Hi Everyone,

    I am Dave from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. I am looking forward to these bible studies and I would like to thatnk Dr Ralph for doing these lessons. I have been getting his newsletters for a couple of years now and decided that these lessons would really help me to grow in the Lord and get me more focused on daily bible study. Thanks Dr Ralph, your work is a real blessing. :)



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