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Posts posted by puros21

  1. What were Mary's options carrying a baby not her husbands?

    What kind of character did Joseph exhibt by deciding to divorce Mary quietly and leniently?

    Mary's options were not many. She probably would not have a husband if Joseph divorced her and she could have ended up being stoned for what would have been assumed as her actions. Life probably would have led her to prostitution or some menial work for her family except for one thing, she trusted in the Lord and believed He would provide for her.

    Joseph exhibited a strong character. He could have drug Mary's name thru the mud and ruined her life. The fact that he decided to divorce her discreetly and leniently shows that Joseph had a good heart to begin with. He lived in a time with which we are not familiar with. Obviously, Joseph was a man of God, for when receiving instructions from the angle, Joseph did not hesitate to carry out God's desires.

  2. As a son of a carpenter, Jesus would have learned several important lessons from Joseph:

    1. He would have learned carpentry skills

    2. Jesus would have learned business practices by watching his father

    3. Jesus would have learned that there are all types of people and how to deal with each one differently

    4. I think Jesus would have learned good morals from Joseph

    5. Joseph, I'm sure would have dealt with honesty with his son

    6. Joseph was obviously a religious person and would have taught Jesus the value of obeying God (did Jesus know who he was at an early age?????)

    7. Jesus would have learned the joy of accomplishing a project

  3. Mary was indeed blessed, she was most favored by God. Mary received the blessing of God because he trusted her to raise Jesus until he began his ministry. Just look at the women who have raised adopted children, they are considered to be the mother of those children because they devoted the time and energy into raising them. Mary was no different except that she was chosen by God to get Jesus to adulthood so he could begin his ministry so she was indeed the Mother of God. I think we are hesitant to exalt her as blessed among women because we know that no human is perfect.

  4. Mary's question was made in innocence. She wasn't doubting God or Gabriel, she was just a young teen who knew she was promised to Joseph and in her innocence wanted to know how this was to come about as she was to be a virgin until her wedding night. I think she may have felt some fear knowing what the repercussions could possibly be. With the innocence of a child she accepted the message God had sent to her.

    Zachariah's response was more one of disbelief and was put forth more along the lines of questioning and doubting what God could do. I think it was more like he was challenging God's Word.

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