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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Posts posted by Gil

  1. Why is believing that Jesus was God in the flesh so important?

    One of the implications of not believing that Jesus is God in the flesh is the idea that if Jesus was only a man, then we can model his piety, good works, love, etc. and be acceptable to God. Even if one accepts Cerinthus' position that the Spirit descended upon Christ for a time making Jesus divine, that could be interpreted to mean that one's "good" life will be rewarded with the bestowing of God's Spirit & divinity, instead of Isaiah's truth that "all our righteous acts are like filthy rags".

    Why doesn't Satan want us to believe that?

    As long as we think we can reach God through our own goodness, we really don't grasp the huge gulf between God's perfect purity and our fundamental self-centeredness, making it impossible to understand the concept of sin and our need for Jesus Christ's sacrificial payment. Satan definitely doesn't want us to understand or accept God's definition of sin.

    What are the implications of the fact that Jesus could live out his divine life in a human body like ours?

    As others in the forum have said, it's the sure knowledge that the Spirit we have inside us when we accept Jesus as Lord will give us the direction & strength to truly live as God wants us to. It's also immensely comforting to know that the God who created me truly understands what it means to be a human.

    What significance does it bring to the crucifixion and to the resurrection?

    The truth that Jesus is God and died on the cross for each of us shows His immense, almost incomprehensible love and the huge cost necessary to bring us into a relationship with God,a cost no man could ever pay. That Jesus is God and came to back life after dying demonstrates the power He has to fulfill all that He has promised us.

    What is the significance for your Christian life?

    When I remember to really think about how staggering it is that "my God should die for me", I'm overcome with gratitude that motivates me to continue living as He wants me to. His resurrection gives me hope that carries through terrible events, and reminds me of His limitless power--He has truly "overcome the world".

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